Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 246 The Four Emperors Discuss the Dojo (Part 1) [Fourth update, please subscribe]

"What's wrong little brother?"

Seeing Zhuo Bufan suddenly stop, Feng Ya couldn't help but ask.

Zhuo Bufan heard this and replied.

"Miss Fengya, I suddenly remembered something, how about we make an appointment another day!"

Of course Zhuo Bufan decided to run away.

But he wants to run, will Feng Ya let him run?

"But you just agreed that you and your sister will cultivate and live together, and you will benefit from both."

Feng Ya grabbed Zhuo Bufan's hand with her backhand and said.

"Of course, of course I am willing to practice dual cultivation with you. But I am really in a hurry. I am being hunted."

Zhuo Bufan could only tell the truth at this moment, otherwise, Feng Ya would never let him go.

Feng Ya frowned after hearing this.

"Pursuit? Who is chasing you? Tell your sister and she will help you kill her."

Fengya was willing to step forward and help her newly found boyfriend.

But Zhuo Bufan smiled helplessly.

"Forget it, you can't beat her."

Bai Su has killed countless golden elixir masters so far, and Feng Ya is at least having an easy time with Zhuo Bufan, although Zhuo Bufan doesn't know if that is considered a good time.

But Zhuo Bufan didn't want to harm this woman.

"Who is chasing you? Even my sister, a powerful golden elixir like me, can't deal with you?"

Fengya clasped her hands, supported her chest, and said confidently.

"The other party is a powerful person in the Immaculate Golden Core Realm."

Zhuo Bufan struck unceremoniously.

"The Perfect Golden Elixir?" Feng Ya's pretty brows furrowed.

If the pursuer is really a perfect golden elixir, then she really doesn't dare to fight against him.

But Fengya had no intention of letting Zhuo Bufan go easily. She looked at Zhuo Bufan thoughtfully and then said.

"Little brother, are you lying to me and trying to escape?"

"Sister, I told you, if you have seen my "Jade House Green Immortal Art", you can either cultivate with me or be killed by me. You can only choose one."

Zhuo Bufan could tell that this woman was unwilling to give up.

I saw Zhuo Bufan summon the Little Black Lord from the Najie.

When Feng Ya saw the little black master, her brows trembled.

"The Black Lord of the Talisman Temple, little brother, are you?"

Zhuo Bufan sighed and said.

"That's right, I am the Master of Light and Shadow from the Talisman Temple. I am currently being hunted by the White King Bai Su. The whole world knows about this. You don't know, right?"

Upon hearing this, Feng Ya's body floated back two steps.

Then he flew around Zhuo Bufan, and his face became more and more radiant the more he looked at it.

"No wonder my sister feels an extraordinary aura in you. It turns out you are that little venerable person!"

"As expected of the man my sister likes, he is truly extraordinary."

"Then sister will take you to run with me!"

After Feng Ya finished speaking, she was ready to elope with Zhuo Bufan. But Zhuo Bufan quickly refused.

"No, you will only be deeply involved if you follow me. You can wait for me at the Talisman Temple! Once I get rid of this woman Bai Su, I will go to the Talisman Temple to find you."

"When I come back, I'll find you to cultivate together and become a Taoist couple."

Zhuo Bufan's eyes were full of affection.

Let Fengya stand on the black lotus blankly and closed her eyes silently.

She thought Zhuo Bufan was going to kiss her, but she didn't expect that when she opened her eyes again after a while, Zhuo Bufan had disappeared in front of her.

This time, Fengya did not follow, but watched Zhuo Bufan fly away and smiled slightly.

"Little brother, you have to come back alive!"

Naturally, those who are identified by Feng Ya will not let them go easily.

After Zhuo Bufan separated from Feng Ya, he immediately called out the Dapeng Golden Eagle.

The Dapeng Golden Eagle is the mythical beast he uses to avoid Bai Su, because this "silly brother" has no goals and can only fly aimlessly.

It is impossible for Bai Su to predict the future of "Silly Brother".

Zhuo Bufan wanted to use "Silly Brother" to temporarily avoid Bai Su's pursuit.

At the same time, he had one more thing to think about.

Have you ever had a relationship with Feng Ya?

Obviously everything really happened, but now Zhuo Bufan feels that that memory is like a sexual dream!

At first, Zhuo Bufan just regarded it as an ethical issue.

However, when Zhuo Bufan continued to think deeply, this problem had turned into a time paradox.

And it's different from ordinary time paradoxes.

An ordinary time paradox means that if you go back in time and change something, a butterfly effect will occur, thus changing the entire future.

For example, if you go back in time to prevent your parents from getting together, then you will not be born. If you are not born, how can you go back to the past? This is a common time paradox.

The time paradox Zhuo Bufan is facing now is.

He and Feng Ya already had a relationship, but they were killed by Bai Su and had to read the file again. After returning to the past, in order to avoid Bai Su, he left Fengya, and the subsequent double cultivation would not have happened.

However, Zhuo Bufan came back from the future, and the memory of Shuangxiu was already lingering in his mind.

Contradictions, many contradictions.

Since something has happened, there must be a truth to explain it.

Zhuo Bufan vaguely felt that he was in front of the talisman gate again.

Behind that golden door, there seemed to be a brand new spell, waiting for his summons.

Zhuo Bufan knew that the spell this time would definitely be more earth-shattering than the light and shadow spell.

It has to do with time and the art of time.

But now Zhuo Bufan has no time and opportunity to study the true meaning of this spell carefully.

"After the trip to the Blood Wasteland is over and the grudge with Bai Su is settled, return to the Talisman Temple and concentrate on studying the art of talismans."

"Zhuo Bufan, you have to become the greatest talisman master in the world."

Zhuo Bufan has planned the next upgrade route.

For more than a year, he has been wandering between life and death, and he is indeed tired. He needs a period of precipitation and rest.

"Xuanxuan, how far is it?"

Zhuo Bufan contacted Xuanxuan in the Black Tower.

The little skeleton Xuanxuan stayed next to Xiaomei who was sleeping, and then answered.

"Master, Xuantan is 400 miles east of you."

"Four hundred miles more?" Zhuo Bufan frowned.

After determining the target, Zhuo Bufan asked Sha Ge to stop. Then he took Sha Ge back to the Black City.

He can fly alone on the next road.

Zhuo Bufan calculated the time. Bai Su would not be able to catch up with him within two or three hours if she could not calculate his position.

So Zhuo Bufan sped up and flew straight to the destination.

Once the destination was determined, Bai Su could calculate Zhuo Bufan's direction in the first place.

Almost at the moment when Zhuo Bufan determined the target, he sensed the hunting signal from Bai Su.

"Hurry up, seize Xuantan and fly away using Black City."

Zhuo Bufan began to race against time with Bai Su again. If he was a step slower, he might become the dead soul under the umbrella of that woman.

Half an hour later, Zhuo Bufan saw a black mountain range that was undulating like a dragon and snake on the horizon.

Under the mountain range, an ancient ruins appeared in front of Zhuo Bufan.


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