Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 245 A serious question [3rd update, please subscribe]

With the dual cultivation activated, the souls of Zhuo Bufan and Feng Ya began to tangle.

The breaths of the two began to blend.

This is a ceremony, a ceremony dominated by elegance.

When the ceremony entered the final stage, Zhuo Bufan felt that all his energy and spirit had been sublimated.

The soul that has just passed through the Yuanshen realm has become more and more pure and thorough.

And his Mysterious Body of Life and Death seemed to have reached the fourth level of cultivation entrance at that moment.

Fengya did not deceive Zhuo Bufan. This dual cultivation was mutually beneficial and Zhuo Bufan could get the biggest breakthrough.

Form a pill, form a pill!

Zhuo Bufan felt that the three of them were completely integrated into one.

His soul and his body began to fit perfectly.

Immediately afterwards, with Zhuo Bufan's soul as the leader, the profound energy of life and death began to merge continuously.

A pure and white pearl of light was born.

That pearl of light was fused with Zhuo Bufan's essence, energy, and spirit.

It is almost equivalent to another Zhuo Bufan.


Zhuo Bufan was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect that he would successfully form the elixir so quickly.

Forming pills is a sign that a cultivator has officially embarked on the path of cultivating immortality.

Without elixir formation, one cannot be considered a true immortal cultivator.

Qingdi's "Jade House Qingxian Jue" is indeed wonderful.

Zhuo Bufan could feel that the pill he had formed even contained a hint of elegance.

Different from Zhuo Bufan's quick elixir formation, it is a more difficult process for Fengya to break through the Great Wuluo Golden elixir.

Of course, Zhuo Bufan could not burn bridges and stop the ceremony at this time.

He fully cooperated with Feng Ya's movements, and his soul began to continuously merge and interweave with Feng Ya.

Help her soul to continuously break through and sublime.

During this period, Zhuo Bufan saw the memory in Fengya's soul.

It wasn't that Zhuo Bufan took the initiative to pry, but that the two souls blended together, and those memories automatically came to Zhuo Bufan's mind.

In that mysterious memory, Zhuo Bufan only saw.

A black lotus flower fell from the sky and landed on a little baby girl who had just died and been abandoned.

Zhuo Bufan only glimpsed the tip of the iceberg in this memory, but it suddenly came to an abrupt end.

Zhuo Bufan frowned tightly.

Then I heard Fengya's shout coming from my ears.

"Little brother, don't peek into your sister's memories!"


As soon as Feng Ya finished speaking, a loud bang suddenly exploded from above his head.

Zhuo Bufan looked up and saw that the black lotus dome above his head was suddenly cut through by a sword light, creating a huge hole.

Things happened so fast that even Feng Ya didn't react.

But Zhuo Bufan saw it. Through the hole, he saw the woman holding a black umbrella in the sky.

"Bai Su?"

The moment Zhuo Bufan saw Bai Su, his whole scalp went numb and he lay numbly on the ground.

"Who is it? Dare to disturb this girl's good deeds?"

Feng Ya looked back and saw an extremely powerful woman standing in the sky, holding an umbrella.

Feeling the powerful power emanating from Bai Su's body, Feng Ya couldn't help but frown.

At this moment, Bai Su was filled with surging murderous aura.

This was the most terrifying murderous aura Zhuo Bufan had ever felt, and even the surrounding air began to become restless.

Compared with when Bai Su killed Chunyang Jianlao before, it was even more terrifying and terrifying.

"What's going on? Why is this woman so angry?"

Zhuo Bufan could feel that the earth was starting to get hotter.

"who is she?"

Fengya hurriedly. .

"This woman is angry, little brother, isn't she your lover?"

With a woman's intuition, Feng Ya could feel how angry Bai Su was at this moment, so angry that his expression was distorted.

Feng Ya asked Zhuo Bufan, how did Zhuo Bufan know why Bai Su was so angry and murderous.

It felt like being caught in bed by his own woman, which made Zhuo Bufan very uncomfortable.

"Damn it, I didn't expect her to catch up so quickly."

Zhuo Bufan was planning to run away after Feng Ya finished his work, but now it seemed that he couldn't run away.

At this moment, Bai Su was indeed angry, and extremely angry.

On the way here, she had already felt that Zhuo Bufan's soul was entangled with that of another woman.

At that moment, Bai Su felt inexplicably angry.

She was blind and could not see the extraordinary and elegant cowardice at this moment.

But she could feel what Zhuo Bufan and Feng Ya were doing just now.

Thinking of this, Bai Su became even more furious and couldn't help but clenched her teeth.

Three words burst out of his mouth.

"Bitch man and woman!"

As soon as the voice fell, the black umbrella was drawn, and a wiping death light struck from the sky.


"It's over!"

Zhuo Bufan only heard the three words "dog man and woman" full of hatred from Bai Su.

The next second, his vision went dark.

After death, Zhuo Bufan died in Bai Su's hands again.

When he opened his eyes again, he had arrived in the archive space.

"You and a bitch? That woman is incomprehensible. If you want to kill me, kill me. Why are you scolding me?"

Being killed by Bai Su, Zhuo Bufan considered himself unlucky.

In the pursuit of momentary pleasure, I forgot that I was still being hunted.

But why is Bai Su scolding?

"Damn it, Zhuo Bufan, you are such a pig, you are still thinking about romance when you are about to die."

"It seems that dual cultivation is no longer possible. We must escape for our lives first."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he walked to the second archive door.

The second archive door was saved before he decided to practice dual cultivation with Fengya.

"Wait a minute, my first time should still be there, right?"

"If I go back to the past, can that woman and I have cultivated together?"

"Ouch, this is a problem!"

Zhuo Bufan was about to read the file when he was suddenly stumped by an ethical question.

"It shouldn't count. After all, it's back to before dual cultivation."

"But I obviously had a relationship with her, and the wonderful feeling is still fresh in my memory. How can I not count her?"

Zhuo Bufan suddenly became concerned about this inexplicable question.

"Could this be the legendary spiritual infidelity?"

Zhuo Bufan's body can go back to before the dual cultivation, but his soul still remembers the dual cultivation.

This question is very serious. After thinking for a while, Zhuo Bufan did not come up with an answer.

"Read the file!"

No longer entangled, Zhuo Bufan pushed open the archive door in front of him, and a bright light shone on his face.

Then, Zhuo Bufan took a step forward and started to turn back.

He returned to the moment before he agreed to the dual cultivation of Fengya.

At this time, Zhuo Bufan was still holding Feng Ya's hand and was looking around for a cave where he could practice dual cultivation.

Feng Ya was still thinking that this little brother was quite impatient.

As a result, at this moment, Zhuo Bufan suddenly stopped.

Special plot, don’t comment if you don’t like it!

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