Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 264 Enemies Meet [First Update, Please Subscribe]

When enemies meet, their eyes are red.

If they disagree, they will fight directly.

Zhuo Bufan has no good feelings towards the people of the Star Hall.

Not to mention Duan Xinghe's experience, he can empathize with them.

Just the disgusting faces of He Chen and his son threatened to kill Zhuo Bufan and a group of innocent and poor children on the Star Stage of the Star Hall.

Zhuo Bufan was furious just thinking about it.

If Zhuo Bufan had not revealed the Black Lord and his identity as a lord, he might have died on the Star Stage with those children.

So Zhuo Bufan hated, hated these people in the Star Hall, especially He Chen.

The rolling demonic energy, with its fangs and claws bared, swept towards the three people at Zhuo Bufan's command.

The three people in the Star Hall were obviously confused.

They had no idea what was going on, and they only heard a familiar voice in the black fog.

Then, all the black fog around rushed up.

"Protect Chen'er!"

Qiu Wuhen and Ye Yongdong saw this and sandwiched He Chen in the middle and protected him.

The battle was triggered.

Ding Ding Ding Ding!

Swords and swords collided several times, sparks flew, and rolling energy exploded in the middle of the tunnel.

The skeleton army was not an ordinary one. The skeleton general had not even made a move, and the three people had already retreated step by step, barely coping.

Zhuo Bufan sat up high on the bronze platform, watching the trapped beast fight below.

Looking at He Chen in the battle circle, Zhuo Bufan's eyes became more and more indifferent.

"I remember this guy is in the Godly Wandering Realm! Being able to come here means that he has broken through to the Yuanshen Realm."

"Could it be that his father's death stimulated him?"

"And Ye Yongdong and the others protected him so much, obviously they no longer treated him as an ordinary disciple, but completely as the reserve master of the Star Hall."

Zhuo Bufan guessed correctly.

Because of the Star Hall Demon Incident, the prestige of the Star Hall Master outside was getting lower and lower.

Of course, there must be someone secretly fanning the flames.

The Star Hall Master protected the demon and missed the best opportunity to kill the demon.

He lost his dignity in the righteous path, and there were rumors everywhere that he was old and confused and could step down.

And the inside of the Star Hall was even forcing the old man to abdicate.

This He Chen was really bold and powerful.

He, a small third generation, actually led the five peak masters of the second generation to the top of the peak to force the palace.

In the end, the Star Hall Master suffered from internal and external troubles, and the demon of Duanyue Peak made him haggard and decided to go into seclusion.

During the seclusion, the major affairs of the Star Hall were temporarily handed over to Song Xiong, the peak master of Kaiyang Peak.

This Song Xiong was the only one who still cared about the relationship between master and apprentice and supported the Star Hall Master.

But the Star Hall Master would never have thought that Song Xiong, who temporarily took over the position of the Hall Master, had already had a handle in the hands of He Chen, Qiu Wuhen and Ye Yongdong.

The three of them used this handle to sideline Song Xiong.

It can be said that now, the three people basically have the final say in the Star Palace.

This time, the bloody desert has raised thousands of dragons, and they want to come here to seize the opportunity, and after returning to the Star Palace, they will enhance their prestige.

The wolfish ambitions of these three people are basically known to everyone.

However, they met Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan is not a vengeful person, but for those who want to kill him, Zhuo Bufan will never let go.

"Crush them!"

Zhuo Bufan shouted again, and this time the skeleton general did it himself.

It raised the big ring golden knife, with surging murderous aura, and chopped at Qiu Wuhen with a bang.

Qiu Wuhen raised his sword to block, but was blown away by a knife, and rolled on the ground for dozens of times before barely stopping.


"Damn, such a strong force. Don't fight, let's retreat."

Qiu Wuhen soon found that if the three of them fought here, they would definitely be wiped out.

That skeleton general could kill the three of them alone.

Ye Yongdong and He Chen quickly used the Star Hall's unique skills to move stars and change shadows.


The three of them quickly escaped from the battle circle, and then drove the flying sword talisman, and rushed to the end of the circle with a whoosh.

"Want to escape? Chase me!"

After finally encountering an advantage, how could Zhuo Bufan let it go easily?

He drove the ghost horse bronze chariot and pulled the reins. Eight ghost horses raised their iron hooves and rushed out.

Boom boom boom...

Zhuo Bufan led the mighty ghost soldiers and killed the three people from the Star Hall.

"Damn, why did this black fog target us?" Qiu Wuhen said in great confusion.

"Did the two uncles hear someone screaming in the black fog? It was obvious that someone was operating it."

"Are you saying that someone is operating these ghost soldiers and ghost horses?" Ye Yongdong looked at He Chen.

"That's right! And this guy has a deep hatred for us, so he is chasing us so madly."

This He Chen is also a smart person with high talent, otherwise he would not have become the first disciple of the Xingchen Palace who surpassed Duan Xinghe.

"Who could that be?" Qiu Wuhen asked.

"I don't know, but we must not be caught by that guy."

"I have a plan. This guy is in the company of ghost soldiers and horses, which means he is the enemy of all cultivators. We can use the power of all cultivators who enter the underground palace to deal with him."

He Chen made a suggestion, and Qiu Wuhen and Ye Yongdong praised him.

"Good idea, team up with the ghost soldiers and be enemies with the monks."

"Among the monks who entered the Four Emperors' Discussion Hall, there are many people with unfathomable cultivation."

After the three of them finished speaking, they flew out of the tunnel with a whoosh.

Zhuo Bufan faintly felt that there was a smell of conspiracy in the air.

After flying out of the tunnel, the three people from the Star Hall entered a very large underground palace.

This underground palace is at least more than 200 meters high, and the area of ​​the underground palace is as large as a football field.

In this underground palace, hundreds of monks have already gathered, and all of them are blocked by a huge stone door.

The stone door is nearly half a hundred meters high and is carved on an indestructible wall.

People standing in front of the stone door seem extremely small.

The stone door is as red as blood, and it is carved with various reliefs of ghosts and monsters, Shura Yaksha, with fangs and claws.

It seems that behind this door is a terrible hell.

A large group of monks stood in front of the stone door, looking at each other, with no idea what to do.

They had tried many methods and had no idea how to open the stone door.

At this time, three people from the Star Hall rushed into the underground palace, and then He Chen shouted.

"Everyone be careful, there are ghost soldiers coming, prepare for battle."

He Chen didn't need to say anything about cooperation, he just needed to shout that there were ghost soldiers coming, and everyone would draw their swords to fight.

Because there was no way to retreat or avoid here, they could only fight.

After Zhuo Bufan drove the rolling chariot and rushed into the underground palace at lightning speed, he instantly saw a large group of people holding talismans and rushing towards him.

"Fuck, it's really a trick, retreat!"

Zhuo Bufan saw the three people from the Star Hall fleeing in a panic, and he felt that there was a conspiracy.

Fortunately, he was mentally prepared and saw the situation clearly the first time he rushed into the underground palace.

Zhuo Bufan's ghost soldiers were very powerful, but not powerful enough to fight so many monks.

And if there are still powerful ones among these monks, then he will be the one in danger.

So Zhuo Bufan almost didn't think about it, and immediately drove the chariot back with a sudden sound.

I got up this morning and fought with the computer for two hours. It's a late update. Sorry for the long wait.

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