Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 224 Target, Bloody Desert [3rd update, please subscribe]

Time artifact, Tianxuan Tower!

Emperor Xuan created something that defied heaven.

Zhuo Bufan now finally understands what kind of freaks will be born in this world of immortality at the end of his cultivation.

Even the person that such a thing can create is no longer a person, but a god.

"It's smelly, it's smelly. My aunt wants to practice here, is that okay?"

Xiaomei was even more excited than Zhuo Bufan, because this kind of Tianxuan Tower undoubtedly has unique advantages for the demon clan.

Monsters don't need to practice, they just need to live. The longer they live, the stronger they become.

For Xiaomei, practicing here for a year is worth practicing outside for a long, long time.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan nodded and replied.

"Of course, you can also put the leftover plum wine here. They will also ferment faster."

Zhuo Bufan understood very well the significance of the Tianxuan Tower. The biggest benefit was to speed up his cultivation.

For Xiaomei, this is a godsend.

Xiaomei spent two hundred years of demonic power for herself, and Zhuo Bufan couldn't let go. Now with the Tianxuan Tower, Xiaomei can repair herself to her original peak as quickly as possible.

"If you want to practice, let's go to the top of the building. The time flow speed on the eighth floor is 256 times that of the first floor. You only need to spend a year there to reach your previous peak."

Zhuo Bufan smiled.

As long as you are good at cultivating demons, you can become a peerless demon just by lying down in this Tianxuan Tower.

However, as soon as Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, Xuanxuan struck.

"No, you can only practice on this level now. If you want to enter the second level, you need to find the 'mysterious altar' to the second level."

"Xuantan, what is that?" Zhuo Bufan asked in surprise.

"The Mysterious Altar is the passage to the upper level. When Emperor Xuan ascended, he used the Tianxuan Tower to resist the Heavenly Tribulation. The nine Mysterious Altars were knocked away by the Heavenly Tribulation and scattered all over the world."

Xuanxuan's words made Zhuo Bufan frown slightly.

"Doesn't that mean that we can only practice on the first floor of this Tianxuan Tower?"

When he thought of this, Zhuo Bufan's originally excited mood suddenly cooled down.

Although doubling the speed of time was already considered an artifact, Zhuo Bufan was still a little disappointed when he thought that it could increase the speed by more than a thousand times.

After hearing this, Xuanxuan replied: "As long as you find the Xuan Altar."

Zhuo Bufan regained hope again.

"Can things from two hundred thousand years ago be recovered?"

"Of course I can find it back. The Mysterious Altar is an eternal product."

"What does the Mysterious Altar look like? Where can I find it?" Zhuo Bufan rekindled his excitement.

Upon hearing this, Xuanxuan suddenly projected a ray of light from its hole in the eye.

Just like a three-dimensional projection, the appearance of the mysterious altar was displayed in front of Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan couldn't help but be startled after seeing the mysterious altar.

It was a purple-black spar stone platform with a lotus base. When Zhuo Bufan saw it for the first time, he was shocked.

"Is this the Holy Lord's teleportation platform?"

Isn't this mysterious altar the same teleportation platform that Zhuo Bufan once saw on the Eight-month Tower Boat in Four Seasons Mountains and Rivers?

At that time, Granny Qiu said that it was a space talisman forged by the Holy Lord, and Zhuo Bufan believed it.

But now when I see the Xuantai of Tianxuan Pagoda displayed by Xuanxuan, it is just like the Teleportation Spirit Platform.

"Damn, where is the Holy Master? Can we still get it?" Zhuo Bufan was speechless.

Even if I now know that the Holy Master has a Xuantai, I still can't get it! The other party is the Holy Lord, and a sneeze can kill him.

"In addition to the Holy Lord, there are eight more. So how to find the others? If you want to find them, wouldn't it be like looking for a needle in a haystack?"

Xuanxuan answered Zhuo Bufan's question.

"Xuantan is the product of Tianxuan Tower, so Tianxuan Tower can locate their positions."

"Master, are you going to look for it?"

Now Zhuo Bufan is the master of the Xuan Bone Ring, which is equivalent to the master of Xuan Xuan.

Upon hearing this, Zhuo Bufan nodded.

"Of course, then you can locate the nearest Xuan Altar for me, and we'll go look for it now."

After Xuanxuan heard this, the scene projected in his eyes changed again.

The picture kept flying by, heading towards the destination of Xuantan.

Finally, it landed in a bloody desert, and then continued to the central hinterland of the bloody desert.

Deep in the hinterland of the bloody desert, there is an ancient ruins. Under the ruins, a mysterious altar floats quietly on a sea of ​​blood.

"Where is this?"

Zhuo Bufan saw everything from beginning to end, but there was no scene he was familiar with in the picture.

After hearing this, Xuanxuan replied.

"This place is eight thousand miles east of where we are now."

"Eight thousand miles away, the nearest one to us is so far away?"

Zhuo Bufan was speechless. This world of immortality was bigger than he imagined.

"Eight thousand miles, Brother Silly is afraid he will die from exhaustion." Zhuo Bufan suddenly felt sorry for Brother Silly.

Seeing the silly look of the Dapeng golden eagle, Zhuo Bufan decided not to ravage it.

"Master wants to go, we can take the Black City there."

Xuanxuan can always surprise Zhuo Bufan.

"Can Black City fly?" Zhuo Bufan asked in surprise.

"Heicheng can fly and become invisible. Otherwise, I wouldn't be able to find the owner."

Only then did Zhuo Bufan remember that Black City suddenly appeared in front of him.

In other words, Black City can fly and has the ability to become invisible.

"Then what are you waiting for? Let's go."

Zhuo Bufan couldn't wait to go to the destination.

His current goal is to collect all the Xuantan and open up the passages on all floors of the Tianxuan Tower.

Such a powerful time flow artifact, how can we not make good use of it?

Zhuo Bufan's Taoism is too shallow. When he thought about competing with the great Tianjiao on this big stage in the future, he felt a little nervous.

His cultivation is too weak, not as good as those old ghosts who have practiced for hundreds and thousands of years.

At this moment, Zhuo Bufan was lucky to get the Tianxuan Tower left by the Emperor Xuan.

For him, he finally has a support to compete with the Tianjiao.


In his excitement, Zhuo Bufan did not forget to save, he overwrote the second save.

The current three saves are:

Outside the Black City Gate, inside the Tianxuan Tower, and the mass grave.

After the save was completed, Zhuo Bufan turned around and saw that Xiaomei had taken out all the plum saliva wine and put it in the Tianxuan Tower. .

With the Tianxuan Tower, the fermentation speed of these plum saliva wines has doubled.

"Well done, Xiaomei. You should stay in the Tianxuan Tower from now on! When I find other Xuantai, I will send you to a higher level to practice."

Zhuo Bufan wanted to find Xuantai so eagerly because of Xiaomei's debt.

"Tsk, stinky Bufan, you still have some conscience."

Looking at Xiaomei's arrogant look, Zhuo Bufan laughed.

"Hahaha, can you return Xuanxuan to me now? You have torn it into pieces."

Zhuo Bufan didn't want to move Xiaomei, he felt sorry for Xuanxuan.


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