Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 276 ** Sword [Fifth update, please subscribe]

Chapter 276 Sword [Fifth update, please subscribe]

The battle of the Tianjiao ended with such an absurd ending.

There was no earth-shattering battle as everyone imagined, nor was there the destruction of the world as everyone expected.

Many people still believe that Xuanyuan Hao killed Gao Yangxu in seconds with his absolute overwhelming strength.

However, people with high cultivation naturally saw the doorway.

Gao Yangxu did not die, but was just slapped away by Xuanyuan Hao. As for where he was slapped, no one knows.

However, before Gao Yangxu disappeared, he solved a huge problem for all adventurers, that is, the Seven Killing Demon Stele in the Killing Temple.

Without the Seven Killing Demon Stele, the Killing Temple obviously no longer has the aura of killing.

There is no terrifying Seven Killing Demon Shadows.

Many people rushed into the Killing Temple first.

Behind the Killing Temple, there is a passage that leads directly to the depths of the underground palace.

"Sister Bai, brother, let's go too!"

Xuanyuan Mo pulled Bai Su and Xuanyuan Hao into the Killing Temple.

When Bai Su and Zhuo Bufan passed by each other, Zhuo Bufan glanced at the woman.

"No murderous intent, has this woman given up chasing me?"

Zhuo Bufan was stunned for a moment when he saw Bai Su walking by him.

Ever since the trip to the Holy Land, Bai Su had no intention of killing him again.

Zhuo Bufan was getting more and more confused about this woman.

At first, she chased him like a madman for no reason, but now she showed weakness to him.

"Am I being ignored?"

Zhuo Bufan calculated that he had been chased by this woman for more than four months since the Yunmeng Realm.

In order to avoid her pursuit, Zhuo Bufan ran from the extreme west of the continent to the extreme east of the continent, running for half a world, but he didn't expect to be ignored now.

Inexplicably angry!

"Brother, let's go too! I guess behind this Killing Temple should be the place where the Green Emperor discusses the Dao."

The old drunkard said to Zhuo Bufan at this time.

"Green Emperor, are you here for the Green Emperor?"

Zhuo Bufan asked.

Until now, he still didn't know who this drunkard was.

After hearing this, the old drunkard smiled and said, "That's right, I came here for a pot of wine from the Green Emperor."

"For a pot of wine?"

"Yes, it is said that the Green Emperor is a free and easy person. He is good at playing the piano, chess, calligraphy, painting, ink painting, brewing wine and tea, cooking, eating, drinking, whoring and gambling, everything is top-notch! I think there should be the fine wine he once brewed here."

"Eating, drinking, whoring and gambling?" Zhuo Bufan rolled his eyes.

These four words are not commendatory at all, but the old drunkard actually said them with a hint of fairy flavor.

"Is the Green Emperor so powerful? He knows everything, he is simply omnipotent."

As far as Zhuo Bufan knows, the Green Emperor is probably unmatched in the way of dual cultivation.

Now I learned from the old drunkard that the Green Emperor knows everything, he is simply omnipotent.

"Hahaha, if the old man guessed correctly, most of the people here came for the Green Emperor."

"That is the Eastern Region's Tianjiao Xuanyuan Hao. I am afraid he also came for the Green Emperor's piano score."

Xuanyuan Hao came for the piano score. This is no longer a rumor. Zhuo Bufan has also heard about it.

"It seems that the demon princess is here too. If the old man guessed correctly, the demon princess is also here for the Green Emperor."

"She is also here for the Green Emperor?" Zhuo Bufan was stunned for a moment.

"The Green Emperor is not a human, but the first demon in the ancient times. He created the demon pill cultivation method for the demon race. This method makes the demon race naturally stronger than the human race, and it is also stronger than the human race when practicing."

"It is also he who created the blood inheritance of the demon race, allowing the demon race to continue the power of blood inheritance until now."

"It is no exaggeration to say that the Green Emperor created the current demon race. The current demon lord Donghuang clan is the descendant of the Green Emperor."

After listening to the old drunkard's words, Zhuo Bufan quickly remembered it in his heart.

He didn't expect that the Green Emperor actually had such a story.

It seems that each of the four ancient emperors is not simple. Each of them has a huge secret.

The Seven Killing Demon Tablet, the biggest opportunity of the Red Emperor, has been obtained by Gao Yangxu, so these people can't wait to go to the palace of the Green Emperor.

"Then let's go too!"

Zhuo Bufan said to the old drunkard.

As a result, at this moment, Zhuo Bufan suddenly felt that the Thousand Evil Sword in his ring was trembling.

"Wait a minute!"

Zhuo Bufan called the old drunkard and summoned the Thousand Evil Sword.

Zhuo Bufan's hands were shaking as the Thousand Evil Sword was held in the book.

"Brother, this sword is a secret treasure!"

The old drunkard stared at the Thousand Evil Sword in Zhuo Bufan's hand and said with envy.

Zhuo Bufan did not respond because the Thousand Evil Sword in his hand was shaking wildly.

Like a wild dog that could not be stopped, Zhuo Bufan's tiger's mouth began to tear.


At this moment, a blue shadow suddenly flew over Zhuo Bufan and his head like the wind.

At that moment, the Qianxie Sword in Zhuo Bufan's hand suddenly broke free of Zhuo Bufan's hand and flew out.

Like an arrow shot from a bow, it flew through the sky at an amazing speed.


The Qianxie Sword hit the blue-clothed man flying in the sky.



As a result, the blue-clothed man was like a kite with a broken string. After screaming, he fell in front of the Killing Temple with a pah, and his nose was covered with dust.

"Who is it? Who shot me in the ass with an arrow? Who is it?"

The man in blue got up from the ground, and Zhuo Bufan saw that the Thousand Evil Sword had just been inserted into the guy's ass.

Zhuo Bufan was shocked when he saw this scene!

The Thousand Evil Sword that suddenly went crazy actually exploded someone's anus. This must be a life-and-death battle with him.

"Why does this voice sound so familiar?"

Just when Zhuo Bufan didn't know how to solve this matter, he frowned slightly, and suddenly felt that the voice was very familiar, but he couldn't remember who it was for a while.

The man in blue was facing Zhuo Bufan with his back to his anus.

He endured the severe pain and pulled the Thousand Evil Sword out of his anus, and then took a look.

"Fuck, why is it your broken sword? Why did you stick it into your father's ass?"

Hearing the man's voice again, Zhuo Bufan's mind suddenly flashed a small browed face with a sly smile.

"Old swindler, Chu Mubai?"

Zhuo Bufan shouted.

As a result, at this time, Chu Mubai, who was blasted in the ass by his own sword, held his bleeding buttocks, turned around and looked at Zhuo Bufan.

"Little devil, is it you? Your mother, you can't even hold a broken sword, I want to settle this account with you."

Chu Mubai, I didn't expect it to be the profiteer Chu Mubai.

This guy actually rushed here from Huoyun City, and was blasted in the ass by his own Qianxie Sword.

Is this the legendary sending chrysanthemums thousands of miles away?

Chu Mubai held his buttocks, limped with the Qianxie Sword and threw it in front of Zhuo Bufan, then pointed at the Qianxie Sword on the ground with his chrysanthemum blood, and questioned Zhuo Bufan.

"Stinky boy, don't think about leaving if you don't give me 1.8 million for this matter."

Seeing Chu Mubai's embarrassed look asking him for money, Zhuo Bufan couldn't hold it back anymore and laughed out loud.

"Hahahaha! You deserve it, you profiteer, you deserve it, your asshole was blasted by your own sword, hahahaha!"


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