Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 258 Dragon Travels to the Holy Land (Part 2) [3rd update, please subscribe]

Sanctuary, the private residence of saints in ancient times.

That curtain of light that enveloped the entire sky was impossible for non-sages to climb up.

Of course, that's in reality.

Today's Zhuo Bufan is more like an immersive spectator.

The light curtain did not have any spell restrictions. The four dragons led the four of them through the light curtain easily and passed through the heavy white clouds.

Finally, the four dragons flew out of the sea of ​​clouds together.

Above the sea of ​​clouds, suspended mountains are floating in the sky, like a fairyland!

Buzhou Mountain finally reached the top of the mountain. On the top of the mountain was a huge boulder city.

What shocked Zhuo Bufan and others even more.

The sky is right above their heads.

On this day, I was shrouded in colorful divine light. The five-colored divine light is boundless and boundless, covering the entire sky.

"Is this the sky? Are we imprisoned under this eggshell?"

Zhuo Bufan let out a sigh.

Under this sky, they are now not even considered as dust, they are pitifully insignificant.

Zhuo Bufan couldn't help but reach out his hand, wanting to touch the sky that was within reach.

This was the first time he had seen this vividly. The sky actually had a dome.

"Under the eggshell, your remarks are also very interesting and unique."

Zhuo Bufan didn't expect that Xuanyuan Hao would take the initiative to talk to him.

"We cultivators are the little chicks under the eggshell. In the beginning, in our eyes, the small space inside the egg is the entire world."

"However, one day, after we arm our wings, sharpen our beaks, and break through the eggshell, we discover that there is a vaster world outside."

"The same is true for cultivating immortals. We are imprisoned under this eggshell. Only by using our own strength to break through this eggshell can we become an eagle and a Tianpeng."

The four of them arrived under the sky together, which was a restricted area that few people could reach.

"Look, that floating mountain is the saint's cave built by the ancient Taoist sect 'Yuhua Palace' in the holy area."

Gao Yangxu raised his hand and pointed at the floating mountain closest to them.

On the floating mountain, a huge white jade palace was built. Above the palace, the glow was brilliant. The huge plaque on the palace gate reads, "Yuhua Palace" in three natural characters.

"It is rumored that Qing Emperor's Taoist companion is the master of Yuhua Palace."

After hearing Gao Yangxu's words, Zhuo Bufan looked sideways and felt the majesty of the white jade palace.

"Look at the top of the Red Flame Peak. There is a vermilion gate, like a raging fire, burning across the sky. Is it another ancient sect, the Yan Sect?"

Looking to the left, on a hanging mountain covered with maple trees and red leaves, a door plaque attracts attention.

Next, they followed the four dragons and saw the hills established by various ancient sects in the sanctuary.

These mountains are where the saints of these sects practice, and they all contain endless treasures.

"Oh, the Ancient Temple. Isn't that the sect to which the Ancient Temple belongs?"

Gao Yangxu saw another majestic green mountain. There were pavilions everywhere on the green mountain.

Either on the cliff or on the top of the mountain, there are traces of buildings everywhere.

On a platform on the mountainside, there is a huge black stone gate. On the stone gate are written three powerful white characters of the ancient temple.

The Ancient Temple is a sect that has existed since ancient times. Since Emperor Xuan cut off the spiritual energy of cultivation in the world of immortality, the Ancient Temple has naturally begun to decline.

The inheritance was almost lost several times, until ten thousand years ago, the spiritual energy revived, and the ancient temple began to restore the cultivation system.

Even if he sees the ancient temple, it is impossible for Xuanyuan Hao to go there now.

They can only watch flowers in the fog, after all, this is not a real sanctuary.

After a while, Zhuo Bufan saw an extremely huge floating mountain. There were nine steps above the mountain gate.

Each level has a palace built around the mountain.

There are nine buildings built up and down the entire floating mountain.

It is the largest sect they have ever seen.

Zhuo Bufan, Gao Yangxu and the others looked up and saw a cliff as white as jade on top of the mountain.

Written on the cliff, Su Nu Zong, three magnificent names.

"The Su Nu Sect is one of the oldest sects in ancient times. The number one place for female cultivators in the world. It is said that Emperor Bai later attained enlightenment in this sect."

"Su Nu Sect?"

Upon hearing this, Zhuo Bufan raised his eyes and took a closer look at the extremely majestic mountain gate in front of him.

He also unexpectedly discovered that Bai Su was also facing the Su Nu Sect, feeling the aura of the sect established by the Su Nu Sect in the Holy Land.

"This name seems a bit familiar." Zhuo Bufan said.

He had heard this name somewhere before, but he couldn't remember it. It sounded familiar.

"Where is this dragon taking us?"

After arriving at the sanctuary, the giant dragon led the four people aimlessly through the sky, appreciating the majesty and magnificence of the mountain gates one after another in ancient times.

"No matter where it takes us, even if it is such a simple wandering around, I will benefit a lot."

Gao Yangxu was very forthright, and his thoughts were more clear-cut and smooth than Zhuo Bufan's.

"You're right, no matter where it takes us..."


At this moment, Zhuo Bufan was shocked to find that the white dragon flying on his right actually took Bai Su and flew up to the top of the mountain where the Su Nu Sect was located.

"Where does that woman go?"

Gao Yangxu and Xuanyuan Hao also discovered that Bai Long and Bai Su suddenly left their large army.

"It's not where she's going, it's where Bailong takes her."

Zhuo Bufan knew very well that they were just being carried along by the wind by the dragon at their feet, and they could not choose their own destination.

At this moment, the green dragon under Xuanyuan Hao's feet actually took him flying towards the far left direction.

Zhuo Bufan and Gao Yangxu, who saw this scene, looked at each other and then said.

"Our opportunity has come, Brother Zhuo, take your leave."

After Gao Yangxu finished speaking, the red dragon at his feet also led him farther and farther to the left.

In the end, only Zhuo Bufan was left, riding the black dragon.

Its direction did not change, flying straight towards the far end of the sky.

After flying for about half an hour, he saw an inconspicuous hill appearing in front of him at the end of the sky.

The black dragon's destination is that small hill.

It was a small hill suspended in the air, about a hundred meters high, not very big.

The black dragon swam around the hill and almost bit its own tail.

The entire hill is not as huge as the black dragon.

However, when Zhuo Bufan saw this hill, he couldn't help but be in awe.

This is the Holy Land. Before every saint wants to ascend, he will come to the Holy Land to prepare for his ascension.

This means that Emperor Xuan has been here before.

And this black hill is the place where Emperor Xuan ascended.

A small hill, I don’t know that it once carried a powerful man.

After the black dragon circled around the hill, Zhuo Bufan finally found a place to stay and jumped from the black dragon's back to the ground of the hill.

Looking up at the top of the mountain, a thatched house is quietly placed there.

Seeing this, Zhuo Bufan took steps towards the thatched house.

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