Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 204 Public Enemy of the World [Seventh update, please subscribe]

Zhuo Bufan's sudden statement in Yunmeng Realm attracted the attention of the world.

"It's the little venerable, he's not dead yet, he's back in Yunmeng Realm."

"This little venerable, this life is really big, being hunted by the White King of Tianwu League until now, he's still alive."

"It is said that the White King of Tianwu League has mastered the ancient deduction magic and can predict the future. This little venerable was able to escape from the White King several times, which is indeed extraordinary."

The appearance of Zhuo Bufan caused a lot of discussion.

At this time, a cordial greeting came from the sky.

"Venerable boss, I'm Lu Fei, do you remember me? Boss, where are you, I'll go save you."

Zhuo Bufan's younger brother Lu Fei has been quite active in Yunmeng Realm these days. Now the entire Tianwu League regards him as the number one target of encirclement and suppression.

Zhuo Bufan smiled warmly after hearing Lu Fei's greeting.

He didn't expect that this little brother he had received would be so loyal.

He basically knew what Lu Fei had done in Yunmeng Realm these days, and he was very happy.

"Well done, Lu Fei. Kill a few more disciples of Tianwu League. When I escape this disaster, I will definitely drink with you and thank you in person."

Zhuo Bufan unceremoniously encouraged Lu Fei to continue killing disciples of Tianwu League. Zhuo Bufan is now becoming more and more sinister.

"Boss, boss, can I really meet you in the world of cultivation?"

When Lu Fei heard that Zhuo Bufan wanted to thank him in person, he was so excited that he was incoherent.

"Of course, when I escape the pursuit of that woman, I will ask you to meet. You and I are brothers, and there is no need to distinguish between the big and the small."

Zhuo Bufan's words are undoubtedly the greatest encouragement to Lu Fei.

"Don't worry, Boss. During this short period when you are not in Yunmeng Realm, I will kill the disciples of Tianwu League. And I have also recruited a group of younger brothers. Now our daily task is to hunt down the disciples of Tianwu League."

"Come on, it's just a great cause. Tianwu League must pay a heavy price."




People all over the world were speechless when they heard the conversation between Zhuo Bufan and Lu Fei!

Now some people have begun to sympathize with Tianwu League and have offended Zhuo Bufan, a black-bellied guy.

At this moment, several kings in the headquarters of Tianwu League were furious.

"This damn bastard, I want to kill him now."

"It's really hateful. With the support of the Talisman Temple behind him, he can do whatever he wants."

"Everyone, please be patient. Now we have to wait for Bai Su to kill this guy, and the world will be quiet."

"We will never forget Bai Su's sacrifice."

Several kings now only hope that Bai Su can kill Zhuo Bufan quickly, so that everything can end.

As long as Bai Su kills Zhuo Bufan, and Tianwu League kills Bai Su, then Tianwu League will be able to get out of this storm.

"Tianwu League guys, you have to hurry up. If you don't catch that crazy woman, your Tianwu League disciples in Yunmeng will die."

Zhuo Bufan is still using the "world loudspeaker" to mock Tianwu League.

Now the people of Tianwu League feel numb when they hear his voice.

"Don't worry, little venerable, Bai Su is a traitor of my Tianwu League. Her pursuit of you is her personal behavior, and it has absolutely nothing to do with my Tianwu League."

"We have now sent two heavenly kings to hunt her down. Once we catch this traitor, we will definitely give you an explanation."

The people of Tianwu League also expressed helplessness when Zhuo Bufan ran to Yunmeng Realm to threaten them.

In the end, they promised Zhuo Bufan in front of the world that they would definitely deal with Bai Su and give Zhuo Bufan an explanation.

At this moment, Bai Su had no idea that she had become the abandoned child of the Tianwu League and the world's public enemy.

What was even more tragic was that almost everyone in the world knew about this matter, except for her.

Bai Su, who was fooled by Zhuo Bufan's light and shadow clone, did not pursue Zhuo Bufan relentlessly.

