Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 275: Battle of the Prodigies [Fourth update, please subscribe]

Gao Yangxu, he got the Red Emperor's Seven Killing Demon Monument.

When he carried the Seven Killing Demon Monument and walked out of the Killing Temple, standing on the steps surrounded by seven killing demons, everyone was frightened.

Especially when he shouted to Xuanyuan Hao, "I want to fight you," everyone focused their attention on Xuanyuan Hao.

Zhuo Bufan also looked at Xuanyuan Hao.

He knew that Gao Yangxu had one goal, which was to defeat the four great talents today.

Now that he has obtained the Red Emperor's Seven Kill Demon Monument, his confidence has skyrocketed, and he is confident that he is qualified to fight Xuanyuan Hao.

"Xuanyuan Hao, let's duel!"

Gao Yangxu shouted again, and everyone looked at Xuanyuan Hao, waiting for the genius of the Eastern Region to speak.

"elder brother!"

Xuanyuan Mo hid behind Xuanyuan Hao. Now the little girl was very afraid of Gao Yangxu's murderous intent.

At this time, Xuanyuan Hao was seen holding Qin, opening his white eyes and looking at Gao Yangxu.

"What is he going to say?"

Zhuo Bufan thought to himself.

"Are you going to accept the challenge?"

"Xuanyuan Hao, the genius of the Eastern Region, is ready to challenge."

Everyone could no longer contain their excitement and retreated one after another, leaving the battlefield.

Even Zhuo Bufan and the old drunkard stepped aside.

For a time, only Xuanyuan Hao was left in the square.

Under the stairs, Xuanyuan Hao embraced the guqin, feeling independent from the world.

On the stairs, Gao Yangxu stood on the shoulder of the Demon Resisting Monument, full of murderous intent.

At this moment, Xuanyuan Hao slowly opened his mouth and said.

"You're swollen!"

As soon as he said this, Zhuo Bufan on the side almost burst into laughter.

Gao Yangxu, who was on the stairs, stared with anger.

"Are you getting too carried away?"

Gao Yangxu originally planned to defeat the other three geniuses first, and then finally teach Xuanyuan Hao a lesson.

However, after obtaining the Seven Kill Demon Monument, his strength increased dramatically and he was already confident that he could fight Xuanyuan Hao.

However, he did not expect that when faced with his provocation, Xuanyuan Hao's first words would be, you are inflated.

"I'll make you bigger! Go, Sun-Destroying Divine Sword!"

Gao Yangxu put his two fingers together and burst out, blasting Xuanyuan Hao with a golden sword with boundless murderous intent.

"Brother, come on!"

Xuanyuan Mo and Bai Su stepped aside and began to cheer Xuanyuan Hao.

But listening to her tone, it was extremely relaxed, and it was obvious that she had full confidence in her brother.

"Hey hey hey, doesn't this guy want to demolish this underground palace?"

Zhuo Bufan sat on the wall and watched, feeling the terrifying power of Gao Yangxu's Sun-Destroying Divine Sword's ultimate move.

If Xuanyuan Hao counterattacked with the same powerful moves, this underground palace would probably collapse.

Gao Yangxu was filled with murderous aura and just wanted to kill. His actions were not serious and he did not want to think about those issues.

So the power of this move can be imagined.


The Sun-Destroying Divine Sword hit Xuanyuan Hao.

Sure enough, there was an extremely shocking explosion, and the ground behind Xuanyuan Hao exploded and turned into flying ash.

However, Gao Yangxu's killing sword was caught between Xuanyuan Hao's two fingers.

Gao Yangxu, who saw this scene, had already expected this result.

"Let you see how powerful my Seven Kill Demon Monument is. Kill me!"

Gao Yangxu spat out the word "kill", and the seven murderous demonic shadows surrounding him, holding demonic soldiers, flew towards Xuanyuan Hao again.

The seven murderous demonic shadows, with their billowing murderous aura, shook the world, making everyone feel the momentum of thousands of troops rushing towards them.

"This boy really conquered the Seven Kills Demon Monument."

The old drunkard was also extremely shocked when he saw the seven murderous demonic figures flying down the steps.

He had fought against the Killing Shadow of the Seven Kills Monument and knew how powerful the Killing Shadow was.

"Facing the Seven Killing Demonic Shadows, I'm afraid the genius of the Eastern Region will have to fight with all his strength."

said the old drunkard.

"Fight with all your strength? That's okay, this underground palace hasn't collapsed yet."

Zhuo Bufan frowned.

