This opportunity for thousands of dragons to rise in the bloody desert, I don’t know how many people came here for the Qing Emperor.

Qing Emperor, the most free and easy among the four emperors.

Unlike the Red Emperor's murderous temple, the Qing Emperor's bronze temple does not have a chilling murderous aura.

On the contrary, the bronze temple gives people a sense of security in addition to mystery.

Anyone who enters the Bronze Temple can feel a power that seems to be secretly guarded by someone.

However, although the Bronze Temple has no murderous intent.

But the people who come here are full of murderous intent.

Murderous intentions arise from the sky, and the stars change. The earth emits murderous intent, dragons and snakes rise from the land. If someone kills someone, it will turn the world upside down!

In order to compete for the Blue Emperor's treasure, some people began to fight, and screams of life and death could be heard everywhere.

"It's a pity that there is no big enough Najie, otherwise I would really like to take this bronze temple away with me, Old Chu."

Chu Mubai looked at the huge bronze temple in front of him, with a greedy look in his eyes.

He was not kidding. If it weren't for the lack of a large enough ring, he would probably have taken away the bronze temple.

"You'd better stop dreaming and think about something practical! I'm very interested in the "Book of Yin and Yang" you mentioned. How can I find it?"

Zhuo Bufan came up with the idea of ​​"The Book of Yin and Yang Acacia".

After hearing this, the old profiteer Chu Mubai narrowed his eyes and looked at Zhuo Bufan, then he chuckled.

"Brother, do you want to snatch the Book of Yin and Yang from me?"

"No one will rob you, only the one who can get it will get it! If you get it, at worst, I will buy it from you."

Zhuo Bufan had indeed taken a fancy to the "Book of Yin and Yang Hehuan", and now he was only short of that one to get the complete "Yin Yang He Dao Jing".

"Can you afford it?"

Chu Mubai questioned.

"You question the financial resources of the Lord of the Talisman Temple?"

Zhuo Bufan sneered.

When Chu Mubai heard this, he reacted.

"I almost forgot, you are now the Master of Light and Shadow in the Talisman Temple. No problem, brother, when I find the Book of Yin and Yang, I will sell it to you at a discount."

"Hehe, speaking of which, you are really capable. Brother, I just sent you to Fu Bao to learn something. I didn't expect you to become a Laizunren. You really make me proud, brother."

For Zhuo Bufan to become a respected person, it can be said to be Chu Mubai's biggest surprise.

When Zhuo Bufan heard this, he chuckled.

"Do you think I forgot about you, the pimp?"

"Stop talking nonsense, you must have a way to find that book, right?"

Zhuo Bufan knew that it was impossible for the old profiteer to come unprepared.

When the old profiteer heard this, he showed a wry smile and said.

"Brother Zhuo, you think that my brother and I are too powerful. I really don't know where this "Book of Yin and Yang" is, so I can only let it happen."

"How about we kidnap that little lady Bai Su!"

The old profiteer is very fond of Bai Su. In his eyes, Bai Su is equal to 800 million spiritual stones.

Zhuo Bufan rolled his eyes at him and said, "The key is, can you beat her?"

"How will you know if you don't try?"

"And brother Zhuo, you should know that that little lady has mastered the Five Finger Xiaoyan Technique, and you can ask her to help you deduce the location of "The Book of Yin and Yang Acacia" for you!"

This old profiteer really dared to think. Not only did he have to tie up Bai Su, but he also asked Bai Su to help him find the "Book of Yin and Yang Acacia". Would the next step be to ask for a double cultivation with Bai Su?

"Stop dreaming. It's best not to mess with that woman."

It is undoubtedly a stupid way to kidnap Bai Su to find the "Book of Yin and Yang Acacia".


At this moment, a clear sound of the piano suddenly came from the bronze palace.

Zhuo Bufan and Chu Mubai looked up and saw Xuanyuan Hao sitting cross-legged on the top of the bronze temple, with the guqin in his arms placed flat on his legs.

"It's Xuanyuan Hao. I didn't expect him to come here too."

Because the sound of Xuanyuan Hao's piano attracted the attention of all those who were hunting for treasures in the Bronze Temple.

In fact, there are no valuable treasures in the Bronze Temple.

This is actually a Buddhist scriptures pavilion, and all the scriptures are stored in it.

However, after more than 200,000 years, the scriptures here will turn into ashes as soon as you touch them, let alone read them.

Many people have discovered this problem and expressed regret.

As a result, Xuanyuan Hao's piano music made them fly out of the palace and pay attention to what the genius of the Eastern Region was doing.

Clang, clank!

Bursts of piano music swayed in the air, and more and more people gathered in the cave.

Xuanyuan Hao's piano sound did not bring any energy fluctuations, it was just a pure piano sound.

But sometimes it's tactful, sometimes it's high-spirited, sometimes it's quiet, sometimes it's violent...

Everyone was mesmerized.

Many people were lying on the circular corridor in the center of the cliff, watching Xuanyuan Hao showing off above the Bronze Temple.

And Xuanyuan Hao's piano sound is indeed attractive, with or without melody, even if it is played cleanly, it is also fascinating.

Among the crowd, Zhuo Bufan spotted a familiar figure.

"Bai Su!"

Bai Su's black umbrella was so eye-catching that Zhuo Bufan discovered her presence almost immediately.

Next to Bai Su is Xuanyuan Mo, Xuanyuan Hao's sister.

The little girl, like Xiaomei, is a loli, holding Bai Su's hand.

Judging from her appearance, she likes Bai Su very much, and deliberately brings Bai Su and her brother into a pair.

And Bai Su was basically dragged all the way here by that little girl.

As if sensing Zhuo Bufan's gaze, Bai Su turned to face him.

Even though she was blind and couldn't see the person in front of her at all.

But Zhuo Bufan was still somewhat moved by Bai Su's face.

"Come to think of it, this woman seems to have never seen me before!"

Zhuo Bufan recalled that Bai Su and he first met in Yunmeng Realm.

But Zhuo Bufan was killed and reborn, so Bai Su had never seen Zhuo Bufan.

When she saw Bai Su again, she was already blind.

It can be said that Bai Su has been chasing a shadow without any image.

She didn't know what Zhuo Bufan looked like, but she followed him all the way here.

Clang clang clang!

Clang clang clang!

Just as Zhuo Bufan was recalling, the sound of the piano suddenly became integrated with power and began to shock people's souls.

Zhuo Bufan looked sideways and saw that the bronze temple in front of him actually emitted a ray of green light.

Those green lights flew up from all directions, then flew in front of Xuanyuan Hao and began to merge.

For a moment, everyone stared at this miracle with their eyes wide open.

In front of Xuanyuan Hao, a phantom of a man in green appeared.

His long hair fluttered, untied, and fluttered slightly, setting off his figure suspended in the air, as if a god had descended to the earth.

There was a faint glow flowing on his skin, and his eyes flashed with the light of thousands of colored glazes.

His appearance was like a painting, so beautiful that he didn't look like a real person at all, as if he had walked out of a painting.

That kind of appearance, that kind of demeanor, has simply surpassed all human beauty.

He just casually wore a green robe, and that kind of beauty that transcended the secular world could not be described in words.

"Green Emperor!"

When they saw the man appear, everyone was stunned, staring at the green-robed man, and almost in unison, blurted out the word "Green Emperor"!

Just got home, started updating~! I'll write as much as I can! I'll just try my best! I'm exhausted both physically and mentally

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