
One of the four holy emperors who rebelled against the universe in the ancient times!

No one expected that the legendary Qingdi would be such a handsome man.

People only knew that Qingdi was handsome and powerful, but no one had ever seen his true appearance.

However, now, the man in green clothes stood in front of Xuanyuan Hao.

The great power emanating from him made everyone present look up to him. If he was not Qingdi, who would he be?

Even Xuanyuan Hao, the number one prodigy, had completely lost his brilliance in front of Qingdi.

It felt like the light of a firefly competing with the bright moon, and Xuanyuan Hao was completely covered by the light of Qingdi.

The appearance of Qingdi made the whole audience solemn.

Everyone even quieted down their breathing.

He did not speak, but just listened quietly to Xuanyuan Hao's piano music.

The song played by Xuanyuan Hao was not an ordinary song, but the "Qingxianpu" composed by Qingdi.

However, Xuanyuan Hao only got the first volume of the Qingxian Pu. This time he came to the Blood Desert for the second volume of the Qingxian Pu.

The Qing Emperor stood in front of Xuanyuan Hao, listening to Xuanyuan Hao's piano music.


Suddenly, Xuanyuan Hao's piano music stopped.

Xuanyuan Hao only had the first volume of the Qingxian Pu, so his piano stopped in the middle.

The piano sound was cut off, and the figure of the Qing Emperor suddenly began to twist.

Then, it began to gather into a group, turning into countless spiritual light photons, and finally, with a whoosh, it turned into a blue scripture floating in front of Xuanyuan Hao.

"The second volume!"

When Xuanyuan Hao saw the scripture, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, and a satisfied smile emerged.

It turned out that the Qing Emperor's Dharma image just now was the second volume of the Qingxian Pu!

The purpose of Xuanyuan Hao coming here was to get the second volume of the Qingxian Pu, and now his purpose has been achieved.

After putting away the Qingxian Book, Xuanyuan Hao picked up the guqin, flew to Xuanyuan Mo and Bai Su, and said.

"Mo'er, go home!"

This Xuanyuan Hao was ready to leave like this.

He really came for the Qingxian Book. Apart from the Qingxian Book, he didn't want anything.

This is a simple and direct person, not greedy, not angry, not irritable! Once he achieves his goal, even if there is a great temptation in front of him, he will remain indifferent.

The realm of the little real person has indeed reached a point that ordinary people cannot understand.

No wonder Xuanyuan Hao can become the number one prodigy. This Xuanyuan Hao's state of mind is already incomparable to many people.

"What is the way that Xuanyuan Hao cultivates?"

Zhuo Bufan didn't know who to ask, anyway, he said it casually.

Xuanyuan Hao's state of mind made him admire him very much. At least Zhuo Bufan can't reach it now.

He originally came for Xuantan, but now his purpose is not so simple, he wants everything.

Cultivation is a change of state of mind. It can only be said that Zhuo Bufan's current state of mind and cultivation have not reached that level.

But it is only a matter of time before he reaches this state.

Obviously, Zhuo Bufan is not the only one who has not reached this state.

Xuanyuan Hao's younger sister 'Xuanyuan Mo' has not reached it either.

When she heard that they were leaving, Xuanyuan Mo hurriedly pulled Xuanyuan Hao's hand and said.

"Brother, it's not easy for you to come out. Can we play for a while longer?"

"Look, this Qingdi has many treasures besides the piano score."

"We have traveled thousands of miles to the Blood Desert and caused a sensation. We can't just get a copy of the Qingxian Jue and go back, right?"

The little girl made a lot of sense.

He Xuanyuan Hao made such a big fuss just for a piano score. Not to mention his sister, no one in the world can understand it!

However, Xuanyuan Hao is such a straightforward boy!

"The goal has been achieved. This Qingxian Book is the biggest opportunity I can afford."

"You are greedy and can't get it. Go home!"

After Xuanyuan Hao finished speaking, a blue ancient god rose from behind him.

It was the ancient god Sikong who had slapped Gao Yangxu away.

"Brother, can we take Sister Bai back with us?"

Seeing that Xuanyuan Hao was determined to go, Xuanyuan Mo was no longer persistent. She knew her brother very well and he always kept his word.

