Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 271 Seven Killing Demon Monuments [Additional chapter 2 for the leader

Zhuo Bufan stepped into the Temple of Killing!


At that moment, Zhuo Bufan felt his soul tremble, as if thousands of troops were galloping in front of him.

They were armed with swords, armed with iron horses, and they rushed towards Zhuo Bufan in a mighty and mighty manner, with a murderous aura that could swallow up thousands of miles like a tiger.

At the moment when Zhuo Bufan was frightened, he suddenly felt a finger tap on the back of his head.

Immediately afterwards, his spirit returned and he quickly calmed down.

When he turned around, he saw the old drunkard looking at him with a smile.

It was the old drunkard who just used a divine soul power in time to tap the back of his head.

"Brother, be careful, this murderous intention is still extremely violent even after more than 200,000 years."

"If the soul is not cultivated enough, hallucinations will occur. The murderous aura affects the soul and creates a desire to kill."

The old drunkard's words made Zhuo Bufan extremely grateful.

"Thank you, senior, for your help. I almost fell into trouble."

If he hadn't been an old drunkard just now, Zhuo Bufan would most likely have read the file again.

"It's easy, no need to be polite. Let's move on!"

The old drunkard held a wine gourd and crutch in his right hand, put his left hand on his back, and then walked towards the hall with narrowed eyes.

Zhuo Bufan saw this and followed closely.

In the main hall, red light filled the air, filled with murderous intent.

After the previous murderous aura, Zhuo Bufan became more energetic and cheered up to prevent himself from being corroded by the remaining murderous aura of the Red Emperor.

The inside of the hall is larger than it looks from the outside.

Inside the hall, vermilion pillars go straight into the dome.

Each pillar is as big as two people hugging each other. There are thirty-two pillars in the entire hall, which looks extremely solemn and solemn.

"Hey, where are those people from before?"

After entering the main hall, Zhuo Bufan was secretly shocked.

Before he entered the Temple of Killing, someone should have entered it.

That is, the four "Wind, Cloud, Fire and Thunder"!

They were the first ones to take an extraordinary step and enter the Temple of Slaughter.

But now he didn't even see a single figure.


At this time, the old drunkard raised his cane and pointed towards a pillar not far away.

Zhuo Bufan looked up and saw a scarlet scratch on the pillar.

There were three scratches, which were clean and sharp, and they looked very serious. They looked like they were made by a very ferocious monster.

Zhuo Bufan glanced behind the pillar and saw a corpse lying in a pool of blood.

The corpse was cut in two, disemboweled, and beyond recognition, and its death was extremely miserable.

"This is the sect leader of Yunshen Sect, Yun Jiuxiao?"

Zhuo Bufan was shocked!

He remembered this middle-aged man who had been in the Bloodthirsty Butterfly Cave.

Showing great strength, he opened and closed and killed countless bloodthirsty demon butterflies. He was the first golden elixir powerhouse to pass through the bloodthirsty butterfly cave.

Unexpectedly, such a powerful golden elixir man would die here, which made Zhuo Bufan feel a little creepy.

Who killed him?

Who left that mysterious scratch on the pillar?

An uneasy feeling began to envelope Zhuo Bufan's soul.

However, this did not make Zhuo Bufan retreat. Instead, he took steps again and continued towards the depths of the hall.

As a result, after taking only two steps, pools of bright red blood suddenly appeared in front of his eyes.

Following the blood trail to the end, I saw two more miserable corpses on the ground not far away.

One corpse's head was smashed to pieces, and it was beyond recognition. Even its identity could not be identified.

There is also a corpse whose face is vaguely visible, that of an old woman.

"Isn't this Granny Feng from Feng Shenmen?"

Zhuo Bufan remembered this old woman. When she was in the Bloodthirsty Butterfly Cave, she controlled a tornado and opened a deep passage.

At that time, a group of people were shocked and admired him very much.

I didn't expect that such a powerful Jindan man would die like this, and he didn't even know where his soul was.

"Who killed them?"

Zhuo Bufan looked at the old drunkard. Of course, the old drunkard didn't know and just shook his head.

"This is the Killing Palace. It is the training ground for the Red Emperor before he entered the Tao. Anything that happens here will not be unexpected."

The old drunkard was very conscious. When he entered this place, he had already prepared for the worst.

As for Zhuo Bufan, he was not afraid.

He had already secretly saved the file before entering the Killing Hall.

If this is a difficult situation that cannot be overcome, Zhuo Bufan can only give up temporarily.

He could feel that the Killing Temple would be the most difficult level they had ever passed.

This is not a level-breaking game, it's just that the Red Emperor is too powerful, so he just left a pet butterfly, a palace where he once lived.

For Zhuo Bufan and others, it can become an extremely dangerous place of death.

"Just keep going!"

Zhuo Bufan reached out and closed Granny Feng's eyes that were staring blankly, then summoned the Thousand Evil Sword and began to move forward.

Later, Zhuo Bufan and the old drunkard walked around a pillar.

Suddenly, they saw a nine-story high square staircase altar in the center of the hall.

There are nine levels of stairs made of blood-colored crystal stones on all four sides of the altar.

On top of the altar, there was a bloody stone tablet. The bloody aura in the entire hall was released from this stone tablet, which was terrifying.

And just on the bloody stairs, Zhuo Bufan saw another corpse.

He hurried forward, took a closer look, and was shocked.

"This is, this is the leader of the Thunder God Sect, Lei Heng!"

Zhuo Bufan also remembered this white-haired old man in blue, Lei Heng.

He also showed his superb strength when he passed the bloodthirsty butterfly cave.

He opened up a lightning channel from hundreds of millions of bloodthirsty magic butterflies, and finally passed the level safely.

Unexpectedly, this big man also died.

"It seems that it is the four 'Wind, Cloud, Thunder and Fire' of the Yunhai League."

The old drunkard stood aside and said.

Zhuo Bufan also nodded in agreement. There were only these four who ran ahead of Zhuo Bufan into the Killing Temple.

Unexpectedly, these four people all died tragically in this Killing Temple.

Outside, they were all the leaders or great elders of the sects who were in charge of one side.

But when they arrived in this Killing Temple, they only ended up with tragic deaths.

Who killed them?

Zhuo Bufan didn't know, and neither did the old drunkard. They couldn't sense the breath of other life in the hall besides them.

"What is this stele?"

Zhuo Bufan took a step, stepped onto the nine-layer altar, and walked to the blood-colored stele.

The blood on the blood-colored stele seemed to be real blood, which was shocking.

On the blood-colored stele, there were two sentences engraved.

Seeing this, Zhuo Bufan couldn't help but recite it.

"I am not afraid of the anger of the gods in heaven, my life is mine. When the world is in chaos, kill kill kill kill kill kill kill!"

After speaking, boom!


Additional chapter for the leader "Pingyang Chen Er"!

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