Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 211 Bai Su appears in the world [Seventh update, please subscribe]

The notoriety of the Blood Desert is well-known in the world of immortal cultivation, and everyone is terrified when talking about it.

After all, this is an ancient battlefield where countless great powers fell.

I don’t know how many years have passed, but this is still a forbidden area that humans can hardly set foot on. Only those with real great powers dare to enter the edge to seek opportunities.

The entire Blood Desert is crescent-shaped and is located in the far east.

There is an ancient saying called the West Sea and the East Desert.

In the far west of the world of immortal cultivation is the Demon Sea, and in the far east is the Blood Desert.

Shihuang City, the closest ancient city to the Blood Desert.

Even if it is the closest, it is more than 1,200 miles west of the Blood Desert.

Shihuang City has no city lord, or it can be said that this is not a city at all, but just a place to rest.

Many people who want to enter the Blood Desert to seek opportunities will stop in Shihuang City and prepare enough resources before they dare to set off.

After a long time, there were businesses, hotels, even auction houses, post stations, etc.

Finally, the scale of development here became larger and larger, forming a city today.

There are not many people in Shihuang City, and the population is stable at about 100,000 all year round.

But everyone here has an extraordinary origin. There is no mortal, and they are all top immortal masters.

After all, the purpose of people coming here is the Blood Desert.

How can those who dare to enter the Blood Desert be ordinary people?


On this day, Bai Su appeared outside Shihuang City with a black umbrella in her hand.

Her appearance attracted the attention of many people.

After all, everyone who came to Shihuang City is not an unknown person.

So when some people saw Bai Su in a gray cloak appearing at the gate of Shihuang City, they looked sideways.

Some people's temperament cannot be concealed even in dirty and tattered clothes.

Not to mention Bai Su, the proud daughter of heaven with peerless elegance, the White King of the Tianwu League of the Northern Territory.

When she appeared in Shihuang City, a heroic spirit was released from her invisibly.

"Black umbrella, gray robe, blind girl, could it be..."

Someone quickly took out a wanted order, on which was drawn the image of a blind girl wearing a cloak and holding a black umbrella.

"It's her, the White King, Bai Su of the Tianwu League!"

"Oh my God, the Bai Su wanted by the Talisman Temple? I heard that she was hunting down a venerable person of the Talisman Temple."

"That's not hearsay, that's the fact, now it's spread all over the Yunmeng Realm. The Talisman Temple's wanted order is all over the world, even to our Shihuang City."

The wanted order in the man's hand was issued by the Talisman Temple.

The character image was provided by Zhuo Bufan when he was talking to Guang Zun in Yunzhong City.

Now the Tianwu League has made it clear that Bai Su has no relationship with his Tianwu League, and it is left to the Talisman Temple to deal with.

In order to save Zhuo Bufan, the Talisman Temple did not rest, but wanted Bai Su all over the world.

"The reward for providing information is 100,000 spirit stones."

"The reward for killing Bai Su is 800 million spirit stones, plus an eight-layer talisman."

When people saw the bounty on the bounty order, their eyes widened.

"The Immortal Wuliang has a bounty of 800 million spirit stones, plus an eight-layer talisman of inestimable value. This Talisman Temple is really rich and powerful."

"The Talisman Temple is so generous for a venerable person. It seems that the venerable person of the Talisman Temple is really untouchable. If you touch it and it breaks off, it will be all spirit stones!"

"What are you talking about? Why don't you notify the people of the Talisman Temple quickly? Those who provide information will be rewarded with 100,000 spirit stones!"

"How to notify? Shihuang City is too remote and has no development prospects, so there is no Talisman Castle of the Talisman Temple. The nearest Talisman Castle is in Chijian City, two thousand miles away."

"You are all a bunch of stupid pigs. Don't you know to go to Yunmeng World and shout? I won't waste time talking to you stupid pigs. I'm going to Yunmeng World."

"I'm going too. I saw it first. I'm going."

For a while, a group of people rushed to Yunmeng World. Then they used the "World Loudspeaker" to inform the world of Bai Su's location.

"Information, information, I am 'Sword White Eyebrow' from Stone Wasteland City, listen up, people from the Talisman Temple, I found Bai Su you are looking for, she is in Stone Wasteland City, please come quickly."

"I am 'Yang Qianli' from Stone Wasteland City, I found her first, Bai Su is in Stone Wasteland City, bring the 100,000 bounty quickly."


"Bai Su is in Stone Wasteland City?"

"We found Bai Wang Bai Su, she is in Stone Wasteland City."

"Very good, this Bai Su's head is worth 800 million spirit stones, an eight-layer talisman. I, 'Dry Bones Taoist', will go and kill this kid."

"The head of that little girl belongs to me, 'Wuniu Mountain Man', I want to see who dares to snatch it from me."

"A bunch of idiots, by the time you get to Stone Wasteland City, that little girl will have been killed by me, 'Sealing Ghosts Layman', I will take the bounty from the Talisman Temple."


The appearance of Bai Su caused a huge sensation in Yunmeng Realm.

In the entire world of immortal cultivation, there were countless people who were tempted by the astonishing bounty of the Talisman Temple.

That was a terrifying bounty that could even attract the powerful of the Wulou Jindan to take action.

When they heard that Bai Su was in Shihuang City, for a moment, these people were like chicken blood, and began to rush to Shihuang City.

Everyone wanted to take Bai Su's head.

Even those who had no ability wanted to see with their own eyes what kind of person this Bai Wang was, who could attract people from all over the world to hunt him down.

Bai Su had become the public enemy of the world.


Back in Shihuang City, Bai Su had no idea that she had become the target of the world.

She was blind and could not see the wanted posters posted everywhere on the wall.

She had never been to Yunmeng Realm, so she had no idea that she had become the public enemy of the world.

But now, she could feel the strong murderous aura coming from all around.

However, Bai Su did not retreat a single step and continued to move forward with an umbrella.

"Hey, how about trying her skills?"

In the post station, several men in black exchanged glances with each other.

"It should be no problem to try, and we brothers are not ordinary people."

After they finished speaking, they put down the wine glasses in their hands, grabbed the Fu Bao sword standing on the corner of the table, rushed out of the post station, jumped onto the street, and blocked Bai Su.


Five people rushed out of the post station and called Bai Su.

Someone rushed out, which naturally attracted more attention.

"It's the Black Dragon Mountain's Five Black-robed Warriors. These five people are well-known in Stone Wasteland City."

"The five people's cultivation is basically at the peak of the first stage, and they can be regarded as truly extraordinary masters."

"The Five Black Sword Formation of his five people is also not weak, and can fight against the Silver Dan strongman."

Seeing the five people who jumped out, many people had high hopes for them.

These people did not know Bai Su's strength, but the other party was the former White King of Tianwu League, and it was obvious that he was not weak.

But the bounty of the Talisman Temple was too tempting, so many people lost their basic judgment.

"Is it the White King of Kanshui of Tianwu League? I have heard of his reputation for a long time. My five brothers are black dragons..."

Puff puff puff puff!

Before the voice was finished, the five heads flew away!


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Killing people is not enough, my Bai Su is so domineering!

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