Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 225 Goodbye Zhou Yu [Fourth update, please subscribe]

Some people step on flying swords, some drive flying eagles, some ride on flying boats, some drive spaceships...

People all over the world rushed towards the Blood Desert, in order to catch up with Wan Long's head this time.

It can be said to be bustling and crowded.

Among them, there is a floating city, coming from the distant western sky.

It was invisible at first, but after it passed through a cloud, everyone noticed the huge floating city above their heads.

"Wow, who is that, bringing the whole city."

"It's such a big city, leaving a long river-like passage in the sky."

"He actually has the ability to become invisible. No wonder we didn't realize it."

A group of people looked at the city in the sky and were extremely shocked.

After the city broke out of the clouds, it disappeared from everyone's sight again.

A group of people chased after them, but a few of them were crushed by an invisible energy.

Some of the spaceships blocking the city were smashed to pieces.


"What hit my ass?"

"Don't you have eyes?"

A group of people were complaining, but they couldn't see the existence of the floating city at all. They only felt that there was a huge existence flying slowly in front of them.

"Don't get close to it, it's a floating city, and someone is attacking it."

Someone saw with their own eyes that the city passed through the clouds, revealing its size and shape, and confirmed that it was a floating city.

"No way? Who is it, driving a city into the bloody desert?"

"I don't know. Don't get close. It should be the floating city of a certain great power. If you offend the great power, you will be crushed to pieces!"

The mysterious and invisible floating city appeared, attracting many people to watch.

But at this moment, Zhuo Bufan, who was in the floating city, looked confused.

"What's going on? Why are so many people heading east? What happened?"

Zhuo Bufan stood at the top of the city, looking at the sea of ​​clouds below, filled with thousands of flowing clouds.

The entire sky is like a long river, and everyone is rushing to move forward quickly in the direction of the dawn.

"Damn, what are these guys doing following my black city?"

Zhuo Bufan saw a group of people following him below the floating city.

It was obviously an invisible black city, but after being circled inside and out by these guys three times, the appearance of the floating city was completely exposed.

"These people must be drunk away."

Zhuo Bufan frowned.

He is too grandiose and will soon attract some people's attention.

Then, Zhuo Bufan cleared his throat and shouted loudly.

"What are you doing around my floating city? If you don't want to die, get out!"

Zhuo Bufan held back his breath and burst out in one breath.

For a moment, everyone ran away like frightened birds.

"It's too arrogant, we can no longer use the floating city."

After Zhuo Bufan frightened away all the onlookers, he immediately included Heicheng into the Mysterious Bone Ring.

The Xuan Bone Ring is actually a Na Ring with special abilities created by Emperor Xuan.

It's just that an entire city can fit inside this Najie.

Moreover, there are not many requirements for the soul.

After incorporating the Black City into the Mysterious Bone Ring, Zhuo Bufan flew out from behind the clouds on a roc golden eagle, hiding himself perfectly.

A group of people who were frightened and flew away, after a while, felt the floating city in the sky, but they all said in surprise.

"What's going on? Where is that floating city?"

"It seems to have suddenly disappeared."

"Disappeared suddenly? How could such a large floating city suddenly disappear?"

A group of people, including Monk Zhanger, were confused.

"As expected of a powerful floating city, is it even a space talisman?"

"No matter what, one thing is certain. The dragons raising their heads in the bloody desert are most likely true, otherwise it would be impossible for such a powerful person to go there in person."

Zhuo Bufan didn't know it yet, but he was already regarded as a big boss by a group of people.

His mysterious floating city has also become the boss's talisman.

Zhuo Bufan was of course confused. He didn't even know why these people had the same destination as him.

Zhuo Bufan rode the Dapeng Golden Eagle and flew past some spaceships, listening to their conversations and getting some information from their conversations.

"In the bloody desert, thousands of dragons raise their heads? What the hell is this?"

Zhuo Bufan was confused, but he knew very well that the mysterious altar of the Tianxuan Tower he was looking for was in the bloody desert.

Zhuo Bufan still vividly remembered that the bloody desert he saw in the three-dimensional image projected in Xuanxuan's eyes was not the bloody desert that these people were talking about?

"What a big scene. Are all these people going to the Blood Desert to hunt for treasure?"

Zhuo Bufan made a visual inspection and found that the team he was following alone included nearly three hundred spaceships and three to four thousand people.

Basically in groups.

Some sects even brought a fleet with dozens of spaceships. There were densely packed disciples of the sect standing on the deck.

The elders of some sects are still giving lectures to their disciples, telling them the dangers of the bloody desert.

Ordinary disciples try their luck on the outskirts of the Blood Desert, while elite disciples with higher cultivation levels can follow the sect elders into the Blood Desert to seek opportunities.

Of course, there are also some big figures among the elders and leaders of the sects, and their goal is the depths of the Blood Desert.

The opportunities they want can only be found in the depths of the Blood Desert.

Looking at this grand scene, Zhuo Bufan had a feeling in his heart that a shocking event would happen in the Blood Desert.

"Silly brother, let's go."

Just as Zhuo Bufan was about to ride the Golden Eagle to speed up.

On the deck of a spaceship behind him, a woman in blue was waving her hands excitedly.

However, Zhuo Bufan didn't realize that his eyes were not behind him.


Suddenly, the sound of waves came from Zhuo Bufan's ring. Zhuo Bufan was stunned for a moment and summoned the Thousand Miles Conch from the ring.

"Someone contacted me? Could it be Lao Duan?"

Zhuo Bufan said excitedly.

He hadn't heard from Duan Xinghe for a long time, and he was naturally very concerned about Duan Xinghe.

After all, after seeing what happened to Duan Xinghe, he had a desire to help Duan Xinghe.

However, when Zhuo Bufan connected the conch with his soul, he was stunned.

"Guess who I am?"

The voice from the conch was actually a woman's voice.

"Zhou Yu?"

Zhuo Bufan immediately recalled that his conch only had the contact information of three people, Duan Xinghe, Zhou Yu, and Xiao Chenglang.

"You still remember me!"

There was a laugh from the other end of the conch.

The person who contacted him was Zhou Yu, the strange woman who had met him several times in Four Seasons Mountains and Rivers.

"I hit it off with the girl at first sight, so I naturally remember her. I wonder what the girl wants?"

Zhuo Bufan thought that Zhou Yu must have something to do to contact him.

As a result, Zhou Yu's voice came from the conch.

"Look back."

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan turned his head and saw a woman in blue waving at him vigorously on a spaceship two hundred meters behind him.

Zhou Yu is not the heroine, so don’t criticize her!! It’s necessary for the plot!!

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