Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 200 Warning [3rd update, please subscribe]

Just after Zhuo Bufan left Yunzhong City, Bai Su followed with a black umbrella in hand and slowly landed outside Yunzhong City.

At this moment, the sky had completely darkened, and her soul was already very weak, and she needed to rest as soon as possible.

She had to recover her spirit before she could continue to chase Zhuo Bufan.

However, before resting, she gritted her teeth and deduced Zhuo Bufan's location again. As a result, this deduction made Bai Su frown even more.

She deduced two completely different directions and two completely different places.

Zhuo Bufan's clone plan worked.

Bai Su deduced Zhuo Bufan's soul, and there happened to be a wisp of Zhuo Bufan's soul in the light and shadow clone.

In other words, in Bai Su's deduction, Zhuo Bufan's two souls were calculated.

This result made Bai Su a little unacceptable.

Zhuo Bufan is now not just a variable, and can change his future at any time. Not to mention, his deduction is becoming less and less accurate.

Bai Su felt that she had met her lifelong enemy.

It was not just Bai Su who had the same feeling. Zhuo Bufan had to admit in his heart that he had met his lifelong enemy, Bai Su!

The first woman who could force him into a desperate situation made Zhuo Bufan's reload almost meaningless.

For this reason, Zhuo Bufan had no choice but to ask for help from the Temple of the Talisman.

It can only be said that both of them met their opponents at the same time.

And now, Zhuo Bufan's opponent is not just Bai Su.

And, a stupid bird.


The golden eagle that Zhuo Bufan sat on actually started to fly back to Yunzhong City after flying east for two hours.

Zhuo Bufan was dumbfounded on the spot. He immediately used the Soul Awareness Talisman. When he asked, the result made him dumbfounded.

"I'm so hungry. I want to eat the bugs on my back."

"Forget it. The bugs look ugly and must be unpalatable. I'd better go home and eat other bugs!"

Zhuo Bufan was sure that he had sold a stupid bird with serious IQ problems.

"Fuck you. If you dare to fly back, I'll pluck your feathers."

Zhuo Bufan stood on the back of the big roc golden eagle and stepped hard.

"Don't worry about the bugs on your back. I'll take you flying when I get home and eat my fill."

Facing Zhuo Bufan's anxiety, the big roc golden eagle answered slowly like a mentally retarded person.

"You took me flying after you're full. Are you going to go back and eat again when you're tired? Are you done? I'm being hunted by someone!"

Zhuo Bufan wanted to cry but had no tears. Did the businessmen in this world have their consciences eaten by dogs?

None of them were reliable. Zhuo Bufan was cheated by profiteers again.

The stupid big roc golden eagle ignored Zhuo Bufan's roar and turned around to fly in the direction of Yunzhong City.

Bai Su was in Yunzhong City. If Zhuo Bufan flew back now, it would be like walking into a trap.

Fortunately, at the last moment, Zhuo Bufan thought of a way.

"Don't you want food? I'll help you catch food."

Upon hearing this, the Dapeng Golden Eagle landed on a hilltop, and then Zhuo Bufan spent a few minutes to catch a pheasant.

However, Zhuo Bufan did not give the food to the Dapeng Golden Eagle immediately, but made a bamboo pole himself. He tied the pheasant to the other end of the bamboo pole with a line.

Then Zhuo Bufan rode on the back of the stupid bird again and hung the pheasant in front of the Dapeng Golden Eagle.

Unexpectedly, when the Dapeng Golden Eagle saw the pheasant in front of it, it seemed to be injected with chicken blood and flew high.

"A stupid bird is a stupid bird, and it is easy to deceive."

The trick that Zhuo Bufan thought of was called "hanging grass in front of a donkey".

The Dapeng Golden Eagle was the stupid donkey. In order to eat the pheasant in front of it, it chased like crazy, but the pheasant was right in front of it and it could not catch up.

Zhuo Bufan can also change the flight direction of the Golden Eagle by adjusting the position of the bamboo pole.

A simple little device fooled the silly bird. Zhuo Bufan was relieved, as if he had solved a worry in his heart.

At this time, Lan Shi, the Light Master of the Talisman Temple, was furious about Zhuo Bufan's affairs.

He immediately contacted Chen Xiufeng, the master of the Talisman Castle in the Tianwu League of the Northern Territory.

He told Chen Xiufeng about Zhuo Bufan's affairs and asked him to convey the thundering anger of the Talisman Temple on this matter.

Chen Xiufeng is not only the master of the Talisman Castle in the Tianwu League, but also a titled master of the Talisman Temple, and his title is "Dan Lei Master".

Dan Lei Master Chen Xiufeng, with long flowing hair, immortal style, always wears a blue shirt and walks around the Northern Territory. Everyone knows him.

The blue colorful bird he sits on often flies over the sky of the Northern Territory. It can be said that he is the most exposed master in the Talisman Temple.

On this day, Chen Xiufeng's blue-colored divine bird flew over the land of the Northern Territory again.

Above the sky, the sound of the divine bird was heard, the sound was like thunder, roaring all the way, and accompanied by thunder and lightning.

On this day, countless people saw the blue-colored divine bird of Chen Xiufeng, the Danlei Master, flying to the Alliance Palace of the Tianwu League.

It was a majestic and magnificent imperial city located on the land of the Northern Territory, magnificent and eye-catching, and solemn.

Chen Xiufeng, the Danlei Master, entered the depths of the palace and met the Northern Emperor Wang Xingbadao.

Of course, he could not see Wang Xingbadao.

Standing alone in the palace hall, Chen Xiufeng only heard his voice but did not see his shadow.

It was obviously not the first time that Chen Xiufeng came to this palace.

He looked at the empty golden dragon throne on the high platform without any tension.

Instead, he calmly told the purpose of his visit today.

After a while, the majestic and domineering answer sounded above the palace.

"Chen Xiufeng, are you saying that a Heavenly King under my seat is hunting down one of your venerables? Interesting, really interesting!"

Wang Xingbadao obviously knew the purpose of Chen Xiufeng's visit today.

"Your Majesty Beidi, Xiufeng came here today for no other reason, but just to confirm one thing with Your Majesty, is the person who is hunting down my venerable of the Talisman Temple from the Tianwu League?"

Chen Xiufeng was not afraid. He was one of the few people who was not afraid of Beidi Badao, so Wang Xingbadao always looked at him differently.

"Your Majesty should know very well how much our Talisman Temple values ​​our Honored Ones. Every Honored One is a treasure of our Talisman Temple and an extremely noble existence in our Talisman Temple. This is why we are called Honored Ones."

"Since the founding of the Talisman Temple, the first generation of the Palace Master has already established the rules. The first Palace Rule is that anyone who persecutes our Honored Ones in the Talisman Temple will be punished no matter how far away they are."

"Since the founding of the Talisman Temple, there has never been a precedent of the Honored Ones being persecuted in more than 10,000 years."

"I am afraid that our Talisman Temple will also break the precedent of never going out to fight."

As soon as Chen Xiufeng finished speaking, an extremely powerful force suddenly appeared above the hall, and then it blasted down towards Chen Xiufeng's shoulders.

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