She had to admit a fact about Zhuo Bufan.

That little thief was very cunning and smart.

Facing her "Five Finger Small Deviation Technique" that was well-planned, Zhuo Bufan was able to survive until now. Zhuo Bufan's wisdom should not be underestimated.

Bai Su was suspended in the air, counting with her fingers, preparing to calculate Zhuo Bufan's future again.

However, this time, Bai Su found that Zhuo Bufan's future was beginning to be uncalculated.

Zhuo Bufan had discovered the secret of Bai Su's "Five Finger Small Deviation Technique", making it impossible for Bai Su to calculate what he would do next.

From the future variables at the beginning, to the two futures later, to now completely unable to predict the future.

Zhuo Bufan's hiding skills are getting more and more superb.

Bai Su was anxious!

As a last resort, Bai Su could only calculate Zhuo Bufan's future further into the future.

Since the Five Finger Small Derivation Technique is called a divine technique, how could it be as simple as Zhuo Bufan thought!

The "Five Finger Small Derivation Technique" that Bai Su has used so far is only the primary stage.

The "Five Finger Small Derivation Technique" at this stage can calculate the target's future for a few hours or days.

At the intermediate stage of the "Five Finger Small Derivation Technique", it can calculate the target's future for a few months.

And the advanced stage of the "Five Finger Small Derivation Technique" can calculate the target's future for a few years.

The current situation is that Zhuo Bufan has found the shielding method, which has made Bai Su unable to calculate his future for a few days.

However, Bai Su can calculate his future for a few months.

This time, Bai Su frowned, and she began to calculate Zhuo Bufan's destination in the next month.

With Bai Su's current ability, it would be more difficult to calculate Zhuo Bufan's fragments in the next two months.

And the consumption of the soul is also stronger.

She bit her pink lips with jade teeth, and fine beads of sweat oozed from her forehead. A vague fragment slowly emerged from the depths of her soul.

It was a desolate Gobi Desert. The Gobi Desert here was not earthy yellow, but red, as if it was stained with blood.

The black wind swept across this land, and the ancient relics were destroyed here.

Above the land, there was an endless blood-red desert, and some broken sculptures and stone statues.

There used to be civilization here, but now everything has turned to dust.

"Is this... the bloody desert?"

When Bai Su saw the red desert, the corners of her mouth trembled slightly.

"What is he doing in this ancient battlefield?"

The Blood Desert, the most famous ancient battlefield in the world of immortal cultivation, is the place where countless powerful giants fell.

This is an extremely dangerous place in the world of immortal cultivation, and ordinary cultivators dare not go there at all.

Zhuo Bufan is just a small cultivator, a small character who has not even cultivated his soul, why would he go to the Blood Desert.

Bai Su is increasingly unable to understand Zhuo Bufan's future!

As a bystander of Zhuo Bufan's future, Bai Su has seen many futures of Zhuo Bufan.

This future seems to have no connection, but it makes Bai Su feel that Zhuo Bufan's future is guided by a mysterious force in the dark.

Although Zhuo Bufan has taken many detours on this road, no matter how he goes, he will always go to the right path in the end.

"Blood Desert, then go to the Blood Desert to wait for him, he will definitely go there, this place, he will definitely go there."

Bai Su didn't know that she was looking at Zhuo Bufan's future a few months later, but this time Bai Su was very convinced that Zhuo Bufan would definitely go there.

No matter how many detours Zhuo Bufan takes, no matter how unwilling he is to go to the Bloody Desert, his fate is to go to the Bloody Desert.

Some fates are God's will!

Zhuo Bufan has not yet transcended God's will. Since he is under the guidance of God's will, he will definitely go to the Bloody Desert. This is the ending he cannot escape.

"Xuanji Umbrella, come back."

Bai Su called out to Xuanji Umbrella, and then flew towards the direction of the Bloody Desert.


No more today, only seven more, sorry!

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