Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 272 Seven Killing Demon Shadows [First update, please subscribe]

I am not afraid of the wrath of the gods in heaven, my fate is in my own hands.

When the world is in chaos, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill!

Seven words of kill, one word for one kill!

When Zhuo Bufan said the first word of kill, he already felt a strong murderous aura surging into his soul.

It was as if there were scenes of swords, thousands of troops, and rivers of blood flowing into his mind.

An unbearable magic began to affect Zhuo Bufan, making him unable to help but shout out the second word of kill.

The second word of kill, even more bloody, bloody wind, and endless killing in the air.

Zhuo Bufan couldn't stop, he couldn't help himself, and shouted out the third word of kill without thinking.

The third word of kill, a sword thousands of miles away, millions of corpses, corpses like a mountain, a Shura standing on a mountaintop with white bones.

Then, the fourth word of kill came out!

The fourth word "kill" turned the world upside down, thunderclouds and storms, Shura held the blood sword in his hand, pointed it at the sky, attracted thousands of thunder and lightning, and fell down with a bang, extremely domineering.

Then, Zhuo Bufan shouted out the remaining three words of "kill" in one go.

Suddenly, the world turned upside down, the sun and the moon were upside down, the gods and demons fell from the sky, and hundreds of millions of demon beasts rose up.

In an instant, the sky was dark, the sun and the moon were dim, the earth cracked, the underground magma rushed into the sky, and the haze covered the sky.

A doomsday scene poured into Zhuo Bufan's soul like a vast ocean.

When the last word of "kill" came out of Zhuo Bufan's mouth.

With a bang, the entire Seven Killing Demon Monument began to bleed for no reason.

Then, endless killing energy flowed in the stone monument.

The seven words of "kill" released a dazzling blood light.

From the word of "kill", a blood-colored phantom suddenly emerged, with sharp claws digging into the heart, grabbing towards Zhuo Bufan's heart.

At that moment, Zhuo Bufan was stunned!

After he finished reciting the Seven Killing Poems, he was still sinking in the doomsday scene.

It was impossible to avoid the bloody hand digging out the heart.

"Little brother, be careful!"

Fortunately, there was the old drunkard. He grabbed Zhuo Bufan in the air with his big hand and grabbed Zhuo Bufan directly from the altar.

The following scene shocked the old drunkard with unparalleled martial arts.

Seven bloody demon shadows flew out of the seven killing words.

The bloody demon shadows were wearing bloody robes and floating in the air.

There were no legs in the lower body, only red magic mist.

In the hands of each demon shadow, they held completely different weapons.

Bloody Demon Knife, Overlord Blood Spear, Bloodthirsty Demon Sword, Deadly Blood Hook, Weeping Blood God Claw, Flying Lock Blood Training, Blood Lotus Demon Wheel!

Seven bloody demon shadows were suspended in the air.

Holding murderous weapons, they surrounded Zhuo Bufan and the old drunkard.

Zhuo Bufan quickly came back to his senses from the doomsday scene, and was extremely shocked when he saw the scene in front of him.

"What is this?"

"These are the seven killing incarnations suppressed in the Seven Killing Demon Monument! The Seven Killing Demon Poems, one kill for each word!"

The eyes of the old Jiugui were finally no longer slightly squinting in the drunken state, but were shining with golden light and cold eyes.

"This Seven Killing Demon Poem, you can't recite it."

Zhuo Bufan finally understood why the four Jindan masters died tragically before, and the murderer disappeared without a trace.

It turned out that it was because Lei Heng recited the Seven Killing Demon Poems.

Zhuo Bufan also finally understood why Lei Heng died on the altar.

That was because when he recited the last word of killing, the seven killing incarnations of the Seven Killing Demon Monument were released and killed him by surprise.

If it wasn't for the old drunkard who saved him just now, Zhuo Bufan might have been a corpse now.

Whoosh... Bang!

Just when Zhuo Bufan regretted reciting the Seven Killings Demon Poem, suddenly the Seven Killings Demon Shadow floating in the air came towards him and the old drunkard.

The Seven Killings Demon Shadow floated in the air, attacking like a gust of wind.

With an extremely strong murderous aura, it slashed towards Zhuo Bufan in the air.

"Damn it, I can't escape, I'm locked by that murderous aura."

