Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 201 Abandoned Child [Fourth update, please subscribe]

Faced with that overbearing power.

Chen Xiufeng gritted his teeth on the spot, his legs slightly bent, and the whole person seemed to be carrying a hill, which seemed extremely difficult.

"Dare to threaten me?"

Angry, Wang Xingbadao, he always acts like an overlord, he always threatens others, and no one dares to threaten him.

Chen Xiufeng's words just now were undoubtedly threatening Wang Xingbadao.

"This is not a threat! This is a warning. Your Majesty the Northern Emperor, since he is the overlord of the Northern Territory, should know that his majesty is inviolable."

"Your majesty of the Northern Emperor is inviolable, and the majesty of my Talisman Temple is also inviolable."

Chen Xiufeng is very powerful, facing the Northern Emperor Wang Xingbadao, he did not show any weakness at all.

He knew very well that Wang Xingbadao did not dare to kill him. The Tianwu League did not have the courage to go to war with the Talisman Temple.

The masters of the Talisman Temple are not vegetarians.

Fighting alone may not be Wang Xingbadao's opponent, but if they fight together, even Wang Xingbadao will fall.

After being furious, Wang Xingbadao did not continue to oppress Chen Xiufeng.

Chen Xiufeng is also a respected person of the Talisman Temple, and now he is negotiating with him on behalf of the Talisman Temple.

If Chen Xiufeng dies in his palace hall, I believe that the Talisman Temple will use the power of the world the next day to fight against his Tianwu League.

How can the Tianwu League, with only 30 million disciples, dare to fight against the 1.3 billion apprentices of the Talisman Temple?

Not to mention, the Talisman Temple controls the talismans of the world. Once the war starts, the Talisman Temple will stop selling all talismans to the Tianwu League.

What is a talisman? A talisman is a weapon and equipment.

How can 30 million Tianwu League disciples without any equipment fight against 1.3 billion fully armed talisman apprentices?

The result of this battle is clear without thinking. Within ten days, the Talisman Temple will definitely make the first alliance in the Northern Territory fall completely and never turn over.

Wang Xingbadao is very arrogant and domineering, but that doesn't mean he has no brains.

Knowing that he would not have a good end if he went against the Talisman Temple, he would not bite the bullet and show his domineering majesty in front of the world.

Of course, it is necessary to abuse Chen Xiufeng, because he doesn't like others to be more arrogant than him.

After abusing Chen Xiufeng enough, Wang Xingbadao also restored his orthodox majesty.

He must also give an answer to the matter of his men hunting down the venerable of the Talisman Temple.

The prestige of the Talisman Temple is inviolable, and the prestige of his Tianwu League is also inviolable.

But now, things have happened, and he, Wang Xingbadao, needs to come up with an explanation.

But he can't give in, otherwise he, Wang Xingbadao, will change his name to Wang Xing soft egg.

Let Chen Xiufeng go, and then after a moment of silence. Wang Xingbadao's voice sounded again in the palace hall.

"Your prestige of the Talisman Temple is inviolable. I don't understand what you, Chen Xiufeng, mean."

"The eight kings under my seat are trained by me and are my loyal dogs."

"Without my order, these dogs dare not bite people. Now you, Chen Xiufeng, tell me that my dog ​​bit your noble and supreme master. It seems that you want to put the hat on my head."

"The Talisman Temple is indeed the number one force in the world, but if you want to take advantage of the situation and cause trouble for the Tianwu League, I am not afraid of a fight."

Badao, Wang Xingbadao, this guy, shows his domineering momentum in every word.

"Your Majesty the Northern Emperor, it seems that we have nothing to talk about?"

Chen Xiufeng didn't expect Wang Xingbadao to give this answer. It can be seen that Wang Xingbadao has no intention of giving in at all. This negotiation collapsed quickly.

"Haha, Chen Xiufeng, go back and tell those old guys in the Talisman Temple."

"All my dogs are in the dog pen. As for the mad dog outside, it's just a wild dog I abandoned. It has nothing to do with me or the entire Tianwu League. You can kill or chop it up as you like."

"If you dare to take advantage of this issue again, I'm waiting to go to war with your Talisman Temple."

"So, get out, Master Dan Lei!"

As soon as Wang Xingbadao finished speaking, a majestic and domineering gust of wind blew Chen Xiufeng out of the palace hall with a bang.


Chen Xiufeng gritted his teeth, his blood surging, and stood up from the ground with difficulty.

Then he squinted his eyes and looked at the golden throne in the hall.

"What a Northern Emperor Wang Xingbadao, in order to exercise his own dominance, he would abandon his loyal dog?"

In this negotiation, Chen Xiufeng, who thought he was a master of negotiation, was completely defeated.

Wang Xingbadao did not admit that this matter had anything to do with his Tianwu League until the end.

He even said bluntly that Bai Su was just a stray dog ​​that he threw out of the Tianwu League, and had nothing to do with him anymore.

"Bei Di, remember what you said today. Since it's a stray dog, then my Fuzhu Temple doesn't need to look at the owner before beating the dog. Goodbye!"

All of them were masters who refused to admit defeat. Chen Xiufeng was unwilling to be defeated. He left a word and then drove away.

After Chen Xiufeng disappeared in the sky above the palace, seven figures appeared out of thin air in the majestic hall. They were the seven heavenly kings under Bei Di's seat.

"Your Majesty, do you really want to abandon 'Kanshui'?" Qian Tian asked with a frown.

"What's the point of keeping a useless dog? It will only bring disaster to our alliance."

"The person she is chasing should be the bastard who robbed my Tianwu League's soul altar in Yunmeng Realm. I didn't expect that bastard to be the venerable of the Fuzhu Temple. What should I do now?"

After learning that the guy who robbed half of their Tianwu League's soul altar was actually the venerable of the Fuzhu Temple.

The venerable of the Talisman Temple cannot be beaten or scolded, and is more domineering than the people of their Tianwu League. This has made the Seventh King very troubled.

"Abandoned wild dogs still have loyalty. Abandoned children will also sacrifice the car to save the king."

"Mo Yan, Qing Chen, listen to my order, you two go and bring the wild dog back. Remember, wait until she kills the little thief before bringing her back. I will torture her to death and give an explanation to the Talisman Temple."

Mo Yan and Qing Chen are Qian Tian and Xun Feng!

After hearing the explanation of the Northern Emperor, the two immediately understood the deep meaning of their majesty.


Bai Su didn't know that she had been abandoned by her master!

She was like a lonely stray cat, curled up in the corner of the wall of Yunzhong City.

Without a pass, she couldn't enter Yunzhong City. But for her who had nothing, she didn't need to enter Yunzhong City to rest.

She just needed to have a good rest for a night, wait for her soul to recover, and then go to hunt her prey.

The wind was strong at night on the top of the mountain. She hid behind the dark oil-paper umbrella and slept quietly.

As the first ray of dawn in the sky shone on her fair face.

Feeling the warmth of the dawn, Bai Su woke up from her sleep.

Blindness prevented her from seeing the beautiful morning scenery.

She just stood up slowly, grabbed the black umbrella beside her, and pulled the brim of her cloak.

Then, she counted again with her fingers.

"Still two results?"

There was no surprise in the calculation result this time. It was still two, and the two were very far apart.

"Cunning little thief, go!"

Bai Su let the black umbrella in her hand fly towards the east of Yunzhong City, and she flew to the north.


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