Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 257 Dragon Travels to the Holy Land (Part 1) [Second update, please subscribe]

Four dragons are flying above the clouds.

They are running side by side, regardless of right or wrong.

From left to right, Xuanyuan Hao is on the back of the green dragon, Gao Yangxu is on the back of the red dragon. Zhuo Bufan is on the back of the black dragon, and Bai Su is on the back of the white dragon.

The four people are the four people who, after the four emperors, sit on the Panlong Pillar and fly around the sky and the earth.

Finally, the four dragons flew to the Buzhou Mountain.

Then they began to circle around the Buzhou Mountain, constantly circling up, soaring to the nine layers.

Breaking through layers of clouds and breaking through shackles.

There is no obstacle in front of the four dragons, and they are completely unimpeded and go straight up to the sky.

"Where are you going?" Zhuo Bufan asked.

He is the one with the lowest cultivation and the lowest cognition among the four people.

But this is not shameful, because Zhuo Bufan has only practiced for one year.

In just one year, he can keep pace with the geniuses like Xuanyuan Hao and Gao Yangxu and travel around the world.

He is extraordinary, that is, extraordinary.

"He should take us to the Holy Land." Gao Yangxu guessed.

"Holy Land?"

"Yes, the Holy Land is the private land of the saints."

"In ancient times, when one's cultivation reached the level of a saint, he would ascend to the Holy Land and prepare to pass the tribulation. Because passing the tribulation and ascending to heaven is likely to fail, they must be fully prepared here."

"Some saints are afraid of passing the tribulation and may stay on the top of Tongtian Peak for thousands of years. Over time, there are more and more saints on the top of the peak, and the Holy Land is formed."

Zhuo Bufan found that Gao Yangxu was simply a know-it-all, as if there was nothing he didn't know.

Obviously, Gao Yangxu's remarks made Xuanyuan Hao look sideways.

Then Xuanyuan Hao, the man with a cool male god style, took over the conversation and said.

"The private land of the saints, this term is fresh. It is simply wonderful."

"Because they were afraid of failing to pass the tribulation and their souls turning into smoke, they dared not move forward, so this inexplicable holy land was formed."

"It is rumored that my ancient temple has established power above the holy land, and it has become a nursing home for saints. These people are simply embarrassing my ancient temple."

Gao Yangxu and Zhuo Bufan rolled their eyes when they heard it.

They didn't expect that Xuanyuan Hao would be so rude to others, even mocking his own ancestors.

"Xuanyuan Hao, after I defeat Zhong Shenxiu, Donghuang Haotian, and Chen Daoxian, I will challenge you to a duel."

At this time, Gao Yangxu actually challenged Xuanyuan Hao out of the question.

Xuanyuan Hao glanced at Gao Yangxu, and the white eyes surprised Zhuo Bufan.

He wondered what kind of world Xuanyuan Hao saw in his white eyes.

"Duel with me? Compete with the guqin?"

Xuanyuan Hao patted the guqin in his arms.

Gao Yangxu was almost beaten to death.

"You are a crazy piano player, what a ghost, I want to challenge you to a duel, a duel with swords."

"Fence? You win! I will accompany you to compete with piano!"


Zhuo Bufan seemed to hear the sound of Gao Yangxu spurting blood.

He didn't expect that Xuanyuan Hao, a cold guy, would be so tempting and coquettish.

"You guy, you just scolded me, right? What do you mean I won the competition? Am I a cheap guy?"

"Damn, it's really cheap to say this from my mouth."

After Gao Yangxu mocked himself, he showed a serious face again.

"My goal is to defeat you four geniuses. Don't try to hide from me."

"When the time comes, I will kill the Ancient Temple, and you can wait to be trampled under my feet!"

Gao Yangxu made a cruel statement, wanting to trample the genius under his feet, how domineering and majestic it was.

However, what he met was an unfathomable and mysterious man like the abyss.

Xuanyuan Hao replied calmly.

"Oh, then let's compete in playing the zither! I'll give you a string."


Zhuo Bufan seemed to hear Gao Yangxu's blood spurting out again.

"You did it on purpose, didn't you? Do you really think I don't dare to flatten your ancient temple?"

"Xuanyuan Hao, wait for me, I will definitely find you, duel with you, duel with you."

Gao Yangxu was almost incoherent because of Xuanyuan Hao.

If Gao Yangxu is a cold needle tip that is indomitable, then Xuanyuan Hao is a ball of cotton.

All the powerful words and threatening words fell on Xuanyuan Hao, and there was no reaction.

This is a master, a real master.

His reaction seemed to be an answer.

"Come if you want to, the door of my ancient temple is open to welcome you, why bother talking!"

Gao Yangxu was discouraged by Xuanyuan Hao and lay on the back of the red dragon in a sullen mood.

At this time, the four dragons had not yet flown halfway to Mount Buzhou.

Mount Buzhou was too high and unreachable.

Even at the speed of the dragons, it would take a long time to fly.

After watching Gao Yangxu and Xuanyuan Hao's confrontation, Zhuo Bufan could not help but secretly look at Bai Su on the side.

This was the first time this woman did not shout for killing after seeing him!

After several entanglements with Bai Su, Zhuo Bufan got to know this woman more and more.

He had heard about Bai Su from many people, and the most shocking thing to Zhuo Bufan was.

This woman had been abandoned by the Tianwu League and treated as an abandoned child by Wang Xingbadao.

The Tianwu League had even sent two kings to hunt her down.

In other words, Bai Su was now truly the enemy of the world.

"But why does she want to kill me for no apparent reason?"

Zhuo Bufan couldn't figure it out.

Bai Su had been abandoned by the Tianwu League, and now she was being hunted by the Tianwu League.

She didn't need to do anything for the Tianwu League or Wang Xingbadao, and she didn't need to pester him, Zhuo Bufan.

But this woman just had to waste time with Zhuo Bufan.

Bai Su was not a madman, nor a fool. She did this because she had no choice.

When she left the Tianwu League, she swore to the Northern Emperor that she would kill Zhuo Bufan.

The oath became a prophecy and a shackle.

This was just like Zhuo Bufan forcing Xiaomei to order him, and the order could not be disobeyed.

Zhuo Bufan forced Xiaomei to brew wine for him, so once Xiaomei stopped brewing wine, her soul would be in great pain.

And Bai Su was constrained by the oath and had to kill Zhuo Bufan until her death.

Wang Xingbadao was not a saint, but a pseudo-saint. But even the rules of the pseudo-saint were not violated by Bai Su now.

Zhuo Bufan naturally didn't know how much pain Bai Su was suffering in her soul now.

Because the closer she was to Zhuo Bufan, the more the shackles of her oath would start to sting her soul.

Only by having the intention to kill Zhuo Bufan could she alleviate that pain.

She was tired of hunting Zhuo Bufan and just wanted a moment of peace.

So she could only remain silent and endure the sting and pain in her soul.

She asked Zhuo Bufan to shut up, not because she didn't want to listen to him.

But every word of Zhuo Bufan was heart-wrenching to her.

She could kill Zhuo Bufan at any time.

"Look, the Holy Land is coming."

Just as the four of them were silent, Gao Yangxu suddenly looked up and shouted.

Above the sky, an endless layer of colorful light shield covered the entire sky.

Above that light shield was the legendary Holy Land.

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