Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 210 The Eye of Life and Death [Sixth update, please subscribe]

In Mo Qiu's drop of blood, Zhuo Bufan finally interpreted a message containing energy.

Zhuo Bufan's eyes lit up and he said in surprise.

"Sister Mo Qiu's Autumnal Equinox Skill?"

Zhuo Bufan had seen with his own eyes that Mo Qiu used the Autumnal Equinox Skill to cut off the illusion created by Yunmeng Pearl.

This Autumnal Equinox Skill is extremely powerful, which makes Zhuo Bufan fascinated.

The important thing is that when Mo Qiu used this Autumnal Equinox Skill, she did not make any movements. She just said a word and completed this terrible killing!

How did she do it?

The secret is about to be revealed.

Feeling the energy of that information entering the body, the impact brought by the wild beast has weakened.

However, that piece of information about the technique began to freely mobilize Zhuo Bufan's meridians.

Zhuo Bufan did not stop it, but let his meridians be mobilized by that piece of information.

That piece of information is Zhuo Bufan's mysterious body of life and death, which was transformed into the Autumnal Equinox Skill after interpreting Mo Qiu's blood.

What exactly is the Autumnal Equinox Skill?

Zhuo Bufan also wanted to know.

However, until the last moment, Zhuo Bufan had no idea how the Autumnal Equinox skill was activated.

He only felt that the life and death aura in his body was guided by two meridians and rushed from his abdomen to his head.

"Here it comes!"

Zhuo Bufan could feel that the so-called Autumnal Equinox skill was about to unveil its mysterious veil.

The life and death auras turned into two surging energies, and after pouring into Zhuo Bufan's mind, they actually poured into Zhuo Bufan's eyeballs frantically.

"Uh uh uh!"

The left eye was filled with life aura, and the right eye was filled with death aura.

This process was full of a strange pain, which made Zhuo Bufan roar and groan.

The reason why it was said to be a strange pain.

First of all, it was very painful, really painful, just like injecting venom into the eyeballs with several syringes.

But it was strange because the venom actually gave Zhuo Bufan some pleasure.

The simplest word to describe this process is painful and happy.

Maybe Zhuo Bufan's SM tendency is getting more and more serious now, but for him who often dies and reloads, this little pain is just a drizzle.

After enduring the pain of being filled with life and death in his eyes.

A wonderful thing happened. Zhuo Bufan's left eyeball turned white, and a faint white air flow floated out of his eyes.

And his right eyeball turned completely black.

What's more magical is that the world Zhuo Bufan saw no longer had any color, but turned black and white.

The world in his eyes turned into a black and white world. What's more mysterious is that the more vigorous the vitality is, the more white it appears.

And the more dim the vitality is, the more black it appears. Stones and other completely lifeless things are pitch black.

Zhuo Bufan looked up at the sky. The sky was black and there was no life in the sky.

A bird flew by. It was white and had life.

That kind of white makes people want to discredit it!

However, when Zhuo Bufan just had this idea in his mind.


The flying bird that Zhuo Bufan was watching suddenly turned black, then screamed, fell from the sky, and died in front of him.

Zhuo Bufan was stunned when he saw this scene.

He then looked at the tree next to him!

The tree was white in his eyes, which meant it had life.

However, when Zhuo Bufan looked at it too much, a thought flashed through his mind.

"Too white, turn black!"

It was an inexplicable thought, as if it happened subconsciously.

I felt that the white color was dazzling and wanted it to turn black.



The lush tree began to wither and shed leaves rapidly, and the original white color began to become darker and darker.

Later, the tree had almost turned gray.

The leaves of the whole tree fell completely, becoming lifeless, and even some branches began to break.

Seeing this scene, Zhuo Bufan quickly closed his eyes, and then calmed the mysterious energy of life and death in his body.

When he opened his eyes again, the world became colorful again.

However, there was a dead bird and a withered tree in front of him.

"The magic skill of the Autumnal Equinox, the eyes cut off the withering and flourishing. It turns out that this is a move of killing with eyes!"

Zhuo Bufan couldn't help but raise his hand and touch his eye sockets. That feeling was simply too magical.

"What is the principle?"

Zhuo Bufan knew that all the abilities in this world could be explained, and they all had their truth and meaning.

"Could it be that the thought of wanting it to die prompted the right dead eye to issue a death command to the tree?"

"Does that mean that my left eye can revive it?"

Zhuo Bufan likes to put his ideas into practice.

He once again circulated the life and death aura in his body.

This time he didn't need to lead it, he had memorized the flow of the meridians.

The life and death aura began to split into two forces and poured into Zhuo Bufan's left and right eyes.

The world in front of him turned black and white again!

He raised his head and looked at the almost dead tree in front of him again.

The treetops of the tree had turned black, and the trunk had turned gray and black.

At this time, Zhuo Bufan's mind thought of it and turned white!

As this thought occurred, Zhuo Bufan could clearly feel that the white eye of his left eye did send some kind of energy fluctuation to the dying tree.

Then, he saw the trunk of the tree slowly turn gray, and then turn white. Finally, it even began to sprout, grow leaves, and bloom.

"Amazing, it's so amazing. Let's see if we can revive this bird."

In front of him was the body of the bird, which had completely turned black.

"Turn white, turn white."

Zhuo Bufan intended to revive the bird, but this time, there was no surprise. No matter how Zhuo Bufan gave orders, the bird did not turn white again.

It was completely dead.

"That is to say, complete black means complete death, and it is impossible to revive it. As long as it had not completely turned black and had a breath, it could be resurrected."

After his own experiments, Zhuo Bufan confirmed one thing.

His eyes were awesome.

He had the ability to kill anyone he stared at, and he also had the ability to make anyone alive by looking at them.

Zhuo Bufan didn't expect that a drop of sister Mo Qiu's blood would bring him such a big surprise.

Of course, Zhuo Bufan's ability is different from Mo Qiu's Autumn Equinox skill.

Mo Qiu's Autumn Equinox skill was modified by Zhuo Bufan's body after interpretation and became a skill that only Zhuo Bufan's physique can use.

"Such a powerful pair of eyes, should we change their names?"

"Life and Death Demon Eyes, it's called Life and Death Demon Eyes."

Zhuo Bufan shouted excitedly.

"Now whoever messes with me again, I will stare him to death, stare him to death!"


(Explain why it is not "One Leaf Knows Autumn", because some book friends have guessed this plot in advance, and some friends may want to ask. "One Leaf Knows Autumn" is the talisman "Yuying", and the leaf that Mo Qiu gave Zhuo Bufan is actually a "talisman treasure"! It has been explained in the section of Shanghang Road. Before the appearance of light and shadow, the only clone talisman was "Yuying"! The talisman cannot be obtained by blood reading!)

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