Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 191 The Killer is Coming [3rd update, please subscribe]

The Nine Secret Swords of God Slayer, an ancient secret treasure, can reach a height that the talisman treasure cannot reach.

The most important thing is that these nine small swords can kill the soul, cut the transformation into the Yang, and cut the six Yang gods.

In other words, there is no soul that it cannot kill.

Unfortunately, it can only be used to kill the soul, not the body. But even so, it is already a divine weapon.

A small silver pill can be exchanged for this set of "Nine Secret Swords of God Slayer", which is a huge gain for Zhuo Bufan.

For some reason, Zhuo Bufan suddenly wanted to thank Bai Su.

If it weren't for Bai Su's pursuit, he wouldn't have met Zu Lao, wouldn't have learned the soul-awareness spell, and wouldn't have gotten the "Nine Secret Swords of God Slayer".

This time of crossing has made Zhuo Bufan gain a lot.


It has been two days since Zu Jiuling took the silver pill. His complexion can be said to be getting better and better in the past two days.

The body that was about to decay and collapse has regained vitality.

His mortal body with broken meridians has begun to change quietly. The severed meridians have begun to connect and open up.

Next, Zu Jiuling only needs to wait for the meridians to be completely repaired and cultivate a physique suitable for cultivating immortals, then he can embark on the road of cultivating immortals.

Zu Jiuling, who has a soul in the Yuanshen realm, must be cheating all the way if he starts cultivating immortals.

Zhuo Bufan originally possessed the cultivation method of the mysterious body of life and death, but he did not dare to practice it on Zu Jiuling.

This pitfall method, which is a life-and-death struggle, will definitely harm Zu Jiuling if he practices it.

Fortunately, he is the venerable of the Talisman Temple. Whatever body training method he wants, the Talisman Temple can provide it, and Zhuo Bufan does not need to worry at all.

This day, Zhuo Bufan walked out of the Zu Mansion, bought some tonics for Zu Lao, and exchanged a ring for himself.

The talisman cast by the ring is the infinite talisman, a growth-type talisman. As the user's soul level increases, the space capacity created will increase.

Zhuo Bufan's first-level storage ring only has a storage area of ​​about one cubic meter, and it is almost full now.

He has been getting more and more treasures recently, and he needs a higher-level storage ring.

He came to the Fubao store and bought another four-level storage ring.

The capacity of the four-level storage ring reached 16 cubic meters, which is the size of a small warehouse, enough for Zhuo Bufan to use for a while.

After buying the storage ring, Zhuo Bufan saved a file by the way, and then transferred all the things in his original storage ring to the new one.

Then he went to the pharmacy and bought some tonic medicine.

Then he wandered around the street and bought some random things and stuffed them into the storage ring he just bought.

Most of them were food, and they were the food that Xiaomei specified to buy.

After all, with a storage ring as big as a warehouse, you can't waste space.

After an afternoon of digging, it was already sunset, the sun was setting, and there were fewer and fewer people on the street.

At dusk, Zhuo Bufan returned with a full load and walked alone on the street, ready to go home.

However, just as he was about to return to the ancestral mansion, he suddenly saw a dusty woman holding a black paper umbrella in her left hand, waiting quietly in the wind, right opposite him, at the end of the street.

The setting sun lengthened the figures of the two, and Zhuo Bufan's shadow fell at the feet of the other party.


Zhuo Bufan swallowed his saliva, and beads of sweat slid down his forehead.

"Here she comes, this woman, she's really here."

Bai Su, who was chasing Zhuo Bufan, came again.

It would be a lie to say that he was not nervous. Zhuo Bufan's little heart was now completely beating in his throat.

"How did you find me?"

Zhuo Bufan really wanted to know how Bai Su found him.

You know, he traveled through half of the world of immortal cultivation, from the Western Continent to the Eastern Continent. This is like finding a needle in a haystack, and it's harder than ascending to heaven. How did this woman do it?

Zhuo Bufan wanted to know, he really wanted to know

Zhuo Bufan even activated the soul-awareness spell, wanting to listen to the voice in Bai Su's heart.

However, when Zhuo Bufan used the soul-sensing spell to listen to Bai Su's spirit, he did find that the depths of this woman's soul were blank, calm and without any thoughts at all.

If she had to say that she had any thoughts, it would be a thought, to kill Zhuo Bufan.

"Damn it, I can't hear anything."

The other party had no emotional fluctuations, and even her spirit had no other thoughts. It was extremely pure, so pure that Zhuo Bufan's soul-sensing spell could not hear anything.

Facing Zhuo Bufan's question, this time, Bai Su said nothing.

She took action directly and clenched her right hand in the air.

A strong suction force that Zhuo Bufan could not escape at all instantly sucked Zhuo Bufan over.

Zhuo Bufan's body was once again suppressed by a terrible energy, unable to move, just like a toy, being manipulated by Bai Su at will.


Zhuo Bufan flew in front of Bai Shu and was tightly strangled by Bai Su's hand.

Those hands were very cold, like ice cubes, which froze Zhuo Bufan's throat so much that he couldn't even make a sound.

"This time, I won't let you escape again. You must die. This is my salvation."

Bai Su's cold voice reached Zhuo Bufan's ears.

"Nervous, nerve, disease!"

Zhuo Bufan gritted his teeth and chewed out three words.

The next second, Bai Su exerted a little force with her right hand, and Zhuo Bufan's body exploded instantly, turning into a bloody storm.


Zhuo Bufan, with his eyes black, came to the save space again, and then looked at the three save doors in front of him.

Now Zhuo Bufan's three save doors are:

Panlong Street Fubao Store, Xianghaizhibin (Yunmengjie), Mass Grave

Seeing the three save doors in front of him, Zhuo Bufan frowned slightly.

"Ah! It's also very distressing to be chased by a woman! And she is a woman with a psychopath."

"It seems that I can't stay in Panlong City anymore, so I can only say goodbye to my master."

"It's not a solution to run away like this, or I can run to the Fuzhu Temple and seek shelter! I can't beat this woman now, and if I go to the Fuzhu Temple, I will have the protection of the temple."

Zhuo Bufan thought about it, and finally decided to rush back to the Fuzhu Temple to seek protection.

So he pushed open the No. 1 save door in front of him again.

Zhuo Bufan returned to the time when he just came out of the talisman shop. He put the ring he bought on the middle finger of his right hand, and then frowned.

"It's about two o'clock in the afternoon now. The woman appeared at about six o'clock in the afternoon. There are still four hours. It's still time to escape now."

After reloading the file, Zhuo Bufan ran back to the Zu Mansion and met Zu Lao as soon as possible.

Then Zhuo Bufan said to Zu Lao without too much explanation.

"Master, I should say goodbye. Now your body has gradually recovered, and I have important things to do, so I won't stay long."

Zu Jiuling looked at Zhuo Bufan's firm eyes, nodded slightly, and said.

"Can you tell me where you are going?"

Zhuo Bufan said after listening.

"I want to go to the Talisman Temple first. The three talisman mechanisms in my Black Lord have been used up. I want to go to the Talisman Temple to ask the temple masters for some talismans."

"Well, we will have to part ways after we meet. Xiao Zhuo, without you, I might have passed away by now. I am very grateful to you. Please accept my greetings."

Seeing that the ancestor was about to perform the ceremony, Zhuo Bufan hurriedly helped him.

"Master, why do we have to go to this point? Didn't you say that you get the silver pill and I get the nine swords? We help each other and benefit each other."

"Don't worry, Master. I will visit you in Yunmeng Realm often. It's getting late. Take care. Goodbye!"

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