Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 197 Battle of Wisdom and Courage [9th update, please subscribe]


What two harsh words!

Zhuo Bufan didn't expect that he would be treated like a fly.

He didn't even feel any danger or murderous intent, nor even the slightest energy fluctuation.

Then he died!

This was the cleanest death Zhuo Bufan had ever had. It was really like a fly flying past a toad, and then there was only a hiss, and it was gone!

"Am I dead?"

If he hadn't seen three save doors appearing in front of him, Zhuo Bufan wouldn't have even known that he was dead.

"Looking confused, how did I die?"

This was the most senseless death he had ever had.

"Ma Dan, what the hell is that?"

Zhuo Bufan wanted to recall the monster in the abyss, but found that he seemed to see nothing except a pair of terrifying pupils.

"There is no point in seeking death this time!"

Zhuo Bufan concluded that this adventure in the Blood and Bone Cave was meaningless.

There was no harvest, no discovery, and even an unknown death.

"Forget it, it's not without gain. At least I know that the woman is called Bai Su and can predict the future. It seems that I can't escape, so I can only hide in the Talisman Temple for shelter."

Zhuo Bufan sighed and then opened the white door in front of him.

"Read the file!"

Reading the file again, Zhuo Bufan returned to the entrance of the "Blood Bone Cave".

This time, without thinking too much, he summoned the flying boat and flew towards the Talisman Temple.

At Zhuo Bufan's current speed, he was still about two days away from the Talisman Temple.

Without Yun Youhe, Zhuo Bufan's speed has obviously slowed down a lot.

Just over an hour after Zhuo Bufan flew away, Bai Su arrived at the entrance of the "Blood Bone Cave", and then she counted with her fingers.

He was so angry that he gritted his teeth again.

"He didn't enter the hole, but he has been here. At least it proves that the calculation is not wrong."

"His next destination is the Talisman Temple."

Bai Su frowned slightly after calculating Zhuo Bufan's next destination.

"The Talisman Temple, did he go to the Talisman Temple to hide?"

"We can't let him get to the Talisman Temple first."

Bai Su quickly understood why Zhuo Bufan went to the Talisman Temple. It was obviously to avoid her pursuit.

The Talisman Temple is the largest casual cultivator force in the world. Even the Tianwu Alliance, the first alliance in the Northern Territory, does not dare to provoke it.

If Zhuo Bufan really hid in the Talisman Temple, then Bai Su would be helpless.

Bai Su didn't think much, holding the black umbrella in hand, she flew into the blue sky again.

This time, her flying speed was even faster. She had to kill Zhuo Bufan before he reached the Talisman Temple.

Zhuo Bufan didn't know yet that he was being chased by Bai Su with all his strength and would catch up with him in less than an hour.

Of course, even if he knew, Zhuo Bufan was helpless.

He was now on full fire, allowing the flying boat to reach its fastest flying speed.

But Bai Su was faster and had slowly narrowed the distance between the two parties.

"Damn it, why do I have such an ominous premonition?"

Zhuo Bufan's speed was too slow, and he could feel that Bai Su was getting closer and closer.

"In Panlong City, I set off three hours earlier than Bai Su. It took me five hours to get from Panlong City to the Blood Bone Cave, but she arrived only one hour later than me."

"In other words, it only took her three hours to get from Panlong City to Blood Bone Cave. Her speed is almost twice as fast as mine. If you calculate it this way, she will catch up with me in less than an hour. "

"Now it's hard to load files."

Zhuo Bufan quickly figured out one thing: his archive could not keep up with Bai Su's speed.

His current archive is in the "Blood Bone Cave". He set off from the Blood Bone Cave an hour earlier than Bai Su, and Bai Su will catch up with him soon.

No matter how many times Zhuo Bufan reads, he will inevitably be caught up by Bai Su.

"That woman can calculate where I will go in the future. No, I can't go to the Talisman Temple. I must change my direction immediately."

Now it's time for Zhuo Bufan to compete with Bai Su in a battle of wits and courage.

One can read files and start over, and the other can predict the future.

The progress between the two people is constantly getting closer.

Zhuo Bufan's scalp went numb when he thought of this.

"She must have figured out that my destination is the Talisman Temple, so she is rushing towards the Talisman Temple now."

"I can't go to the Talisman Temple now. Just choose a direction and run away."

Fortunately, Zhuo Bufan had learned her secret from Bai Su before. This was simply the most useful piece of information for Zhuo Bufan.

At least now, Zhuo Bufan doesn't need to be so clueless anymore.

As the saying goes, knowing oneself and the enemy is always victorious. Zhuo Bufan now also has a certain understanding of Bai Su.

He gave up his plan to go to the Talisman Temple and instead chose a random direction to escape.

Zhuo Bufan made the right choice. When he made the choice, Bai Su was less than an hour away from him.

It was precisely because of his temporary change that he escaped that pursuit.

But after Bai Su continued to chase in the direction of the Talisman Temple for four or five hours, he frowned slightly, held a black umbrella, and stopped in the air.

"No, that guy is only in the Fugue Realm and can't fly. If he wants to escape, he can only rely on ordinary flying mounts or spaceships."

"My speed is basically twice that of an ordinary spaceship. It's impossible that I can't even see his shadow now."

Zhuo Bufan knows how to calculate, and so does Bai Su.

You know, Bai Su is the smartest person among the eight heavenly kings under Beidi.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for Beidi to pass on the "Five Finger Xiaoyan Technique" to Bai Su.

After a little calculation, Bai Su immediately used the "Five Finger Xiaoyan Technique" again.

This time she pinched her fingers and almost fainted.

"Using the Five Finger Xiaoyan Technique consumes too much. I have used it four times today."

Such a heaven-defying magical technique naturally has its limits.

Using the five-finger Xiaoyan technique consumes a lot of soul power.

Bai Su is a soul-stealing state, an incredibly powerful state of soul. However, it can only be used about four or five times a day at most.

What she did just now was already her fifth time.

The result of this calculation made her very angry.

In the soul screen, there is no longer a Talisman Temple. Zhuo Bufan's destination changed again.

This time, what appeared in Bai Su's soul was a Guo City built in the clouds on the top of the mountain.

Bai Su glanced at the city sign in the picture, which read: Yunzhong City!

"Tch, it's changed again, it's changed again. This hateful guy, why, why did he change his future again?"

"I'm so angry, so angry!"

Bai Su is angry, really angry, and her angry look is actually very cute!

I want to fly into a rage, but my feet can’t touch the ground. He could only clench his fists and grit his teeth.

It’s not that Zhuo Bufan kept changing his future, it’s just that there was a woman who was cute and beautiful even when she was angry, chasing him all the way!

This battle of wits and courage, and the protracted pursuit, has just begun!

Well, no more today! There are only nine updates, everyone, I’m sorry!

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