Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 192 Weird Fate [Fourth update, please subscribe]

Zhuo Bufan doesn't like nagging, not to mention that the witch is coming soon.

After saying goodbye to Zu Jiuling, he first ran to the dock to buy a flying boat talisman.

This flying boat talisman is four or five meters long, similar to Duan Xinghe's flying boat talisman.

Zhuo Bufan bought this talisman to escape.

However, a flying boat alone is not enough to escape.

You know, if you want to control a flying boat, you need to constantly consume soul power.

Zhuo Bufan had seen Duan Xinghe driving a flying boat, basically resting every two hours. He is now running for his life and has no time to rest.

So Zhuo Bufan needs another way to escape, a mount!

Zhuo Bufan put the flying boat talisman that he bought for 100,000 spirit stones into the newly expanded storage ring.

Then he ran to the mount market in the city and bought a cloud crane as a mount.

This cloud crane is very large, with a wingspan of more than six meters, and it has a good flying ability.

Zhuo Bufan did not bargain with the merchants. The crystal card he was using now was a huge sum of money applied for from the Fubao of Muxue City, which was 300,000 spiritual stones.

Zhuo Bufan applied for 300,000 spiritual stones in the name of research.

Once you become a venerable person, you can be so shameless. You can become a borer of the Fu Temple with a legitimate reason.

This Yunyou Crane cost nearly 80,000 spiritual stones. Zhuo Bufan bought this Yunyou Crane naturally for the purpose of escaping.

Let Yunyou Crane and Feizhou Fubao alternate back and forth. If Yunyou Crane is tired, then Zhuo Bufan will use Feizhou to escape.

Zhuo Bufan is tired, then he will ride Yunyou Crane to escape.

Zhuo Bufan's preparations are perfect.

Finally, Zhuo Bufan rode this excellent flying mount and left Panlong City without stopping.

Zhuo Bufan did not even take an hour to complete two large transactions.

The shipyard owner and the mount owner who traded with him hadn't met such a happy buyer for a long time. He kept his word and didn't bargain at all.

Less than three hours after Zhuo Bufan left Panlong City on Yunyouhe, the witch Bai Su came!

This woman who wanted to kill Zhuo Bufan, holding a black paper umbrella, came from the end of the distant sky like an autumn leaf, following the wind.

Then she slowly fell from the sky, like a fairy descending to the earth, floating to the ground.

However, when she landed, her eyes were closed, but her eyebrows were furrowed.

Then, Bai Su stretched out her right hand, her jade fingers were like green onions, and she counted with her fingers, and her brows were furrowed.

"It has changed again, why, why will the will of heaven change?"

"Isn't his fate in the will of heaven?"

There was some dust and blood on Bai Su's face, and her hair was not taken care of, and her black hair was messy and draped on her cheeks.

She was obviously a stunning beauty, but now she was dusty and unkempt, looking distressing.

Without her eyes, she naturally couldn't see what she looked like now.

In addition, she was so focused on hunting down Zhuo Bufan that she didn't care about her makeup at all.

People passing by her thought she was a homeless, poor girl living on the streets.

Bai Su had a headache!

Just like Zhuo Bufan couldn't see through her, she couldn't see through Zhuo Bufan either.

She really wanted to know what secrets Zhuo Bufan had that could keep escaping her calculations.

The Five Finger Xiaoyan Technique could deduce a certain fragment that would happen in the future.

That's why Bai Su was able to constantly capture Zhuo Bufan's location, because she could calculate where Zhuo Bufan would appear, even if Zhuo Bufan escaped to the ends of the earth.

But why did the other party disappear in advance every time she arrived at her destination, as if she knew she would come.

Bai Su couldn't figure it out, because her Five Finger Xiaoyan Technique had never failed so far.

But now, her Five Finger Xiaoyan Technique didn't work on Zhuo Bufan, and she met the most troublesome opponent in history.

Speaking of trouble, Zhuo Bufan is no exception.

Bai Su thought that what she miscalculated was just Zhuo Bufan's reload and rebirth, and changed the future again.

Bai Su didn't know that she had killed Zhuo Bufan nine times so far, eight times in Yunmeng Realm and once in Xiuxian Realm.

Just now, she crushed Zhuo Bufan with her bare hands, and Zhuo Bufan's blood was all over the street.

Zhuo Bufan is now very troubled by this woman.

Bai Su is anxious, and Zhuo Bufan is also anxious.

The two people are completely entangled with each other, and their hearts are locked with many mysteries.

"The next destination, where is this place?"

Bai Su said in surprise.

She once again deduced the place where Zhuo Bufan will appear!

This time, what emerged in her mind was an unfathomable dark cave hidden on the cliff.

This dark cave is more than 300 miles west of her, hidden in a mountainous area.

There is no sign of life on the edge of the cave, the soil has turned black, and it exudes a terrible breath. The cave entrance was like the ferocious mouth of a giant beast, waiting for ignorant adventurers to enter.

Deep in the cave, it was extremely dark and bottomless.

From time to time, a gust of black wind whistled out from the cave entrance, as if a prehistoric giant beast was breathing heavily.

When Bai Su heard the whistling black wind, her soul trembled.

She quickly came back to her senses and regained her composure, biting her red lips with her jade teeth, thinking in her heart.

"What is that guy going to do in that place?"

Bai Su calculated the destination where Zhuo Bufan would appear in the future.

In other words, the terrifying cave she saw was where Zhuo Bufan would appear next.

Seeing this calculation result, Bai Su was a little unconfident.

Zhuo Bufan was just a small cultivator in the Divine Wandering Realm. If he went to such a terrible place, he would undoubtedly seek death.

Will he really go?

So far, she has not caught Zhuo Bufan. Every time she deduced the Five Finger Small Derivation Technique, there were huge variables. She didn't know whether her calculation this time was accurate.

However, she had no other choice.

Her eyes were blind, and she could only rely on her Five Finger Small Derivation Technique to find Zhuo Bufan.

Although the Five Finger Small Derivation Technique could not accurately calculate Zhuo Bufan, other deductions were still correct.

In desperation, Bai Su opened the black paper umbrella again. She was like a smart lark, flying away gracefully and gorgeously in the air.

At this moment, Zhuo Bufan had already escaped, riding on the Wandering Crane, flying towards the Talisman Temple in the center of the world.

He crossed one mountain after another, and flew over one long river after another.

He kept switching between the Wandering Crane and the Flying Boat, basically flying far away without stopping.

In order to escape Bai Su's pursuit, Zhuo Bufan was very painstaking.

Just when Zhuo Bufan was riding the Wandering Crane that he bought with 80,000 spirit stones, flying over a mountain that looked insignificant.

Suddenly, the Wandering Crane under Zhuo Bufan's buttocks tilted its neck and fell directly towards the nameless hill.

"Damn, was I cheated by a profiteer?"

"Damn, damn, damn..."

Zhuo Bufan didn't have time to call out the flying boat. He followed the unconscious Wandering Crane, like a fighter jet hit by a missile, whirring and falling towards the ground...

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