Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 199 Seeking Help [Explanation]

There is no shame in asking for help from the Talisman Temple. For Zhuo Bufan, this is his resource.

If others want to ask for help, they have no chance. Only those who ask for help will be taken seriously by the Talisman Temple.

When Zhuo Bufan revealed that he was being hunted, Lan Shi's originally pleasant mood became tense.

"Pursuit? What's going on? You are the venerable person of my Talisman Temple. Who else in this world dares to chase you?"

Lan Shi asked quickly. This was no trivial matter. He could see Zhuo Bufan's current nervousness through the crystal ball.

"She's a girl from the Tianwu Alliance. She should be one of the eight heavenly kings under Beidi. This woman knows an ancient magic called 'Five Finger Xiaoyan Technique' and can calculate my future."

"The situation is urgent. Now I'm requesting support from the headquarters, requesting support."

Zhuo Bufan sincerely asked for support, otherwise he would not have wasted so much time talking nonsense with Lan Shi here.

After hearing this, Lan Shi frowned and said angrily.

"Hmph, what a Tianwu Alliance man, do you even dare to chase down the venerable master of my Talisman Temple?"

"Xiao Zhuo, just wait in Yunzhong City. I will send Lou Gai over to greet you immediately."

Lan Shi is going to send Mr. Lou to go there in person to rescue Zhuo Bufan.

However, Zhuo Bufan said after hearing this.

"It's too late, the woman has already caught up with me, I have to run away immediately."

"Then you rush back to the Talisman Temple. The Talisman Temple will keep you safe."

"No, that woman can predict my future. I can't figure out my destination, so I can only run away aimlessly."

Zhuo Bufan also wanted to return to the Talisman Temple to seek refuge, but Bai Su would definitely not let him return to the Talisman Temple.

After hearing this, Lan Shi shouted with anger.

"Damn Tianwu League. Xiao Zhuo, don't worry. I will send people to Tianwu League immediately to ask Wang Xing to stop this stupid behavior. If he dares to let people chase you again, he will be an enemy of my Talisman Temple. I believe Wang Xing Xing Dao is not arrogant enough to dare to oppose the Talisman Temple."

"At the same time, don't worry, I will send Lou Gai and others to pick you up."

Zhuo Bufan nodded. What he actually hopes now is to rely on the background power of the Talisman Temple to make the people of the Tianwu Alliance stop.

"There's no need to support me. I won't have a clear escape direction, so you can't support me. Bless me!"

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he quickly left the Fu Bao.

Facing Bai Su's pursuit, Zhuo Bufan could only make this choice. He had to reveal his identity to see what the Tianwu Alliance's position was towards the venerable man of the Talisman Temple.

Since he could not confirm his destination, it was impossible for the Talisman Temple to contact Zhuo Bufan.

After all, in this vast world, it is impossible for people in the Talisman Temple to predict where Zhuo Bufan will appear in the future like Bai Su.

It was impossible to respond. If he wanted to escape this disaster, Zhuo Bufan could only rely on himself.

After he walked out of the Fu Bao, he saw the guard standing at the gate holding a golden eagle, waiting for Zhuo Bufan.

After seeing Zhuo Bufan approaching, the guard quickly stepped forward to greet him.

"Honorable man, this is the flying mount you want, the Dapeng Golden Eagle. The seller said that it can fly continuously for several months without stopping. It is the best flying mount he has. And when I heard that the noble man wanted to buy it, He paid half the price and only received 90,000 spirit stones."

When Zhuo Bufan heard this, he was very satisfied.

"Very good, the Dapeng Golden Eagle can fly continuously for several months. As expected of Yunzhong City, the flying mount is so excellent."

"Your Majesty, this is the remaining crystal card. There are more than 20,000 spirit stones left."

Although Zhuo Bufan said that he would give all the remaining spiritual stones to the guard, after all, it was the crystal card of Lord Fu Bao, so the guard was still a little afraid to accept it.

"Well done, the rest is yours."

Zhuo Bufan was very satisfied with this flying mount, which was much better than his previous Yunyouhe.

Then, Zhuo Bufan looked at the Dapeng golden eagle standing taller than him with his eyes shining brightly, and said.

"It has very sharp eyes and is a very good mount."

Zhuo Bufan reached out and stroked the feathers of the golden roc, and the golden roc stared at the human in front of him with its golden eyes.

"Soul, resonance!"

Zhuo Bufan used the Soul Awareness Talisman on the Dapeng Golden Eagle, and soon, he heard the voice deep in the Dapeng Golden Eagle's soul.

"This human looks so delicious. What a big worm."

Zhuo Bufan was stunned for a moment, then raised his head and looked at the Dapeng golden eagle in front of him.

"You guys, who are you calling a bug?"

Zhuo Bufan was angry. His voice sounded deep in the soul of the Dapeng Golden Eagle, and the stupid bird was also stunned for a moment.

"Who? Which insect is talking?"

"You are a worm, I am talking to you, you stupid bird, listen to me, I am your master, not a worm."

Zhuo Bufan shouted towards the Dapeng golden eagle. He didn't expect that this golden eagle, who looked so smart and sharp, turned out to be a fool, a stupid bird.

The Dapeng golden eagle shook its head stupidly, then looked at Zhuo Bufan in front of him, and said in his soul.

"Ah, you can speak bird language? You are not an insect, are you a birdman?"

Zhuo Bufan put his hand on his forehead and roared in his heart.

"If it wasn't for uncle, I was in such a hurry, I really wanted to stew you and eat it."

"Eat it? Who? Eating bugs?"

The intelligence of this Dapeng Golden Eagle made Zhuo Bufan anxious. Zhuo Bufan was already an ant on the hot pot. Now he was going crazy when he met such a stupid bird.

"I won't waste my words with you. It's okay if it's a stupid bird. It flies without a destination and is not easy to be tracked."

Zhuo Bufan finally had to accept this stupid Dapeng Golden Eagle.

After accepting the Dapeng Golden Eagle, Zhuo Bufan did not run away immediately, but summoned the flying boat, and then used his signature spell, light and shadow in front of Lucuo and others.

Under the shocked eyes of everyone, a clone who looked exactly like Zhuo Bufan walked out of Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan melted a wisp of soul into the light clone, and then let the light clone drive the flying boat and escape to the north.

And he himself rode on the back of the golden eagle, pulled the reins, and headed east.

When everyone saw Zhuo Bufan use the light and shadow spell, they were really stunned.

"Is that the legendary light and shadow spell?"

"As expected of the Light and Shadow Master, the natal spell has been used to this extent."

"That is the shadow of light, and it is impossible to tell the real from the fake. Which one was the real master just now? The one heading north or east?"

The apprentices had even more respect for Zhuo Bufan. However, how could they understand Zhuo Bufan's frustration.

Zhuo Bufan melted a wisp of his own soul into the light and shadow clone, so he could control the flying boat and go to the north of Yunzhong City.

As for Zhuo Bufan himself, he rode the Golden Eagle to escape to the east.

He didn't know if this method would work, but it was worth a try.


The author ate cashews for the first time in his life, and then he had an allergic reaction and chest tightness! After finishing a chapter at 10 o'clock in the morning, he couldn't hold on, so he went to the clinic and got a bottle of water. Now he is fine. I wrote as soon as I got home, so I kept you waiting!

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