Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 232 Saint's Rules [3rd update, please subscribe]

Chun Yang Jian Lao killed the remaining three collaborators at the last moment.

Of course, he didn't suddenly show mercy and want to spare Bai Su's life.

On the contrary, he just wanted to monopolize the bounty of the Talisman Temple alone.

The bounty of the Talisman Temple is a treasure.

People are greedy. Even if they have cultivated to the Golden Core Realm, they are unwilling to share with others.

This old dwarf has lived for nearly 500 years and has reached the life limit of the Golden Core Realm.

He needs a chance to break through, but it is not easy to break through.

He has been immersed in the Golden Core Realm for more than a hundred years, but has made no achievements.

Suddenly one day, he heard that the Ancient Temple has an ancient secret method that can help people break through the Golden Core and soar into the sky.

However, just looking at that secret method requires hundreds of millions of spirit stones.

This Chun Yang Jian Lao didn't have that much savings, but he needed to see that secret method.

Later, he heard about the bounty of the Talisman Temple. As long as he killed Bai Su, he would have a huge fortune.

He came to kill. For the treasure, this old monster who had lived happily for five hundred years set his sights on Bai Su.

The old dwarf was very patient. He had actually set his sights on Bai Su as early as when he was in Shihuang City.

However, he had been in the dark and had not made a move.

Because he saw with his own eyes that Bai Su killed the Golden Snake Daozun of the Great Unleaked Golden Pill.

Although the Golden Snake Daozun was courting death and put himself in a passive position before being killed by Bai Su.

But it is undeniable that Bai Su has reached the Great Unleaked Golden Pill realm.

The Great Unleaked Golden Pill is far stronger than him, the Pure Yang Sword Master.

He had no chance to fight Bai Su alone.

So he needed to lie dormant, and he hid himself very well.

He had been secretly paying attention to Bai Su's condition, and at the same time, he met other people who intended to hunt down Bai Su along the way and formed a small group.

From Shihuang City to here, he saw with his own eyes that Bai Su had experienced a series of life-and-death battles, and his combat power had long been less than 30%.

They finally chose to take action at this time.

Eight Jindan masters, killing a Great Wulou Jindan whose combat power is less than 30%, but there is a chance.

Everything that happened later was within the expectations of this Chunyang Sword Master.

Bai Su gradually became powerless under their siege.

In the end, he was killed by ten swords.

So far, Chunyang Sword Master no longer needs to rely on the help of others.

So he killed the rest with a hidden sword.

This old dwarf is worthy of being an old monster who has lived for nearly 500 years. He has been calculating all the way to now and finally succeeded.

Victory is just around the corner. He can finally show his hideous smile hidden under his skin.

"Hehehe, perfect, what a perfect plan!"

"You are indeed very strong, I am afraid you have reached the Great Wulou Jindan realm. It's a pity that you will die in my hands in the end."

After the Chunyang Sword Master used a secret method to eliminate the souls of the remaining seven people, he immediately looked at Bai Su.

At this moment, Bai Su was in a very bad state, and it can be said that he was dying and unable to make any resistance.

But she could feel that the power that was constantly devouring her vitality had disappeared.

In fact, for Bai Su, the pursuers in front of her were not a threat.

Her real threat was the mysterious power of death just now.

For a moment, he felt that he was embraced by the hand of death and entangled by the breath of death.

It was because of the endless power of death that she was always in a passive state and ended up like this.

Of course, she didn't know that the power of death she feared was Zhuo Bufan's trick in secret.

At this moment, Zhuo Bufan looked at the old man Chunyang Jian holding a golden flying sword and walked towards Bai Su, who had no power to resist.

He said secretly in his heart.

"Let it end like this!"

Zhuo Bufan's murderous intention towards Bai Su did not change, and he never thought of rushing out to save Bai Su at this time.

He couldn't be stupid enough to save a woman who wanted to kill him.

Although the old dwarf with a sword was hateful.

The hideous face made Zhuo Bufan disgusted and even wanted to vomit.

However, Zhuo Bufan still couldn't make a move.

He slowly poked his head out from behind the sand dune, and finally even stood up.

He felt that he should stand up. He should pay respect to Bai Su, a respectable opponent, with a solemn heart.

Bai Su was the first person who forced Zhuo Bufan into a desperate situation.

She deserved Zhuo Bufan's respect!

A respectable opponent, so you must face the opponent's death.

Zhuo Bufan wanted to watch her die.

I saw Chunyang Jian Lao walked to Bai Su, who was half-kneeling on the ground, and raised the sword in his hand.

"Witch, I still want to live, and I want to live longer."

"So, for my wish, please die!"

Chunyang Jian Lao raised the sword in his hand, and then swung it towards Bai Su's jade neck!

Feeling Chunyang Jian Lao's golden sword swinging down, Bai Su was indifferent.

Or rather, she no longer had the ability to move.

The ten golden swords that Chunyang Jian Lao had inserted into her body were like shackles, blocking her blood and all her movements.

At this moment, if no one came to help Bai Su, she would have no choice but to be killed.

"Am I going to die?"

At that moment, Bai Su inexplicably questioned herself in her heart.

"Where will I go after I die?"

"Back to that cemetery?"

"I remember, I crawled out of that cemetery. I should have died in that cemetery."

At that moment, Bai Su thought a lot.

She thought of her first memory of this world.

She had no parents, because she crawled out of a grave.

When she crawled out, she had no memory. The only thing she remembered was her name, Bai Su!

With the name Bai Su, she lived aimlessly in this world.

She didn't know what she was going to do, nor did she know what she could do.

Later, she joined the Tianwu League inexplicably, and climbed to the position of the Eighth King of Tianwu step by step.

She was grateful to the cultivation of the Northern Emperor, which gradually made her interested in this world.

The Eighth King had sworn to serve the Northern Emperor for the rest of his life.

This oath was not just a lip service.

Unlike other people, who swore to do this and that, otherwise they would be struck by lightning, but after breaking their oaths, God didn't even fart.

The oath of the Eighth King was embodied by the domineering "rules of the saints" of the Northern Emperor!

Once they swear, the oath will form an oath chain, imprisoning their souls.

Once they break the oath, they will feel the pain of suffocation, and their souls will begin to disappear.

That's why the Eighth King will obey Wang Xingbadao wholeheartedly. Even if he is abandoned by Wang Xingbadao, the oath chain still exists.

She didn't have to kill Zhuo Bufan, but the oath chain forced her to kill Zhuo Bufan.

Unless this oath chain can disappear, she can't be freed.

Now, she is finally going to die.

When she dies, the oath disappears.

For her, this is liberation.

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