Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 198 The Hunted Man [First update, please subscribe]

Zhuo Bufan escaped Bai Su's pursuit because he temporarily changed his direction and at the same time changed his own future.

After finding a random direction to escape, Zhuo Bufan fled aimlessly in a flying boat.

He must change his course of action at any time, but he is in a state where the future is not easily calculated.

As dusk approached, a towering mountain peak appeared in front of Zhuo Bufan. On the top of the mountain peak, there was a Guocheng surrounded by clouds.

"Guo Cheng? That's great. I have to buy another flying mount and ride the flying boat all the time. My soul can't hold it anymore."

After Zhuo Bufan saw Guo Cheng, he immediately flew towards the Yunzhong City.

Yunzhong City is an aerial city, so the only way to enter this city is to fly.

You can see the spaceships coming and going, coming in and out of Yunzhong City, and stopping and walking at the airport. The scene is quite spectacular.

This is an extremely prosperous city for cultivating immortals, and the city owner is said to be a great man with a golden elixir.

Of course, Zhuo Bufan didn't care about this history. He was being hunted now and just wanted to escape.

Flying was prohibited over Yunzhong City, so Zhuo Bufan could only stop outside the city and then move quickly towards the city.

As a result, as soon as he arrived outside the city gate, he was blocked by two city guards.

"Please hand over your pass to Yunzhong City."

It turns out that Yunzhong City is not a royal city that can be entered freely. Everyone who enters the city must take out a pass.

The pass is issued by the City Lord's Mansion. People who enter the city for the first time must submit their personal information and then send it to the City Lord's Mansion for review. Only after passing the review will they get a pass.

This is a city with strict administrative order.

However, Zhuo Bufan doesn't have time to apply for a pass. The general process of applying for a pass takes at least four or five days.

Time is running out!

Zhuo Bufan didn't want to be nagging, he needed to go into the city once.

Zhuo Bufan flipped his right hand, and a small black cauldron appeared in his palm.

"I am Lord Black of the Talisman Temple. I am going to enter the Talisman Castle of Yunzhong City. Please make way for me."

Master of the Talisman Temple, this title can be used almost universally.

When the two city guards saw the small black cauldron held in Zhuo Bufan's hand, their spirits trembled.

Their souls indeed saw the magnificent architectural wonder of the Talisman Temple in the small black cauldron.

"Honorable sir? Please wait a moment while I go to the city guard to ask for instructions."

The two guards naturally did not dare to neglect the Lord of the Talisman Temple, but they also did not dare to make a decision easily, so they wanted to ask the city guard for instructions.

In the end, Zhuo Bufan was so verbose with them.

"You're asking for permission. Hei Zun has already seen it. Now I want to forcefully break into your Yunzhong City. Do you still dare to stop me?"

Zhuo Bufan didn't talk to them. He didn't have time. He already felt the murderous intention coming.

Normally, Zhuo Bufan would have honestly submitted the information and waited for the pass, but now he had no time, and the Black Lord of the Talisman Temple was his pass.

Zhuo Bufan broke into Yunzhong City, but several guards did not dare to stop him.

"What should we do?" Seeing Zhuo Bufan breaking into the city, the guards looked at each other.

"I'll report it to the city guard immediately. You follow that venerable man and see where he goes."

"You asked me to follow an honorable man? Do you want to kill me?"

"There's no harm in following him. He doesn't eat people, let alone in Yunzhong City. If I'm disgusted with you, stop following him."

After hearing this, the guard followed Zhuo Bufan angrily.

Zhuo Bufan ignored the other party's tracking, but turned around, took out a crystal card and handed it to the guard, and then said.

"Go to the mount market right away and buy me a flying mount with the fastest speed and the best endurance, and then send it to the Fu Castle. Once this is done, the remaining spiritual stones will be yours."

Zhuo Bufan's crystal card contained about 110,000 to 20,000 spirit stones. After handing the crystal card to the guard, he asked for the direction and headed straight towards the Yunzhong City Talisman Castle.

The guard was left with a confused look on his face.

"Your Majesty, you want me to buy a mount, and the rest will be mine?"

After the guard came to his senses, he was extremely excited. I didn't expect that I would get such a huge bargain.

He quickly picked up the crystal card given by Zhuo Bufan and rushed towards the mount market in Yunzhong City excitedly.

On the other side, Zhuo Bufan rushed to the Fu Bao in Yunzhong City immediately.

As soon as he entered the Talisman Castle, he took out the Little Black Lord and yelled at everyone who tried to stop him.

"I am the Lord of Light and Shadow, the Lord of Fu Bao. Come out to meet me."

The extraordinary and mighty sound resounded in the sky above the entire Fu Fort.

Sure enough, the Lord of the Talisman Temple could do whatever he wanted. He directly took out the Little Black Lord and asked the Lord of the Castle to come out to greet him in person.

After Lu Cuo, the castle lord of Yunzhong City, heard Zhuo Bufan's shouts, he was so frightened that he rushed out of the fort lord's office immediately. As expected, he came in person to greet Zhuo Bufan.

At that moment, the shocking scene made many young apprentices envious.

This was the first time they saw that Lord Lu, who was highly respected and loved, was so respectful to a young man who looked about the same age as them.

Lu Cuo hurriedly welcomed Zhuo Bufan into the Fu Bao. After they left, a group of young apprentices began to talk about it.

"Your Majesty? Is that the Reverend from my Talisman Temple just now?"

"Did you hear that? The Light and Shadow Master, he calls himself the Light and Shadow Master!"

"It seems so. Could it be that he is the youngest Master in the history of my Talisman Temple?"

"If not him, then who else? My God, I didn't expect him to be so young. He is really young. He looks about the same age as me."

"I envy him so much. He has become a Master that everyone is looking forward to at such a young age. You just didn't see how proud he was. Even the lord of the castle was very respectful to him."

"That's right. This is the Master, the Master of my Talisman Temple, respected by the entire cultivation world."


The apprentices are still envious of Zhuo Bufan, and they all yearn for him.

They don't know yet that the little Master they yearn for is now being hunted down and has no way to go up to heaven or down to earth.

Zhuo Bufan came to the Talisman Castle with only one purpose, that is, to ask for help.

"Fortress Lord, I need to contact the Talisman Temple immediately and borrow your Talisman Tower."

Zhuo Bufan did not explain the reason to Lucuo, but Lucuo could see that this matter was extremely urgent, and a panicked look appeared on Zhuo Bufan's face.

"Please follow me, sir."

Lucuo led Zhuo Bufan to the Talisman Tower, and then activated the crystal ball of the Talisman Tower to contact the Talisman Temple.

This time, Zhuo Bufan contacted Guangzun again, after all, he was only familiar with Guangzun.

When Zhuo Bufan saw the familiar amber palace and the familiar old man, he felt like he had grabbed a life-saving straw.

"Oh? Xiaozhuo, are you Xiaozhuo?"

In the crystal ball, Guangzun Lan Shi said in surprise. His emotions affected Zhuo Bufan, making the originally anxious Zhuo Bufan even more excited.

Zhuo Bufan did not have time to reminisce with Guangzun, he hurriedly shouted.

"Grandpa Lan, I'm being chased, and I'm going to ask the temple for help now!"


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