Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 216: Peerless Grace (Part 2) [3rd update, please subscribe]

A roar of anger came from the horizon!

Then the sky was covered with dark clouds and heavy rain fell.

The Golden Snake Daoist, with two golden giant pythons, attacked Bai Su on the blood altar.

Bai Su heard it, picked up the black umbrella, and sat up from the blood altar.

Facing the sudden attack of the Golden Snake Daoist, Bai Su frowned slightly.

The people who came this time were not just cats and dogs, and Bai Su felt a little threatened.

She didn't understand why she was suddenly hated and hunted by so many people.

These two days, she sat on the blood altar, and from the rustling and noisy anger around her, she vaguely heard that she was wanted by the Talisman Temple.

Thinking of this, Bai Su thought of Zhuo Bufan. Obviously, Zhuo Bufan, who she was hunting, was not an ordinary person.

Before she could think about it, the Golden Snake Daoist had already killed in front of her.

The moment Bai Su stood up, the whole Shihuang City felt a great pressure.

But she held the black umbrella in her hand and uttered a light sigh.


The Xuanji umbrella in her hand spun and flew towards the Golden Snake Taoist Master who was stepping on her.

Hiss, hiss!

The umbrella brim of the Xuanji umbrella was sharper than the sword blade, and it even cut the air.

Seeing this, the Golden Snake Taoist Master immediately abandoned the snake and fled, and the two flying-winged electric pythons under his feet were instantly cut into pieces.

"Evil witch, kill my golden snake, be punished!"

The Golden Snake Taoist Master fell from the sky, with thunder entangled in his hand. The entire blood altar was instantly entangled by hundreds of millions of thunder and lightning, hissing.

"Are you practicing the Divine Heaven Dao?"

Bai Su felt the pressure of thunder and lightning coming from above her head, and her pretty eyebrows were tightly knitted.

"Three Thousand Weak Waters!"


The Golden Snake Taoist Master's Divine Heaven Palm hit Bai Su's body, and in an instant, Bai Su's body turned into a pool of water and was mixed in the heavy rain.

Seeing this scene, the people who were paying attention to this battle were stunned.

"Water, Bai Su's soul is cultivated with water element."

"She has turned into three thousand weak waters and merged into the torrential rain."

"This Golden Snake Daoist Master miscalculated. He came with thunderclouds and heavy rain, but he never expected that Bai Su practiced the Water Element Dao!"

"No wonder her title under the Northern Emperor is the White King of Kanshui."


The Golden Snake Daoist Master was furious when he saw this scene. He raised his thunderous Shenxiao Palm and bombarded the heavy rain around him.

"Damn it, for a shocking appearance, I foolishly drove a thundercloud. Little did I know that this girl practiced the Water Element Dao."

The Golden Snake Daoist Master was very embarrassed at this moment.

In order to show off, he arrested a thundercloud on the way to Shihuang City, and achieved his purpose of making a shocking appearance.

His appearance was indeed shocking, and he pretended very successfully. Countless people praised his appearance.

However, this pretense was too big!

Bai Su practiced the Water Element Dao, and this heavy rain was simply her home court.

Boom boom boom boom!

The Golden Snake Taoist kept bombarding the surrounding rain, and even bombarded the thundercloud above his head, trying to disperse the thundercloud.

"It's embarrassing. The thunder and lightning of the Golden Snake Taoist can't shatter the thundercloud, it will only help it."

The scene was very embarrassing for a while, and even the people watching around were embarrassed for the Golden Snake Taoist.

"Witch, are you afraid of me? Why don't you show your true form quickly and come out to die?"

At this moment, Bai Su couldn't hit or see, which made the Golden Snake Taoist anxious.

In the heavy rain, the Golden Snake Taoist's thunder and lightning bombarded the surrounding water droplets crazily.

However, the Golden Snake Taoist could feel that he was hitting all the air.

Just when the Golden Snake Taoist was angry, suddenly, all the raindrops seemed to have eyes and bombarded the golden Taoist.

Pah pah pah!

The originally soft and weak raindrops were as hard as bullets and as sharp as blades at that moment.

"Is it here? The Godly Sky Tyrant Body!"

Bai Su made a move, and the Golden Snake Daoist Venerable was not to be outdone, with thunder and lightning rolling in his body and bombarding out.

For a moment, his entire body became the source of thunder and lightning, releasing thunder and lightning with crackling sounds.


The thunder and lightning were raging, blasting all the bullets that attacked into water molecules.

For a moment, thick mist slowly spread from the blood altar.

The audience around was shocked to see what was happening in front of them.

"So powerful, is this the strength of the Great Unleaked Golden Pill Realm?"

"The raindrops controlled by the witch are amazing. People below the Silver Pill level may not be able to withstand even a drop."

"However, the Golden Snake Daoist Venerable was able to withstand countless raindrops with annihilating killing intent. It's terrible, it's simply terrible."

The onlookers finally had an intuitive and terrible understanding of the "Great Unleaked Golden Pill".

As the blood altar was covered with fog, there was a torrent of eye-catching energy in the fog.

No one knew what happened in the mist.

However, after a long time, the white mist gradually turned red.

Everyone who saw this scene was stunned.

"Blood smell, there is a blood smell in the mist, someone is seriously injured."

"Who is it, who is seriously injured?"

People smelled the pungent smell of blood from the mist. Just taking a breath, they felt their bodies trembling all over, and powerful energy poured into their bodies.

Some people with lower cultivation even howled after smelling the blood smell, and then exploded and died.

"Get out of the way quickly, this is the blood of the powerful, don't smell it."

The blood of the powerful cannot be smelled. The blood contains powerful energy.

Someone reminded everyone to quickly disperse around and fled thousands of meters away. They rode their flying mounts and quietly watched the battle on the blood altar in the center of Stone Wasteland City.

On the blood altar, the blood mist became thicker and thicker, and began to spread in the streets and alleys of Stone Wasteland City. Wherever it passed, no living creatures were seen, and animals died tragically on the spot.

"It's terrible. What kind of battle happened on the blood altar?"

"Just smelling a breath of blood, several people died on the spot!"

"Damn it, the powerful people in the second stage are really not comparable to our little monks in the first stage."

This battle made some people deeply realize the power of the powerful people in this world.

Raising their hands brought wind, rain, thunder and lightning, and a drop of blood could kill living creatures.


The thundercloud in the sky was even more turbulent.

The black cloud pressed down on the city and was about to destroy it.

The heavy rain fell, and the blood mist on the blood altar slowly dissipated.

All the people watching the battlefield from afar widened their eyes. They wanted to witness the outcome of this battle.

And the outcome was...

A peerless and beautiful woman, holding a black umbrella, stood in the heavy rain like a black lotus that stood alone in the world, stunning the world!

"Is it her? She won!"

"Where is the person, where is the Golden Snake Taoist Master?"

"I can't feel his breath, as if he never existed."

"He's dead, his body turned to ashes, and his soul was devoured by the blood altar! This heavy rain is his funeral!"


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