Zhuo Bufan wanted to escape, but found that the demon shadow with a knife had a murderous aura that was overwhelming.

The powerful murderous aura was above Zhuo Bufan's soul, making Zhuo Bufan unable to move and could only wait for his neck to be killed.

"Young man, be careful, leave the temple."

At this critical moment of life and death, the old drunkard finally stopped hiding his means.

He grabbed in the air with his left hand, and Zhuo Bufan only felt that his body was grabbed by a powerful force.

Then Zhuo Bufan was thrown out of the Killing Temple by the old drunkard!


The moment he fell back and flew out, Zhuo Bufan shouted in fear.

He didn't expect that the old drunkard would be so kind and righteous that he would choose to save him first at this time and stay alone to face the seven killing demons.


How could Zhuo Bufan let the old drunkard bear the mistakes he made alone?


Zhuo Bufan flew out of the Killing Temple and was about to rush in again, but a powerful destructive force broke out from the temple.

Zhuo Bufan was once again blown away by a powerful wave of air from the door of the temple to the bottom of the temple stairs.

The whole person was like a kite with a broken string, about to fall to the ground.

Just as Zhuo Bufan was about to land, a golden figure flew up.

Then Zhuo Bufan felt his back being lifted up by a strong force.

The moment Zhuo Bufan landed, he turned his head and looked!

"Gao Yang?"

The golden figure was the mysterious young man, Gao Yangxu, whom Zhuo Bufan had just met not long ago.

"Brother Zhuo, are you okay?"

"I'm fine."

Zhuo Bufan looked back and found that not only Gao Yangxu, but also Xuanyuan Hao and others had come.

In the crowd, he even saw Bai Su hiding aside, holding a black umbrella.

"What happened? That blood-colored palace has erupted with such a strong killing aura."

Not only Gao Yangxu and his friends came, but many people stood at the bottom of the stairs, not daring to step forward, shocked by the overwhelming killing aura of the Killing Temple.

"It must be the Seven Killing Demon Stele!"

Gao Yangxu knew it without asking.

Zhuo Bufan looked at him in surprise and said, "Brother Gao Yang knows?"

"I just found out too. I saw the Demon Stele on the Seven Killing Mountain. It was written by the Red Emperor himself before he became a Taoist."

"One word, one kill! Every time the Red Emperor wrote a word of kill, he would condense the killing aura on his body and suppress it in the Demon Stele."

After listening to Gao Yangxu's words, Zhuo Bufan suddenly realized.

The red dragon that Gao Yangxu rode must have taken him to the place where the Red Emperor ascended, and saw the past with the Red Emperor.

"Is there a fight inside?"

Xuanyuan Hao, holding the zither, asked lightly.

Next to him, the little girl Xuanyuan Mo hid behind him, obviously frightened by the monstrous murderous aura.

"Yes, an unknown senior stayed alone to fight in order to save me."

Zhuo Bufan said with some regret.

"That senior is probably in danger. The Seven Killing Demon Monument can even kill people in the 'Seeing the Realm'."

Gao Yangxu said.

"Seeing the Realm?"

For a moment, everyone looked at Xuanyuan Hao on the side.

This arrogant figure who looked down on the world was the Little True Person in the Seeing the Realm.

"I'll go! Only I can conquer this demon monument."

At this moment, Gao Yangxu stood up.

Zhuo Bufan saw a faint blood light wrapped around him.

Murderous aura, Gao Yangxu had murderous aura!

"It seems that he got some kind of inheritance in the Red Emperor's Ascension Place in the Holy Land."

Just like Zhuo Bufan got the mysterious tree in the Ascension Place of the Xuan Emperor.

Xuanyuan Hao, Gao Yangxu, Bai Su, all got some kind of inheritance in the Ascension Places of the Red Emperor, the Green Emperor, and the White Emperor respectively.

Inheritance is an opportunity that can only be encountered but not sought.

This inheritance opportunity of the Red Emperor, I am afraid that only Gao Yangxu can get it now.


Instantly, Gao Yangxu's body was filled with blood and murderous aura. He disappeared in front of everyone in an instant and rushed into the Killing Temple.

On the white stairs, only a string of red afterimages was left...

A new day, a new week, please recommend! Please subscribe and reward again! !

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