Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 203 The Great Devil [Sixth update, please subscribe]

There is no impenetrable wall!

There are no secrets in the world of immortal cultivation today!

Because of the existence of Yunmeng Realm, any secret will be spread in Yunmeng Realm at the first time. As long as there is a "world loudspeaker", everyone in the world can know it.

The news that the Light and Shadow Master of the Talisman Temple was hunted down by the Heavenly King of the Tianwu League quickly spread in Yunmeng Realm.

For a time, it caused quite a stir!

Many people began to communicate by "Let the world hear".

"The king of Tianwu League dared to hunt down the Venerable of the Talisman Temple. This is too bold."

"I think the Tianwu League is really daring. They dared to provoke the Talisman Temple. Isn't Wang Xing's tyranny too tyrannical? Too strong will break easily! The Tianwu League will not last long."

"Is the Light and Shadow Venerable of the Talisman Temple the youngest Venerable in the history of the Talisman Temple as the legend says? That is the treasure among the treasures of the Talisman Temple! Did the Tianwu League take the wrong medicine?"

"Why did the Tianwu League hunt down the Light and Shadow Venerable? Could it be that the Light and Shadow Venerable is the hero?"

Some gossip spread very quickly in Yunmeng Realm.

Some people began to speculate that the Light and Shadow Venerable Zhuo Bufan was the hero who seized half of the soul altar in the Tianwu League's circle.

That was a big event that everyone in Yunmeng Realm knew about and made countless people excited.

When the Tianwu League was aggressively trying to occupy half of the soul altars in the middle layer of Yunmeng Realm, a hero stood up and looted the soul altar of the Tianwu League.

That battle made people all over the world happy, and countless people were full of respect for the unknown hero.

Now when everyone heard that the unknown hero was actually the Light and Shadow Venerable of the Talisman Temple, they were even more excited.

The Light and Shadow Venerable of the Talisman Temple is a legendary figure in itself.

At a young age, he became the youngest Venerable in history and discovered the amazing Light and Shadow Talisman.

This matter had already spread in Yunmeng Realm earlier.

Now that the world knows that these two people are actually the same person, it naturally attracted the attention of the whole world.

"It's intolerable, it's simply intolerable, the Tianwu League is really too much."

"That's right, the soul altar of Yunmeng Realm is for the capable. The little venerable can seize a general soul altar under the noses of the Eight Heavenly Kings. This is his ability."

"The Tianwu League is too abominable, and it actually killed its way into the world of cultivation. The little hero is my idol. It's so abominable, no, I'm going to kill a few disciples of the Tianwu League to vent my anger."

"Well said, I'm going to kill a few disciples of the Tianwu League to vent my anger."

"Boss, one hundred and eighty-two, I have killed one hundred and eighty-two disciples of the Tianwu League. If the Tianwu League doesn't stop hunting down my boss, I, Lu Fei, will keep killing and make your Tianwu League bleed like a river."

"Lu Fei, the little brother that the little hero took in, you did a good job, let's all go kill the disciples of the Tianwu League. Let the Tianwu League have no place to stand in the Yunmeng Realm."


The behavior of the Tianwu League has aroused public anger!

For a time, there was a wave of killing Tianwu League disciples in Yunmeng Realm.

These people were extremely vicious. They would hack and kill anyone who saw the Tianwu League's clothing.

Later, Tianwu League disciples did not even dare to enter Yunmeng Realm again, because once they entered Yunmeng Realm, dozens of machetes would fly over.

Some people even occupied the soul altar of Tianwu League. They killed one disciple of Tianwu League who came out of the soul altar, and killed two disciples who came out.

This is how the corpse guards in Yunmeng Realm were born.

Tianwu League finally aroused public anger.

This incident caused a considerable shock in Tianwu League. In order to calm the public anger, the people of Tianwu League had to stand up and explain.

"We, Tianwu League, hereby declare that we have not issued a hunting order for the little venerable of the Talisman Temple. The pursuer, Bai Su, has been expelled from Tianwu League by Beidi. It has nothing to do with our Tianwu League."

Tianwu League issued this statement at this time, undoubtedly to calm the public anger.

However, who believes it?

"Don't trust the Tianwu League, keep killing, and make sure that the Tianwu League has no place to stand in Yunmeng Realm."

"That's right, as long as the Tianwu League doesn't stop hunting down the little venerable, we will never stop killing the Tianwu League."

"Boss, I have killed two hundred Tianwu League disciples. People of the Tianwu League, listen, stop hunting down my boss immediately. Otherwise, I, Lu Fei, and your Tianwu League will fight to the death."

Lu Fei, the little brother that Zhuo Bufan recruited in Yunmeng Realm, can be said to have made the people of the Tianwu League very anxious.

He organized forces everywhere and sniped Tianwu League disciples in Yunmeng Realm, which has reached the point of being crazy.

Now the people of the Tianwu League have a headache when they hear Lu Fei's name.

Faced with the unyielding attitude of the whole world, the Tianwu League had to issue a statement again.

"The Tianwu League hereby declares that the act of hunting down the little venerable is the willful act of the traitor and has nothing to do with the Tianwu League."

"The Tianwu League hereby decides that the traitor Bai Su, who has destroyed the reputation of the Tianwu League, will be hunted down immediately. The traitor will be captured and an explanation will be given to the little venerable, the Temple of the Talisman, and the world."

The Tianwu League issued several statements in succession, and stated that a hunting down order was issued for the traitor Bai Su. This calmed down the anger of many people.

Although there is still a force that is not willing to give up, the behavior of hunting down the disciples of the Tianwu League has gradually decreased.

On this day, Zhuo Bufan returned to the Yunmeng Realm, which he had not returned to for a long time, and happened to hear the statement issued by the Tianwu League.

"What is this Tianwu League doing? Isn't Bai Su one of their eight great kings?"

Zhuo Bufan didn't believe that the Tianwu Alliance would give up on Bai Su.

The act of chasing him was definitely ordered by the Tianwu Alliance, but they didn't know his identity as an honorable person at the beginning.

Now that he knows that he is a respected person, he is afraid of being an enemy of the Talisman Temple, so he wants to give up his car to save his commander.

"Do you want to be like the real thing? How can I let you succeed?"

Zhuo Bufan sneered, took out something to "let the world hear", and then made his voice known to the entire Yunmeng Realm.

"Everyone, I am Lord Light and Shadow. I am currently being hunted by a king from the Tianwu Alliance."

"The opponent was one of the Eight Kings of Tianwu. She chased me from the Western Continent to the Eastern Continent until I was breathless. I relied on my wit and luck to barely escape her clutches several times."

"We still don't know whether the statement made by the Tianwu Alliance is true or false. So everyone, before the Tianwu Alliance captures the traitor, the disciples of the Tianwu Alliance must be killed."

What the person involved, Zhuo Bufan, said out of nowhere at this moment almost made the people of the Tianwu Alliance angry to death.

His words, "The disciples of the Tianwu League must be killed if they deserve to be killed" made all the disciples of the Tianwu League want to cry.

"This hateful guy, I want to kill him right now."

"It's so abominable, so dark. Didn't we, the Tianwu Alliance, already declare that we would help him catch the traitor? He is still unyielding to us."

"Kill him, Lord Bai Su, please kill this big devil quickly."

"Yes, he is a damn big devil. Master Bai Su, kill him quickly and restore peace to the world."

In the hearts of the 30 million Tianwu League disciples, Zhuo Bufan at this moment is a big devil!

I was delayed due to special reasons today, so there is not enough update. Sorry for the delay.

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