Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 234 Let’s Duel! [Fifth update, please subscribe]

In a flash, everything happened inexplicably.

When Chunyang Sword Master was about to kill Bai Su, Zhuo Bufan inexplicably appeared and saved Bai Su.

Then he inexplicably fought with Chunyang Sword Master.

In the end, he inexplicably turned around and pierced Bai Su's heart with a sword.

Everything happened inexplicably.

When Zhuo Bufan saw the white divine sword containing terrible energy piercing Bai Su's chest.

Chunyang Sword Master inexplicably breathed a sigh of relief.

He could feel how powerful the energy of the white divine sword was.

When Zhuo Bufan saw the white divine sword inserted into Bai Su's heart, his soul screamed.

"It's over!"

Zhuo Bufan knew very well that this white divine sword was not a sword of killing.

The move of this white divine sword is called the reincarnation sword!

Its only function is to save the dying and the wounded!

As long as the soul is not destroyed, even if the body is chopped into meat paste, it can be saved by this move.

Zhuo Bufan's body, when the life and death energy in the body was about to be exhausted, only used this last move.

It was not to repel Chunyang Jianlao.

But to make Bai Su, who was almost dead, full of blood in an instant!



The life light of the white sword began to penetrate into Bai Su's body.

The wounds on her body began to heal continuously.

The venom that had penetrated deep into the bone marrow was also instantly annihilated by the life energy.

Bai Su quickly recovered her strength and vitality, and she pulled out the golden swords on her body one by one.

Every time a sword was pulled out, the wound began to recover quickly.

Chunyang Jianlao, who saw this scene, was dumbfounded!

"What, what's going on?"

"How could you, that sword, that sword, my sword, you..."

This Chunyang Jianlao was already inarticulate, or in other words, his shock had reached an extreme level, and he didn't know what to say at all.

But he knew that he had to speak, because it was very likely that he would never have the chance to speak again.

After Bai Su pulled out all the swords on her body...

She slowly stood up from the ground.

The king stood up!

As Bai Su stood up, the surrounding ground began to tremble, and all the sand began to tremble.

The air in the whole sky became heavier, and even breathing became more difficult.

"Damn it! Just a little bit, just a little bit, by you, a bastard, you are a bastard."

Chunyang Jian Lao pointed at Zhuo Bufan and cursed.

He could feel that he had been locked by Bai Su's unparalleled soul.

The soul power of Bai Wang Bai Su was too strong! Bai Su in peak state was back.

He couldn't escape. Facing the fully recovered Bai Su, Chunyang Jian Lao knew very well that he couldn't escape. What greeted him was only death.

Da da da da da!

The Xuanji umbrella inserted in the sand began to tremble. It felt the call of its master.

With a whoosh, it flew into Bai Su's delicate jade hand.

Then, Bai Su held up the black umbrella and walked towards the Chunyang Sword Master who had been locked by her soul.

As Bai Su took a step forward!


The whole space shook, and the Chunyang Sword Master instantly felt a huge pressure, like a mountain pressing down on his shoulders.

Taking another step forward, the Chunyang Sword Master knelt on the ground with a bang.

Taking another step forward, the Chunyang Sword Master prostrated himself on the ground.

His two desperate eyes stared at Zhuo Bufan, with endless hatred in his eyes.

"It's you, it's you, it's you who ruined my way to immortality, it's you!"


The head of the Chunyang Sword Master was cut off by the eaves of Bai Su's Mystical Umbrella like cutting a melon.

Blood sprayed on the fan and flowed down with the eaves.

At that moment, Bai Su was the real Shura.

The hand qi umbrella fell, what about the golden elixir? The same head fell to the ground, and even the soul was directly chopped off.

After chopped off the soul of Chunyang Jianlao, Bai Su turned around silently and faced Zhuo Bufan.

At this moment, Zhuo Bufan has taken the initiative of the body.

However, he is still frightened by what happened just now.

He doesn't understand why his body suddenly moved, just to protect Bai Su?

The only explanation Zhuo Bufan can give is that the mysterious body of life and death, this kind of physique that only Emperor Xuan has practiced, has undergone some terrible qualitative changes.

This is a pit!

The body is at odds with the soul.

The only thing Zhuo Bufan can confirm is that the soul is still his own soul, but is the body really his own body?

Don't think about this first, because the most urgent thing is that Zhuo Bufan has a big enemy to face.

Looking at Bai Su walking towards him step by step, Zhuo Bufan couldn't help but take two steps back.

"It's over. Save her and then die?"

"It's okay to die. I'll reload the game and leave this damn place. I won't care about the mess here."

Zhuo Bufan was ready to reload the game and be reborn.

But this time, Bai Su didn't kill him without saying anything.

Bai Su stopped less than three meters away from Zhuo Bufan.

This was the closest time Zhuo Bufan was to this woman. He could finally observe her carefully.

The edge of the black umbrella was still dripping with blood. Under the black umbrella, a pair of tightly closed eyelids were pitiful, and the long eyelashes were trembling slightly.

It is conceivable that she once had a pair of very beautiful and clear eyes, eyes that could see through everything.

The cold lips changed color because of Zhuo Bufan's Samsara Natural Sword.

Her red lips parted slightly, her teeth were white, and she asked calmly.

"Why save me?"

Perhaps what puzzles Bai Su the most is this question!

Why save her?

"Why save her?"

How should Zhuo Bufan answer?

He was the one who almost killed Bai Su in secret and never thought of saving her.

At least Zhuo Bufan's spirit never thought of saving her.

But Zhuo Bufan can't say that everything is his body's own decision, right?

This statement is not enough to save lives!

The situation at hand is to save lives.

Zhuo Bufan suddenly curved his mouth and said righteously.

"I can't stand their behavior of bullying the minority. It's simply despicable and shameless. I draw my sword to help when there is injustice. I am such a just person."

When Bai Su heard this, she raised her eyebrows and said, "Is it that simple?"

"Yes, this is a grudge between you and me, and it should be resolved by you and me."

"I can't stand the behavior of these people."

Zhuo Bufan immediately pretended to be upright and upright.

Bai Su smiled coldly and said, "Isn't it you who issued my wanted order to the Talisman Temple?"

"Conscience of heaven and earth, this matter has nothing to do with me. I just told the Talisman Temple that I was being hunted. All other matters are the Talisman Temple's own decision."

"You should know that I am a respected member of the Talisman Temple and have a distinguished status. As soon as they heard that I was being hunted, they would naturally come to arrest you."

"But the matter of wanting you really has nothing to do with me. I am the son of justice! I, Zhuo Feifan, have always insisted on fairness and justice. Naturally, the matter between you and me should be resolved by you and me, right?"

Zhuo Bufan must put himself on a moral high ground and make Bai Su feel guilty.

Well, that's his way of escaping.

But Bai Su didn't follow the routine at all.

"Is that Zhuo Bufan? I remember you and want to solve it alone. Well, let's duel!"

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