Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 244: Cultivate Dual Practice with Me [First update, please subscribe]

"Practice together with me!"

When these four words came out slowly from those flaming red lips, Zhuo Bufan's eyes widened, staring at the woman in front of him in disbelief.

"Practice together?"

Zhuo Bufan thought he had heard wrong.

"That's right, practice together with me, and become my Taoist partner!"

The road to cultivating immortals pays attention to the law, wealth, partner, and land, the law of Taoism, wealth, Taoist partner, and cave.

The harmony of yin and yang is the unchanging law of heaven and earth.

Heaven and earth, life and death, sun and moon, day and night, spring, summer, autumn and winter...

Only by following the way of heaven and the law can we benefit from the gift of heaven and evolve under the law of heaven.

Cultivating immortals naturally cannot escape this law.

Practice together with two relatives, and benefit from two lives.

It is indeed possible to achieve common progress and achieve a great evolution of will and cultivation.

No wonder Taoist partners are the most difficult people to work together on the road of cultivating immortals.

In principle, a person can only have one Taoist partner.

The way of double cultivation is not only the fusion of body, but also the fusion of soul.

A powerful cultivator can constantly change his body by taking over another body, but he cannot change his soul.

Once the two are in double cultivation, the souls of the Taoist partners will blend, and they will share life and death.

The magic way has a secret method called the Ancient Demon Furnace Technique!

Treating a woman as a furnace and constantly absorbing the energy and soul from her body, this evil technique is called collecting Yin.

Collecting Yin to replenish Yang is naturally against the law of heaven and earth that Yin and Yang are in harmony, so it is called the magic way.

This cannot be called double cultivation, and naturally it is not subject to the rules of the double cultivation law.

In other words, Feng Ya decided to practice double cultivation with Zhuo Bufan.

Then she had planned to treat Zhuo Bufan as the only Taoist partner who would go hand in hand with her on the road of cultivation.

Vice versa!

"Practice double cultivation with me!"

The great shock brought by the four words made Zhuo Bufan's new tide fluctuate, and he could not calm down for a long time.

"Miss Feng Ya, is it too casual?"

Zhuo Bufan and her were strangers, but this girl said to him right away, practice double cultivation with me!

In Zhuo Bufan's opinion, this is too casual.

"Don't you want to talk about love with me first and build a relationship first?"

"We cultivators should follow our hearts and wait for opportunities."

"Opportunities are rare, so don't miss them. I finally found someone as suitable as you, and I'm afraid that if I miss it, you will become someone else's lover next time we meet."

"Does it mean to get on the boat first and then buy a ticket?"

Zhuo Bufan said by analogy.

Feng Ya chuckled when she heard it.

"That's what I mean, get on the boat first, then buy a ticket."

"First practice dual cultivation, then become a Taoist couple. Don't worry, I won't be a burden on your road to cultivation, but will help you."

Everything happened a little too fast, leaving Zhuo Bufan completely unprepared.

He didn't expect that he would meet such a straightforward person. He always felt that the other party was too direct, which made him completely unacceptable.

"Then let me ask another question!"

Zhuo Bufan couldn't practice dual cultivation with Feng Ya without knowing it, although it didn't seem to be a bad thing for him.

"Then ask." Feng Ya replied.

It can be seen that she really likes Zhuo Bufan.

A person can only have one Taoist partner. Feng Ya looks charming and seductive, but she has not yet found a partner for dual cultivation. Obviously, she is very picky about her choice of Taoist partner.

Zhuo Bufan was surprised that she liked Zhuo Bufan.

"Why choose me?"

Zhuo Bufan asked this question, obviously to dispel his doubts.

He didn't know what Feng Ya's purpose was, because this matter was a pie in the sky for him.

The greater the benefit, the more alert Zhuo Bufan was.

Seeing Zhuo Bufan as cunning as a little fox, Feng Ya smiled.

But she saw a black lotus appear out of thin air with her right hand.

The lotus was dead and people dared not get close to it.

However, for some reason, the black lotus actually flew towards Zhuo Bufan automatically.

And Zhuo Bufan felt the extremely familiar death on the black lotus.

"It's not me who chose you, it's your will and breath that chose you."

"I practice Taiyin Xuanti. The body of salvation and the spirit of death."

"Now you understand why I chose you! It was God's will that made me meet you. I can feel that you are the most suitable man for me in the world."

When Zhuo Bufan heard this, he felt that the power of God's will made everything happen too coincidentally!

At that moment, Zhuo Bufan suddenly had a feeling.

Perhaps Fengya in front of him is indeed suitable to be his Taoist partner.

Zhuo Bufan is not Liu Xiahui, who can remain calm.

There is a stunning demon girl who took the initiative to come to him, willing to become his Taoist partner, to practice together, to have two relatives, and to have two benevolences.

It seems that he has no reason to refuse!

"Little brother, do you still want to consider it? Then I will show you something else."

Fengya saw Zhuo Bufan smiling, and it was obvious that she was already a little moved.

So she released her killer move.

She waved her jade fingers, and the ring in her hand released a green light, which fell on her flawless white jade hand.

It was a scripture, and the name of the scripture was "Yufang Qingxian Jue".

"What is this?"

After seeing the scripture, Zhuo Bufan suddenly felt a familiar breath on it.

This reminded him of another scripture in his ring, "Su Nu Dong Xuan Jing".

"This is one of the three secrets of dual cultivation made by the Qing Emperor in ancient times, the Jade Chamber Qingxian Jue!"

"Little brother, you should know who the Qing Emperor is? The secrets made by the Qing Emperor are the supreme and hard-to-find classics."

Sure enough, this Jade Chamber Qingxian Jue was also written by the Qing Emperor.

Could it be that this Qing Emperor is a professional researcher of dual cultivation?

"In order to please my little brother, I have taken out all the treasures in my bottom box."

"If you don't agree..."

"What if you don't agree?" Zhuo Bufan said in shock.

"Since you already know that I have the secret of the Qing Emperor, and you don't agree to become my Taoist partner, then I have no choice but to kill you."

When Feng Ya said this lightly, Zhuo Bufan screamed like a dog in his heart.

"Damn, there's no way out again."

"No, why should there be a way out? Let's practice dual cultivation. It's not bad to have such a beautiful wife! And she's given to me for free. The most important thing is that she has a high cultivation level!"

"If I help her break through to the Great Unleaked Golden Pill, she can fight with that woman Bai Su."

"I can get a beautiful wife, improve my cultivation level, and settle the feud with Bai Su."

"This is killing three birds with one stone, why not do it? I still need to think about it, idiot?"

Zhuo Bufan quickly analyzed the result of this matter in his mind, and the result was that he was in a completely win-win situation.

"Little brother, what do you think?"

Feng Ya said, waving the Qing Emperor's dual cultivation secrets.

"What are you still thinking about? Let's go! Let's go and have fun together!"


A new day, a war begins. My friends, take me to show off and take me to fly.

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