Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 215: Peerless Grace (Part 1) [Second update, please subscribe]

The endless skeletons, can't be killed or chopped off.

There are countless more, drilling out from the ground.

This will be a long battle.

This will be a battlefield to hone Zhuo Bufan's fighting skills.

At this moment, Zhuo Bufan's body is full of blood, fighting spirit is high, and there is a rare excitement in his emotions.

This army of bones is a Shura battlefield for Zhuo Bufan.

Here, he can constantly hone his direct fighting skills.

At this moment, Zhuo Bufan no longer cares about the black tower key, that kind of thing, you get it by chance.

What he values ​​more is the vast army in front of him. At this moment, Zhuo Bufan needs such a battle to hone his combat experience.

Zhuo Bufan has not been cultivating for a long time, so he has basically no combat experience.

And now, his opponents are often freaks who have practiced for one or two hundred years.

Zhuo Bufan wants to fight these geniuses head-on, and his poor combat skills are simply a show of skill in front of an expert.

So Zhuo Bufan urgently needs such a battle to temper him.

So at this moment, he is very excited, because this is the opportunity he needs most at the moment.

To temper his fighting will, he must fight to the end with his last breath.

"Come on! I'm burning!"

Zhuo Bufan glanced at the vast army of skeletons, and his momentum suddenly rolled, and the sky was dyed red with blood.

He was burning, not only his blood and qi were burning, but also his soul and fighting will.

"Save the file, I will fight my way out here."

Zhuo Bufan saved the file, and he boldly overwrote the save file in Yunmeng Realm.

The three save files now are outside the Black Tower City, inside the Black Tower City, and the mass grave.

Zhuo Bufan saved the file, which means that he will fight to the end with a will to die.

Then, he was like a fighting madman, throwing himself into the vast battlefield.

His blood-burning magic skill burned until his body ran out of blood.

The opponents he encountered were becoming more and more terrifying and powerful.

Killed, then reloaded!

Killed, reloaded again!

Killed, he would come again.

Life and death, over and over again.

Zhuo Bufan fought back and forth like a madman.

His body could die, but Zhuo Bufan's battle memory would not.

After reloading the game, his battle memory would even be transmitted to the body and become body memory.

Every time he reloaded the game, Zhuo Bufan's fighting skills improved significantly.

Every time he reloaded the game, Zhuo Bufan's fighting will became stronger than before.

Later, he lived longer and longer, and he mastered the three major fighting skills of Burning Blood Divine Art, Shifting Stars and Changing Shadows, and Life and Death.

This skeleton battlefield became the place where he honed his fighting skills.

In the end, basically no skeleton beast could kill him.

The evolved life and death aura in his body was like a perpetual motion machine, providing him with a constant supply of energy support.


Zhuo Bufan was cultivating desperately in the Black City!

At this moment, in the Stone Wasteland City in the Far East, a world-shaking battle was quietly brewing.

The Stone Wasteland City, where the White King Bai Su descended.

Now the whole world knows that Bai Su has come to the Stone Wasteland City, and countless powerful people have come from all over the world of immortal cultivation, just to kill Bai Su and take away the bounty of the Talisman Temple.

On this day, a dark cloud covering a hundred miles suddenly floated over the sky of the Stone Wasteland City. In the dark cloud, thunder and lightning rolled like the roar of dragons and tigers.


Suddenly, a thunderbolt-like golden dragon hit the top of the Stone Wasteland City.

The entire top of the Stone Wasteland City was reduced to ashes and turned into dust on the spot.

Soon after, an old Taoist in golden clothes appeared in the air, stepping on two flying winged electric pythons like dragons.

This man had golden eyebrows and golden hair, was half-dressed, had abdominal muscles like gold and stone, and was wrapped in golden lightning. His aura was extremely strong.

The moment he appeared, the people of the entire Stone Wasteland City were startled.

The overbearing figure shouted angrily.

"I am the head of the Golden Light Sect, the Golden Snake Daozun. Are you the witch Bai Su in the city?"

As soon as this man finished speaking, the people of the Stone Wasteland City looked at him sideways and admired him.

"The head of the Golden Light Sect has come in person?"

"This Golden Light Sect is not a first-class outstanding sect, but I have heard of their head!"

"This man was once an elder of the Shenxiao Sect, the third largest sect in the East Region. Later, for some reason, he left the sect and founded the Golden Light Sect. Now, there are 70,000 to 80,000 disciples under the Golden Light Sect. It can be said that the sect is full of students and students all over the world."

"So, this is a great man?" someone said in surprise.

"Of course, who is not a powerful person who can form his own sect? Judging from his cultivation, he should have reached the level of not leaking the golden elixir."

"Not leaking the golden elixir, a powerful person who does not leak the golden elixir has come? That witch, someone has finally dealt with her."

When they heard that the head of the Jinguan Sect was a powerful person who did not leak the golden elixir, everyone's heart was burning with resentment.

Of course, this resentment was not directed at the Golden Snake Taoist Master, but at Bai Su.

Ever since Bai Su came to Shihuang City, the people of Shihuang City have been trembling with fear.

In the past few days, Bai Su has killed countless people inexplicably, and the streets are full of corpses.

"Where is Bai Su, why don't you come out and die?"

The Golden Snake Daoist Master roared again, and the mountains and rivers shook, and the Stone Wasteland trembled.

"Golden Snake Daoist Master, this Daoist Master, I know! The witch is on the blood altar in the city."

Someone rushed forward and showed great courtesy to the Golden Snake Daoist Master.

The Golden Daoist Master nodded with satisfaction.

"Very good, I will take down the witch."

These people came with great fanfare, claiming to be the ones who slay demons and defend the Dao, but they were just coveting the reward from the Talisman Temple.


In the center of the Stone Wasteland City, there is a blood altar.

This blood altar is like blood all over, and it is about a hundred square meters in size!

Put in the center of the Stone Wasteland City, it is like a blood-colored gem.

It is rumored that this blood altar was brought out from the Blood Wasteland Desert by a giant.

When he came out, he was already bloody and dying. In the end, he fell to the center of the Stone Wasteland City with the blood altar and died on the blood altar.

After the death of the great man, his soul was directly devoured by the blood altar.

The blood altar was later placed in the Stone Wasteland City, and no one dared to covet it.

Later, people found that if they practiced on the blood altar, their souls would improve rapidly, so the blood altar soon became the city treasure of the Stone Wasteland City.

This city treasure became a duel place for some people. The losing party's soul would be absorbed by the blood altar.

This city treasure also became a place for some people to practice. If they sat on it for less than an hour, their exhausted souls would recover quickly.

Bai Su, who was chased by the world, was sitting on the blood altar at this moment, recovering her soul.

With her around, no one dared to take a step forward.

The huge blood altar was completely occupied by her alone.

Just when Bai Su was about to finish her practice, a roar of anger came from the sky.

"Witch, die!"


Please subscribe and reward! ! Some friends said that the update was too fast and they couldn't remember the plot, so I'll try to slow it down! Make every scene good. Plot is king, and I hope every plot is not forgotten after the slide show.

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