Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 212 Bai Wang Bai Su [eighth update, please subscribe]

Five heads spurting blood wandered around in the sky.

Bang bang bang bang bang!

They fell to the ground one after another, smashing to the ground like rotten watermelons, their brains spilling out.

This scene attracted the attention of thousands of people at the gate of Shihuang City.

Everyone who saw this scene was dumbfounded.

A fat white man in Tsing Yi with a sanctimonious appearance jumped out, pointed at Bai Su's face and cursed.

"Damn witch, why did you kill people? These five brothers..."


Before the fat white man finished speaking, he exploded on the spot, turning into a bloody storm.

Dumbfounded, a group of people were completely dumbfounded.

I saw five corpses on the ground, their heads missing. A pool of blood exploded on the spot, splashing everywhere, and everyone was stunned.

White King, Bai Su, White King Bai Su of the Tianwu Alliance!

Why so cruel?

Everyone who originally wanted to step forward to ask for an explanation silently took a few steps back.

Too strong, the strength Bai Su showed was too strong.

Domineering, worthy of being the White King under the domineering authority of the Northern Emperor, that kind of domineering makes people shudder.

These people now deeply understand how pitiful Zhuo Bufan is who is being hunted.

"It's too strong. The White King is so powerful. How did the young master of the Talisman Temple escape her pursuit?"

"I don't know. It is rumored that the cultivation level of that young gentleman is not high, at least not as high as those five dear friends just now."

"It's really hard to believe that anyone could escape this woman."

Faced with Bai Su's domineering power, many people were afraid and did not dare to get close.

But those who are afraid are just weak.

In Shihuang City, there is great power everywhere.

After seeing Bai Su slaughter six people without saying a word, a man holding a white fan and wearing a white robe came out.

With a smile on his face and his hair in a high bun, he walked out of the crowd calmly and calmly, looked at the corpses on the ground, then looked up at Bai Suxiao and asked.

"Miss Bai, I've seen her in Xia Dongfang. Her name also has the character "白" in it."

This man in white is polite and has a friendly tone. Unexpectedly, Bai Su did not attack him.

"He is Dongfang Bai of the 'Exalted Immortal Sect', the second largest sect in the Eastern Region."

"Dongfang Bai? Isn't he the immortal genius with a century-old golden elixir?"

"It is said that it only took him a hundred years to create the supreme golden elixir. He is a rare genius of the Exalted Immortal Sect in a thousand years. He is now the Chief Senior Brother and Cabinet Elder of the Exiled Immortal Sect."

"How does this Oriental White compare to Bai Su?" someone asked.

"I don't know. The Tianwu Alliance is the overlord of the Northern Territory, and she, Bai Su, is one of the eight kings under Beidi. She is obviously very powerful. I can't tell what her trump card is."

"I think there is not much difference between the two of them. After all, Dongfang Bai is also the chief disciple of the Exalted Immortal Sect and a genius with a century-old golden elixir. Looking at the entire world of immortal cultivation, how many people can achieve the century-old golden elixir?"

Hearing the praises from everyone, Dongfang Bai just smiled slightly.

He had heard such praises since he was a child. After hearing them for more than a hundred years, his ears were numb.

Looking at the woman in front of him again, Dongfang Bai smiled.

"These people dare to show their murderous intent towards Miss Bai. They really deserve to die. It's not a pity."

"Miss Bai and I hit it off right away, how about we invite Miss Bai to stay next to us to talk?"

The reason why Bai Su killed the five men in Xuanyi and Taoist Bai Pang was entirely because these six people were murderous when facing Bai Su.

If they dare to show their murderous intent towards Bai Su, Bai Su will naturally strike first and will not listen to their nonsense.

After Dongfang Bai saw Bai Su's motive for killing, he honestly restrained his murderous intention and then rushed forward to talk to Bai Su.

However, when Bai Su heard it, he sneered.


Bai Su simply blurted out the word "go" on his forehead, and then Bai Su took a step forward.


Dongfang Bai flew backwards with a bang on the spot, and finally hit a wall hard, making a hole in the wall.

At this moment, the whole place was completely silent. No one dared to step forward and seek death!

"So powerful, what state is she in?"

"It's hard to imagine that the golden elixir is not enough in front of her? Is it the legendary golden elixir realm that does not leak out?"

"If this is the case, then there are no more than three people in the entire Shihuang City who can resist him."

"Yes, except for those three people, no one dares to act wild in front of her."

"But will those three people take action?"

Bai Su's arrival made more than 100,000 people in Shihuang City feel like they were facing a formidable enemy.

This woman is simply too powerful, so powerful that it's suffocating.

This time, no one dared to stand in front of Bai Su.

I saw Bai Su holding a black umbrella, calm and heroic, walking into Shihuang City calmly.

Everyone who stood in front of her moved out of the way.

I'm afraid that if I take a step too late, I'll be trampled to death like an ant by this queen.

Now these people finally know the difference between an ant and a phoenix.

Ants are ants, and phoenixes are phoenixes. Ants are not even qualified to serve as food for phoenixes.

It's hard to imagine that the White King is so powerful, so how terrifying is the Beidi behind her?

Bai Wang Bai Su, one man and one umbrella, stepped into the stone wasteland, and no one dared to mess with him!

At this time, Zhuo Bufan finally embarked on his escape journey again.

It was said to be an escape journey, but he no longer felt the feeling of being hunted.

"That woman Bai Su, was she killed?"

Zhuo Bufan guessed.

He has just upgraded and mastered two awesome abilities.

The two rituals of life and death and the magic eye of life and death!

Zhuo Bufan was eager to give Bai Su a try, but Bai Su never caught up with him again, which made Zhuo Bufan feel uncomfortable.

"Could it be that my method worked and that woman couldn't track me?"

Zhuo Bufan speculated.

He was confident that he had found a way to block Bai Su's "Five Finger Xiaoyan Technique" calculation. In this way, Bai Su could not calculate his future position, so it was naturally impossible to catch Zhuo Bufan.

"Forget it, don't take the blame for it. That woman can't find me, so I should be happy, don't you think so, stupid brother?"

Zhuo Bufan patted the sitting Dapeng golden eagle.

"What a silly bug to have on your back! Talking to yourself alone!"

"Flying around with a stupid insect makes me feel so tired that I can't even flap my wings."

Zhuo Bufan didn't hear what this stupid bird was saying, otherwise he would have been extremely speechless.

I was actually disliked by a stupid bird, I cried with laughter!

Just when the Dapeng Golden Eagle took Zhuo Bufan leisurely and aimlessly flying in the sky.

Suddenly, Dapeng Golden Eagle's eyes lit up.

In a forest not far in front of them, an ancient city unexpectedly appeared.

When Zhuo Bufan saw this, he couldn't help but be startled, with a strange expression on his face.

"What's going on? Wasn't there nothing here just now?"

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