Just when everyone was worried that the battle between these two geniuses would be razed to the ground.

A blue ancient divine dharma image suddenly emerged from Xuanyuan Hao's body.

The blue ancient god's Dharma Appearance is already the third Dharma Appearance that Xuanyuan Hao has shown so far.

Legend has it that Xuanyuan Hao obtained the inherited power of the thirty-two ancient gods in the ancient temple. The abilities of each ancient god are naturally different.

But this time, the blue ancient god's dharma image carries even more powerful power.

The blue ancient god has a solemn appearance, with a huge blue stream surrounding him, full of majesty and power.

And the most shocking thing is the hands of the blue ancient god.

There are two black vortexes in the palms of its hands, which is obviously extraordinary.

"It's the ancient god Sikong. My brother is determined to fight him."

When she saw the blue ancient divine dharma image rising from the ground, Xuanyuan Hao's sister Xuanyuan Mo revealed the name of the ancient divine dharma image.

Ancient God Sikong, no one knows which ancient god this is.

Just when everyone was looking forward to the power of this ancient god to destroy the world and destroy the world.

Suddenly, the ancient god Sikong slapped Gao Yangxu.

Everything happens only in the blink of an eye.

Gao Yangxu's Seven Killing Demonic Shadows rushed towards Xuanyuan Hao, but Xuanyuan Hao's Ancient Divine Magic Sword struck him with a slap at the same time.


A crisp slap was heard, and everyone couldn't help but close their eyes. They couldn't bear to see Gao Yangxu being beaten into a pulp.

After all, just now, Xuanyuan Hao had used this move to slap Yu Lingfeng of the Supreme Sword Sect to death.

However, after that snap, the entire underground palace suddenly became quiet.

Zhuo Bufan stared at the place on the steps where Gao Yangxu had stood before, and Gao Yangxu disappeared.

"Brother Gao Yang?"

Zhuo Bufan was stunned for a moment.

He did not close his eyes the whole time, but witnessed the whole process.

Just at that moment, Gao Yangxu's Seven Killing Demon Shadow was about to kill Xuanyuan Hao's head.

Xuanyuan Hao's ancient god Dharma image just slapped Gao Yangxu.

As a result, Gao Yangxu disappeared from the spot with a snap.

As Gao Yangxu disappeared, the Seven Killing Demon Shadow also disappeared at the same time.

"What happened? Where is that madman Gao Yangxu?"

"I don't know, he was standing there just now, and was slapped away by Xuanyuan's ancient god."

"Was he slapped to ashes?"

Some people stared at the result in amazement.

No one expected that Gao Yangxu, who had just clamored to fight to the death with Xuanyuan Hao, was slapped to ashes.

Everyone looked at Xuanyuan Hao again, and a look of great awe grew in their hearts.

They finally knew why Xuanyuan Hao was called the leader of the four great geniuses.

This man's strength has exceeded many people's imagination.

Was Gao Yangxu really killed by Xuanyuan Hao in a second?

Zhuo Bufan shook his head!

"No, it was the palm of that ancient god. Gao Yang was swallowed by the vortex in the palm of that ancient god."

"That black vortex is the same as the space vortex of the Holy Lord, with the ability of space transfer."

"Gao Yang was teleported to another place by Xuanyuan Hao."

Zhuo Bufan was very sure of his guess that Xuanyuan Hao's ancient god Sikong had the ability of space transfer.

Gao Yangxu was not killed by Xuanyuan Hao, but teleported to another place.

As for where, Zhuo Bufan didn't know.

But Zhuo Bufan knew that Xuanyuan Hao definitely didn't want to fight with Gao Yangxu now, so he used this trick to send Gao Yangxu away.

That's why his sister Xuanyuan Hao said that her brother didn't care to fight with Gao Yangxu.

"Brother Gaoyang, take care!"

Zhuo Bufan slowly raised his head and looked at the dome of the underground palace.


At this moment, Gao Yangxu, carrying the Seven Killing Demon Tablet, was suspended in the air with a confused look on his face.

The moment before, he was still underground in the Blood Desert, ready to fight Xuanyuan Hao to the death.

As a result, the next second, he suddenly appeared on a sea.

Looking at the vast ocean under his feet, Gao Yangxu was furious.

"Damn, Xuanyuan Hao, you guy, what the hell did you bring me to?"

He looked up to the sky and howled, but no one answered him, and no one answered him!


Gao Yangxu's role is over for the time being! The rest is mainly the story of the protagonist and the heroine. Some routines, please don't spray!

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