Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 233: No Choice [Fourth update, please subscribe]

Wang Xing's domineering "rule of the saint" formed the shackles of oath, forcing the eight kings to obey him.

Even the abandoned Bai Su was still imprisoned by the shackles of oath.

Only death can free her.

Feeling the sword energy of Chunyang Jian Lao, Bai Su gave up the idea of ​​resistance at that moment and chose to accept death.



At the moment when Chunyang Jian Lao swung his sword and slashed!

At that moment...

Standing on the hill, Zhuo Bufan, who was going to watch coldly, moved his body inexplicably.

Zhuo Bufan turned into a black and white interweaving light and shadow, with an incredibly fast speed, like a black lightning.

At the moment when the golden sword was about to cut Bai Su's head.

Zhuo Bufan appeared under the golden sword at almost lightning speed, and then raised the Qianxie Sword in his hand at lightning speed.


The earth trembled, blood sand swirled, and the powerful air wave blew away everything around.


What happened?

The same question rang in the minds of the three people at the same time.

"What happened?"

Chun Yang Jian Lao was thinking "what happened", how could someone suddenly appear and block his fatal sword?

"What happened?"

Bai Su was also thinking "what happened", she could feel that someone appeared in front of her and blocked Chun Yang Jian Lao's sword for her.

What shocked Bai Su even more was that the breath emitted by the figure standing in front of her was so familiar.

"What happened?"

Zhuo Bufan might be the most confused among the three.

God knows what happened.

His body moved inexplicably.

His body moved on its own against the will of his soul.

Including the life and death aura in his body, all began to operate on their own.

"Stinky boy, who are you?"

Chun Yang Jian Lao was angry. He would not allow such an unexpected thing to happen at such a critical moment.

"Fuck, old man, calm down, I am the little venerable you are looking for, don't do it."

Zhuo Bufan roared, he was really anxious.

His body did not listen to his command and made a completely opposite decision to his soul.

The Chunyang Sword Master was stunned when he heard it.

"Are you the Little Venerable of the Talisman Temple?"

"Yes, I am the Little Venerable. Put away your sword first."

Zhuo Bufan could no longer withstand the sword of the Chunyang Sword Master.

The other party was a strong man in the Jindan realm. It was extremely difficult for Zhuo Bufan to withstand any of his swords.

"Dare to pretend to be the Little Venerable? Since you are the Little Venerable, why do you block my sword? Don't you know that this woman wants to kill you?"

Chunyang Sword Master naturally would not believe Zhuo Bufan's words.

Everyone in the world knows that Bai Wang Bai Su is chasing him, but this guy ran out to save her now. Is he crazy?

Zhuo Bufan can't say anything now.

He knows why this body suddenly moved.

"I have Hei Zun, who can prove my identity. Hei Zun, come out!"

If you want to prove your identity, of course, showing Hei Zun is the best way.

When Hei Zun flew out of the ring, Chunyang Jian Lao was stunned.

"Are you really a little Zun? Then why did you save this woman?"

Chunyang Jian Lao's mind was almost confused, and he couldn't understand what was going on in front of him.

He didn't know, and Zhuo Bufan didn't know even more.

"I don't know either. Can you put away your sword first? I can't hold on any longer."

Zhuo Bufan was still using the Qianxie Sword to resist the golden sword chopped down by Chunyang Jian Lao.

He was about to collapse.

When Chunyang Jian Lao heard this, he did hesitate, but the next second, he didn't care whether the other party was really a little Zun.

This was related to whether he could impact the Great Unleaked Golden Pill and whether he could continue to live.

Even if the little Zun in front of him was really a little Zun, he would chop it down without hesitation. At worst, he would kill him and put the blame on Bai Su.

"Get out of my way, no one can stand in my way to immortality."

The second Chunyang Sword Master didn't say anything, and suddenly knocked away the Qianxie Sword in Zhuo Bufan's hand with a sword, then he raised the golden sword again and chopped down at Zhuo Bufan and Bai Su.

"Fuck, you dare to kill me?"

Zhuo Bufan was stunned, his status as a respected person seemed to be useless here!

Zhuo Bufan was like an ant on a hot pot, anxious and restless.

The body's inexplicable reaction was still unknown.

On this side, there was the fire of killing anger that had to be faced by Chunyang Sword Master.


Facing the second sword of Chunyang Sword Master, Zhuo Bufan's body once again showed an unexpected counterattack.

The powerful life and death aura actually began to run rapidly through Zhuo Bufan's thousands of meridians automatically.

At that moment, Zhuo Bufan was like a god of war.

At a speed beyond his imagination, he actually went to kill Chunyang Sword Master.

A young cultivator in the first stage of cultivation actually rushed towards a second stage Jindan strongman.

Zhuo Bufan thought he was dreaming.

In fact, he was indeed in a sleepwalking state, because now his body was completely out of his control.

It was as if he was possessed by a war god and suddenly opened up the plug-in.

Zhuo Bufan's life and death body has opened up less than 10% of its meridians so far.

However, at this moment, Zhuo Bufan was fully fired up, and all 100% of his meridians were opened up.

All kinds of inexplicable skills were displayed.

The Wheel of Life and Death, the Yin and Yang Millstone, the Exterminating Killing Sword, the Peerless Life and Death Sword, the Ten Ultimate Palms of the Infinite Storming Waves, the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths Infinite Thunder God Sword of Life and Death...

Bang bang bang!


Zhuo Bufan at that moment was no longer Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan himself is more like a bystander, watching his own mysterious performance of life and death.

He was looking at the mysterious body of life and death, showing terrifying moves and power that he had never seen before.

"Is this still me?"

Zhuo Bufan was stunned!

He was not the only one who was confused, but also Chunyang Jianlao.

It can be said that at this moment, Chunyang Sword Master was completely at a loss as he was being bombarded by Zhuo Bufan's various secret skills.

Facing Zhuo Bufan's strange moves, he was a powerful man in the Golden Core Realm, but he could only cope with them.

"Damn, what's going on with this guy? Is he crazy?"

"What a powerful force. Whether it's the black and white wheel that can distort space before, or the terrifying black and white sword that fell from the sky later, both of them are stunts that can threaten my life."

"Is the other party really just an ordinary monk?"

"How could he, who has not even reached the Yuanshen realm, threaten my life?"

Zhuo Bufan's attack gave Chunyang Jianlao an unparalleled shock.

Whirring whirring!

Zhuo Bufan wantonly vented the profound energy of life and death in his body, and it was almost drained.

Suddenly, Zhuo Bufan saw a huge white ball condensed in his hands.

The endless power of life began to gather into balls between Zhuo Bufan's hands.

Immediately afterwards, Zhuo Bufan slowly pulled out a white divine sword from the white ball.

That sword shines brightly, and wherever the light shines, there is infinite vitality.

Even the lifeless red sand beneath your feet has grown a bit green.

"Damn it, what is this guy going to do? He's almost drained of his anger."

Zhuo Bufan's soul was roaring.

But his body didn't obey its commands at all.

"Such a powerful energy. Is he going to make a last ditch effort?"

Chunyang Sword Master also felt that the white sword condensed by Zhuo Bufan was extremely powerful and full of terrifying energy.

Just when Chunyang Jianlao was about to take a defensive posture.

Suddenly Zhuo Bufan's body turned around.


Zhuo Bufan slammed his foot on the ground, holding the white divine sword in his hand, and then stabbed out with the sword towards Bai Su who was kneeling on the ground.


The white divine sword in Zhuo Bufan's hand pierced Bai Su's heart.

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