Xuanyuan Mo could agree to go back with him, but she had to take Bai Su with her.

In the short time she spent with Bai Su, Xuanyuan Mo suddenly liked this elder sister very much.

Everyone thought that this elder sister was an unreasonable crazy woman, but Xuanyuan Mo felt a warmth different from her brother in her.

After hearing this, Xuanyuan Hao looked at Bai Su and said expressionlessly.

"The Ancient Temple welcomes Miss Bai, but you and I cannot make the decision on this matter. Miss Bai needs to agree."

"So you agreed?" Xuanyuan Mo said happily.

Then she held Bai Su's hand and said.

"Sister Bai, come back to the Ancient Temple with us! I'll ask Grandma Yue to cure your eyes."

The only thing that made Xuanyuan Mo regretful was Bai Su's empty eyes.

Along the way, Xuanyuan Mo has told Bai Su more than once that he would take her to the Ancient Temple to cure her eyes.

Obviously, this little girl really likes Bai Su! She wants to recognize Bai Su as her sister.

"And if Sister Bai comes to our Ancient Temple, I believe that even the Tianwu League and the Fuzhu Temple will not dare to do anything to you."

Xuanyuan Mo knew that Bai Su was wanted by the Fuzhu Temple, and people all over the world were chasing her.

"Listen up, little venerable over there. Our sister Bai will not hunt you down. Go back and ask your snotty Talisman Temple to remove the wanted order."

"Otherwise, I'll let my brother beat you up."

Zhuo Bufan was standing on the sky corridor, and was inexplicably named by Xuanyuan Mo.

Obviously, Xuanyuan Mo also saw them.

For a moment, everyone's eyes turned to Zhuo Bufan.

"Little venerable?"

"I didn't expect it to be the little venerable. The little venerable was with Bai Su, and they didn't fight?"

"Didn't Xuanyuan Hao's sister just say that Bai Su will no longer hunt down the little venerable? It seems that the Ancient Temple wants to protect Bai Su, the White King."

"If the Ancient Temple wants to protect her, I believe the Talisman Temple will not investigate further! The Tianwu League may also give up hunting her down."


The topic that the Ancient Temple wants to protect Bai Su spread all at once!

Although Xuanyuan Mo didn't say it explicitly, she had already made her attitude clear.

"Hey, little lord, I'm talking to you! Did you hear me?"

Xuanyuan Mo pointed at Zhuo Bufan and said.

Zhuo Bufan raised his hands and smiled bitterly.

"I can't beat your brother, but I'm upset that you threaten me like this!"

"Who cares if you're happy or not! Anyway, you guys in the Talisman Temple are not allowed to bully Sister Bai, and neither are you."

The little girl protected Bai Su behind her like an angry kitten, staring at Zhuo Bufan and said.

Zhuo Bufan was speechless.

"Are you mistaken? It's always your sister Bai who's been chasing me, and I'm the victim, okay?"

Everyone nodded when they heard it. It seems that it's always Bai Su who's been chasing him, and Xiao Zunren is the victim.

The little girl also found out that she had confused right and wrong, but she couldn't get off the stage!

She no longer said it so righteously.

"Well, then it's settled. Sister Bai will no longer hunt you down, and the past is written off. If you feel wronged, come to my Ancient Temple and I'll compensate you."

The little girl was very loyal and stood up to speak for Bai Su.

Looking at the serious look on the little girl's face, Zhuo Bufan sighed and said.

"It's my bad luck. As long as you, Sister Bai, stop hunting me down, I'll ask the Talisman Temple to cancel the wanted order."

Zhuo Bufan compromised.

"Hey, hey, hey, don't! You kid, have you forgotten our plan?"

Chu Mubai was obviously still looking forward to tying Bai Su to the Talisman Temple in exchange for a huge bounty.

"That's it! I've had enough of this farce. Life and death, gratitude and resentment. King Bai, Bai Su, can we write it off?"

Zhuo Bufan looked at Bai Su opposite him, and for a moment, everyone's eyes fell on Bai Su.

Is this well-known storm finally going to have a result at this time?

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