Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 213 Black Tower Black City [9th update, please subscribe]

Zhuo Bufan was confused by the sudden appearance of an ancient city in front of him.

Because he clearly remembered that just now, there was a vast plain in front of him, a forest that could be seen to the end like a plain.

However, the next second, an ancient city appeared out of thin air in this forest.

This is a very small city, probably only 10,000 or 20,000 people live there at most.

The city wall looks very dilapidated, and some parts of the city tower have collapsed.

The walls were covered with weeds and moss.

And there were no guards standing on the city wall at all. It looked like an abandoned, dilapidated town.

But what shocked Zhuo Bufan was that when he looked down from the sky, he found that the city was full of people. Is there anyone in this dilapidated town?

Seeing this, Zhuo Bufan patted the back of the sitting Dapeng Golden Eagle, and then shouted.

"Silly brother, fly down and take a look."

He used the Soul Sense Talisman to communicate with Silly Brother. Upon hearing this, Silly Brother quickly flew down and landed on the ground.

Zhuo Bufan mistook the Dapeng Golden Eagle for a chocobo and rode on its back. Then he came to the small city and looked up.

"Black City?"

On the city wall, two ancient fonts mark the name of this ancient city.

When Zhuo Bufan saw those two words, suddenly, inexplicable blood surged in his body.

"A very ancient font. In my memory, this is one of the oldest fonts in the world of immortality."

Zhuo Bufan frowned slightly, then lowered his eyes and looked into the city from the city gate.

I saw pedestrians coming and going on the streets in the city.

Although it is very strange, there are indeed people living in this city.


Zhuo Bufan's curiosity was aroused again.

From within the Black City, a mysterious attraction emanated, attracting Zhuo Bufan's body.

After he saved it in time, he said to the Dapeng Golden Eagle.

"Silly brother, go in and take a look."

Zhuo Bufan drove the Dapeng Golden Eagle into the Black City.

Then the Golden Dapeng statue was like a penguin, swaying from side to side towards the black city, feeling very silly and cute.

However, when Zhuo Bufan and Dapeng Golden Eagle walked into the Black City...

But he was shocked by what he saw in front of him.

To describe it in four words, touch, eyes, surprise, and heart!

In the black city, there are skeletons everywhere, overgrown weeds, dilapidated buildings, and no trace of human beings.

Seeing this scene, Zhuo Bufan couldn't help but tighten his grip on the reins.

"It's smelly, where is this? Why did my aunt wake up and see all the corpses?"

Xiaomei's voice came from the plum blossom mark on the back of her hand. After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan slowly exhaled and said.

"What the hell!"

This was the first thing Zhuo Bufan said after entering the city.

He had just been outside the city and clearly saw the city crowded with people and noisy. But after entering the city, there were skeletons everywhere, which was shocking.

What made Zhuo Bufan even more nervous was that when he turned around, he suddenly discovered...

The door behind him disappeared!

"Where's the door?"

Zhuo Bufan shook his eyes, and the city gate behind them turned into a wall.


Zhuo Bufan swallowed.

An inexplicable uneasy feeling began to linger in his heart.

"It stinks, what on earth is this place? It's lifeless!"

Xiaomei was obviously calmer than Zhuo Bufan. It was obvious that Xiaomei was used to seeing skeletons lying all over the place in front of her.

Xiaomei grew from the bones of countless people from the Zhemei Sect.

"Is it an illusion?"

Zhuo Bufan didn't answer Xiaomei because he didn't know what the hell this place was.

When we were outside the city, we clearly saw a huge crowd of people inside, but when we entered the city, everything turned into a mass of bones.


The sitting Dapeng golden eagle actually started calling anxiously at this time.

Zhuo Bufan quickly used the Soul Awareness Talisman to talk to him.

"What's wrong, silly brother?"

"I can't fly, I can't fly."

I saw the big golden eagle trying to flap its wings and fly, but no matter how hard it tried, it couldn't fly. It fluttered twice at most before falling to the ground.

"If you can't fly, stop flying. There are weird things in this dark city."

Fortunately, Zhuo Bufan kept a file outside the city.

But now when he recalled the scene of huge crowds of people in the city just now, he still felt baffled.

"It's so strange. Why do I feel an inexplicable sense of belonging in my body after entering this dead city?"

Zhuo Bufan felt a little frightened in his heart, his soul and body had a terrible rejection reaction.

His mind was terrified, but his body was enjoying it.

"Since there is an archive, there is no need to be afraid. Let's first see if there are any living things in this weird black city!"

As soon as Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, the two fingers of his right hand stood side by side and swept across in front of his eyes.

Immediately afterwards, his left eye turned white and his right eye turned black, turning the world in front of him into a pure black and white world.

Zhuo Bufan scanned the entire town and suddenly discovered that the entire black city was almost completely dark.

There were only some scattered weeds on the ground, and they were only a faint gray in Zhuo Bufan's eyes.

Apart from this, Zhuo Bufan did not find any other white objects.

White means life in Zhuo Bufan's eyes.

Now, the city is barely white at all.

Zhuo Bufan is almost certain!

This is a dead city!

Just when Zhuo Bufan was about to close his eyes and see the light in front of him.

Suddenly, a white shadow flashed in front of the dark eyes.

"Is there a living thing?"

Zhuo Bufan immediately restored the color of his eyes and looked at the place where the white shadow flashed, but there was nothing there.

"Silly brother, chase it and see."

Zhuo Bufan drove the big roc golden eagle to chase it, but when he ran over, he found nothing.

Instead, a huge black pagoda appeared in front of him.

Zhuo Bufan had seen this pagoda when he was outside the Black City. It was located in the center of the entire city. It was in the shape of an octagonal pagoda with eight floors. It was the tallest building in the entire Black City.

The pagoda was built of a kind of black crystal stone, which matched the name of the Black City.

"What is going on with this Black City?"

Zhuo Bufan's heart was almost jumping to his throat at this moment.

His soul was extremely nervous, but his body was inexplicably excited.

"Stinky Bufan, are you sure you want to go in?" Xiaomei asked.

"Since we're here, let's go take a look!"

Zhuo Bufan kept telling himself that he had a save file, so he could be bold and do it.

So, he walked towards the black tower!

As soon as he arrived in front of the black tower gate, he didn't expect that the black tower would open the gate automatically.

Boom boom boom!

The heavy black crystal stone gate slowly rose from the ground.

At the same time, as the black gate rose, the skeletons on the ground behind Zhuo Bufan also climbed up from the ground!


No more for today, continue tomorrow! Good night everyone!

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