Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 265: The Gate of the Red Emperor [Second update, please subscribe]

Haha, Zhuo Bufan was stunned!

Zhuo Bufan, who escaped from the underground palace, even laughed himself.

"I almost suffered a big loss, but this grandson can do it!"

Zhuo Bufan drove the chariot back to the tunnel and stopped after making sure those people were not chased out of the underground palace.

"I'll spare you this time. The green mountains will not change and the green waters will flow forever. It's not that I won't repay you. The time has not yet come."

Like a villain, Zhuo Bufan found a smooth excuse for his failure.

On the road ahead, it would be impossible for him to drive the chariot, and it would be so windy and turbulent.

After all, the yin soldiers are against the monks, and Zhuo Bufan is not stupid enough to lead this group of yin soldiers to challenge the entire underground palace monks. At most, he can only bully those who are alone.

"Xuanxuan, take these brothers into the black city and entertain them."

Xuanxuan looked mournful and reluctantly brought all these dark soldiers and chariots back to the black city.

For a moment, a black magic mist surged in the black city. In the magic mist, all the Yin soldiers stood in a group.

After settling the Yin soldiers, Zhuo Bufan covered his face, put on a bamboo hat, and calmly returned to the underground palace.

At this time, a group of monks were rushing towards the underground palace, and Zhuo Bufan followed them into the palace.

As soon as they entered the underground palace, a group of monks were still holding talismans, thinking that the Yin soldiers were attacking again and were ready to take action.

When the leading middle-aged man saw this, he immediately cupped his fists and shouted.

"I am Elder Lingyue of the Xihua Sect. What do you mean by this?"

When the monks in the underground palace heard this, they quickly took back the talismans in their hands.

"Xihua Sect? The fifth-ranked sect among the thirty-six sects of the Western Righteous Path."

"What's going on? How to kill the Xihua faction people? Where are those Yin soldiers?"

He Chen and the others were a little strange when they saw that they were from the Westernization Sect.

Ye Yongdong took the initiative to greet him and asked: "It turns out to be Elder Lingyue, Ye Yongdong, the master of Tianquan Peak of Xingchen Mountain, have you met him?"

Elder Lingyue smiled coldly when he heard that he was from Xingchen Mountain.

"It turns out it's Master Ye, what's your business?"

Obviously, Elder Lingyue doesn't have a good impression of the people in the Star Palace.

"Oh, I just want to ask, Elder Lingyue, did you not meet Yin soldiers when you came here?"

"What if we met, so what if we didn't meet? Is it necessary to report to Master Ye?"

After Elder Lingyue finished speaking, he snorted coldly and led the five people behind him into the crowd. Naturally, there was Zhuo Bufan among them.

"Well done, this Ling Yue is a bit interesting."

Zhuo Bufan followed their Westernized faction and smiled slightly.

Seeing the people in Xingchen Mountain deflated, he felt inexplicably happy.

It is impossible to kill the people from Xingchen Mountain here. Zhuo Bufan has no intention of getting entangled with the people from Xingchen Mountain. He wants to get the Xuan Altar as soon as possible.

However, now everyone is blocked behind the huge red rock gate in front of them.

"What kind of door is this? I can't open it no matter what I do?"

Someone pulled out a sword and pried it through the cracks in the stone.

Some people even chopped directly on the red rock to create real sparks, but it had no effect.

"Is there some mechanism?"

Elder Lingyue of the Westernized Sect who came over said.

"I looked for it, but couldn't find it. Every inch of the place has been groped, and there is no mechanism."

Someone said.

They've been stuck here for over an hour, making no progress.

And there are more and more people in the underground palace now.

Zhuo Bufan held up the bamboo hat on his head, then looked up at the vermilion door in front of him.

He stretched out his hand and touched the stone door, and couldn't help but tremble.

"This door has a soul."

Zhuo Bufan was shocked to see a stone door with a soul.

Then, Zhuo Bufan put his hand on the stone door and activated the Soul Awareness Talisman.

Buzz buzz buzz!

Zhuo Bufan's soul began to communicate with Shimen's soul. When he adjusted the wave frequency of his soul to be consistent with Shimen's soul, he suddenly heard a passage.

"Little one, are you peeking into my soul?"

At that moment, Zhuo Bufan felt that the stone door in front of him turned into a huge demon king, looking down at Zhuo Bufan with a ferocious aura.

Zhuo Bufan couldn't help but raise his head and communicate with his soul.

"This is not peeping, this is communicating with you. As a door, I must have never communicated with anyone before! Don't you think it's amazing that I can communicate with you?"

"Do you want me to praise you?" Shi Men snorted.

"There's no need to praise me. Let's talk to you! Who are you and why did you become a stone door?"

Zhuo Bufan asked.

When Shimen heard this, he snorted.

"Why am I telling you? My mission is to keep stupid adventurers like you out of the stone gate."

When Zhuo Bufan heard this, he frowned slightly.

"Can you please stop being stubborn? Those who come now are just small characters. A group of powerful monks will come later and tear down your broken door."

Zhuo Bufan said slightly angrily.

"Break the door? Boy, I was transformed into a piece of the phalanx of the Red Emperor's little finger. In today's world, can you find someone who can break open the door?"

When Zhuo Bufan heard this, he frowned slightly.

"The phalanx of Red Emperor's little finger is transformed? Isn't that the same as Xuanxuan?"

Xuanxuan was transformed from a drop of blood of Emperor Xuan, and this door was transformed from a finger bone of Red Emperor.

They are all the blood and bones of the Great Emperor, so it is naturally impossible for ordinary people to break through this door.

Not to mention ordinary people, even the great and powerful Jindan would not be able to break it.

This is a bit annoying.

The Xuantan that Zhuo Bufan wants is behind this door. He can't come here for nothing!

"Boy, being able to communicate with me is also a bit of fate between you and me. I would like to advise you that the world behind the door is beyond your imagination."

"I am just the first door. There are also the Qingdi Gate, Baidi Gate, and Xuandi Gate behind. The things hidden behind these four doors have been sealed for more than 200,000 years and no one has opened them. Do you dare?"

The words of the Red Emperor's Gate in front of him made Zhuo Bufan's hair stand on end.

A world sealed for more than 200,000 years.

"Don't scare me, I'm not a vegetarian."

"I have a pass, I don't know if it can be used."

Zhuo Bufan asked.

"Pass, what is that?"

The Red Emperor's Gate replied.

As a result, Zhuo Bufan waved his right hand and grabbed a little skeleton out of thin air.

What he caught was Xuanxuan, the little man made of Emperor Xuan's blood.

When the Red Emperor's Gate saw Xuanxuan, it was stunned for a moment.

"The breath of Emperor Xuan, it was made of Emperor Xuan's blood?"

The Red Emperor's Gate asked.

"Yes, now he is my little brother. I inherited Emperor Xuan's will, and it was Emperor Xuan who asked me to come back here to get a treasure. Can you open it?"

Cheating, Zhuo Bufan started cheating again.

This time, the Red Emperor's Gate was silent.

At the moment of silence, it seemed to hear the voice from Emperor Xuan.

"Open the door!"

This time, the Red Emperor's Gate did not dare to block it again, because it felt that Emperor Xuan had returned.

The master came back, how could he dare to block this door?


Boom boom boom boom...

The Red Emperor's Gate, opened with a bang!


The second update, please subscribe, reward, and recommend...

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