Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 214 A thunderous battle [First update, please subscribe]

Boom boom boom!

The door of the mysterious black tower in front of me slowly opened.

Behind him, bones were crawling up from the ground.

Click, click, click!

These bones were pieced together piece by piece to form a strange creature.

There are human forms, animal forms, and dragon forms!

Zhuo Bufan heard the creepy voice coming from behind, and immediately turned around, only to see bones everywhere, reshaping bodies.

Black flames flashed from their eyes.

"Smelly, can these bones move?"

Xiaomei shouted!

She had seen a lot of skeletons, but this was the first time she had seen a skeleton that was still moving after so many years of death.

And Zhuo Bufan felt his scalp was going crazy!

"What the hell is this place, the army of the undead?"

Seeing all the skeletons reshaping their bodies, they all looked towards the direction of the central black tower.

There are nearly 10,000 such skeleton armies in the entire Black City.

"Enter the tower!"

Zhuo Bufan shouted and rushed towards the opened door of the black tower.

However, just as he was about to rush into the black tower, a beam of black light poured out from the tower, blocking him from the door.

Immediately, a sentence came into Zhuo Bufan's mind that shocked him.

"The key to the Black Tower is in the bones. Get it and enter the tower with it!"

The words that sounded in his mind shocked Zhuo Bufan.

"Who? Who's talking?"

Is there anyone else besides him in this weird black tower?

"The key to the Black Tower is in the bones. Get it and enter the tower with it!"

Zhuo Bufan recalled those short sixteen words, and his eyes lit up.

These bones contain the key to the Black Tower, and you must find it!

Zhuo Bufan had a vague feeling that he had encountered this black city and this black tower inexplicably.

It was this black tower that found him in the vast sea of ​​people.

"It's been a long time since I've moved my muscles. If that's the case, I'll give it a try."

With a thought, Zhuo Bufan summoned the Thousand Evil Sword from Najie.

The rusty, simple and cracked Qianxie Sword appeared in Zhuo Bufan's hand.

"Want to fight? My aunt wants to play too."

Seeing Zhuo Bufan wanting to fight, Xiaomei flew out of the mark.

"Xiaomei, there is a key among these bones, find it!"

Zhuo Bufan said to Xiaomei that with Xiaomei's help, he would get twice the result with half the effort.

But, what is the key?

"Silly brother, come and help." Zhuo Bufan used the Soul Awareness Talisman to talk to the Dapeng Golden Eagle.

As a result, the Dapeng Golden Eagle's buttocks retreated.

"I won't eat worms that are all bones."

"Khan, then just stay here and stay well, don't die. Xiaomei, let's go!"

As soon as Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he rushed down from the black tower and rushed towards the army of thousands of skeletons.

Holding the Thousand Evil Sword in his hand, a steady stream of vitality poured into the sword.

On the cracks in the Qianxie Sword's blade, streaks of white light spread, the light flickered, and the divine power filled the air.


Zhuo Bufan swept his sword horizontally, and a ten-meter-long sword energy swept across the fan-shaped area in front of him.

Click, click, click!

The army of hundreds of skeletons was stopped and killed by Zhuo Bufan on the spot.

On the other side, Xiaomei rushed into the skeleton army, holding a long vine whip in her hand.

Bang bang bang bang!

The points pointed by the long whip turned into powder, and they were all bursts of ashes.

"These skeleton armies are easy to deal with!"

To Zhuo Bufan's surprise, he thought that these skeleton armies would be difficult to tangle with, but he killed a large number of them in just three or five blows.

However, if things were really as Zhuo Bufan thought, it would be much simpler.

Just when Zhuo Bufan thought he could kill everyone.

Suddenly, a huge dog-shaped skeleton jumped out.

Click, click, click!

As soon as it moved, thousands of bones on its body would rattle.


The dog-shaped skeleton rushed out and fiercely suppressed Zhuo Bufan.

Seeing this, Zhuo Bufan raised his sword eyebrows, held the Thousand Evil Sword in his hand, and struck out at the dog-shaped skeleton that was rushing towards him.

A ray of sword light shot into the sky and hit the dog-shaped skeleton.

However, this time, Zhuo Bufan did not see the dog-shaped skeleton being split into two by his sword energy.

Zhuo Bufan's sword actually only cut off a few sternums in the abdomen of the dog-shaped skeleton.

However, this does not hurt the opponent at all, and it cannot stop the other party's actions.

That giant beast just fell from the sky. It opened its fangs and teeth like blades, and its bone-white claws like long swords.


That claw cut off Zhuo Bufan's head. Upon seeing this, Zhuo Bufan immediately raised the Qianxie Sword and blocked the powerful and heavy blow.


With a sudden crash, the ground beneath Zhuo Bufan's feet actually shattered.

It can be seen how terrifying the power of the white-bone beast is with this blow.

But Zhuo Bufan is no longer the weakling Zhuo Bufan he was. Now he has gradually moved towards the ranks of the strong.

"Burn the blood magic skill, burn it for me."


Zhuo Bufan shouted angrily, and blood surged all over his body.

The blood-burning magical skill was a skill he robbed from a mission target named Ouyang Ao when he was an assassin at Four Seasons Mountain and River.

You can burn your own blood to provide the body's basic abilities.

Strength, speed, endurance, reflexes, ability to resist blows...

All physical qualities will be improved exponentially.

The Burning Blood Divine Art was activated, and the blood in Zhuo Bufan's blood vessels began to burn, like boiling water.

Zhuo Bufan's skin even began to turn bright red, and countless pores around his body began to emit red breath.

On Zhuo Bufan's body, there was a bang, and a red flame similar to Dou Qi burst out.

The next second, Zhuo Bufan's power suddenly burst out.

"Get out of my way!"

Zhuo Bufan stomped his right foot on the ground.


The ground was directly smashed into a pit by his kick, and the skeleton army that was about to rush up to attack him was blown away by Zhuo Bufan's powerful momentum.

Zhuo Bufan himself flew up like a cannonball, and knocked over the skeleton beast that was pressing him to death with a bang.


After the skeleton beast was knocked to the ground, Zhuo Bufan jumped into the air, then held the Qianxie Sword tightly with both hands, and the surging life energy was poured into the Baixie Sword again.


A sword force like a wild goose falling from the flat sand fell down with a bang, splitting a gully on the ground. .

The white bone giant was smashed into two halves by Zhuo Bufan's blow on the spot.

The white bones snapped and broke into thousands of sections.

After completing this gorgeous counterattack, Zhuo Bufan stood up from the ground calmly, with a blazing flame-like aura burning around him.

With a wave of the long sword, a group of skeletons rushing over from the right were instantly cut off.

When he raised his eyes and eyebrows again, he saw that in the vast black city, there was no shortage of white bone troops, rustling and rushing over like a tide.

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