Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 312 The Young Master of the Human Demon [Fourth update, additional update for Christmas]

When everyone rushed into the Xuandi Cave, they saw that there was no one in the entire cave except Zhuo Bufan.

Not just empty, but completely empty, nothing.

"This is Emperor Xuan's cave? Why is there nothing?"

"Xuan Emperor has always been mysterious. The relics of Xuan Emperor discovered before have basically yielded nothing. But it cannot be so clean."

"Yes, it must have been taken away by that boy. This boy is a thief."

"It seems so. Not only did he steal Emperor Qing's Donghuang Bell, but now Emperor Xuan's treasure has also been stolen."

"Boy, be wise and take out all the things you got. That's not what you're qualified to get."

For a moment, everyone blocked the only exit, and then questioned Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan sneered as he looked at the group of people in front of him who started to grab things before they had any chance.

"Are you planning to steal something from the hands of my young master from the Talisman Temple? If you have the guts, come and tell me your name."

Zhuo Bufan was unafraid. Facing the bandits in front of him, he didn't need to be afraid at all.

As a result, as soon as this statement came out, some people were really afraid.

"Why, people who are cultivating immortals will not change their surnames whether they are in business or in office. Even bandits who rob the road must declare their family status. You people don't even dare to declare your family name?"

"They're all golden elixirs, right? If you're so timid, I'm afraid I won't be able to achieve perfection!"

Zhuo Bufan was stimulating these people.

In the end, some people really couldn't stand his aggressive tactics and stood up.

"Hmph, I am the elder of the Qixia Sect, Mu Xishan. Today I would like to ask my little lord for advice. What virtues and abilities do you have to get the East Emperor Bell?"

The one who stood up was an old man with white hair. Holding a Taoist sword in his left hand, pinching his beard with his right hand, and wearing a cloud robe, he looks like an immortal Taoist.

"Mu Xishan, Qixia Sect? Why am I so familiar with this person?"

Zhuo Bufan seemed to have heard this name somewhere, but he couldn't remember where.

"If you dare to declare your family status, you are qualified to talk to me."

"Okay, I'll tell you. I am so extraordinary and virtuous that I can get the Chaos Bell."

"It's because I can become the new owner of the Chaos Clock."

Zhuo Bufan ripped off the "little bell" hanging in front of his neck.

The little bell turned into a huge black bell of chaos in an instant.

The Black Bell of Chaos reappeared in the world, and everyone felt a suffocating energy rolling throughout their lives.

"I would like to ask the world, except Qing Emperor, who is qualified to be recognized by the Chaos Bell and become its master?"

"Can you do it? Can the Demon Lord do it? In this world, the Chaos Bell will not recognize anyone except me. This is my qualification."

Zhuo Bufan responded to Mu Xishan's words very domineeringly.

"Why do you say that the Demon Lord can't do it? Do you think the Demon Lord will let you go if you get the Donghuang Bell?"

Another man with long hair stood up and said.

He holds a sword in his arms and speaks justice on his face.

"Have you reported your identity? If not, I won't bother to talk to you."

Zhuo Bufan retorted, and when the man heard this, he gritted his teeth in anger.

"You... okay, very good. My dear, right? Listen up, I am an honorary elder of the Shenxiao Sect, and is known as 'Nie Qiankong' of the Taoist Huo Lei."

After this person announced his home, everyone present was shocked.

"Taoist Huo Lei from the Shenxiao Sect? This is a big shot! A big shot at the peak of the Golden Core."

"I've heard about it too. The Shenxiao sect plays thunder magic, and the fire and thunder method is the most powerful. And this fire thunder master Nie Qiankong, I heard that he is Nie Huanzhen's brother."

"This trip to the Blood Wasteland, I am afraid that all members of the Shenxiao Sect will be dispatched."

Everyone was very surprised by the arrival of Nie Qiankong.

When Zhuo Bufan heard this, he chuckled.

"I see. Is this Taoist Huo Lei from the Shenxiao sect? Then I will answer your question."

"Even if the Demon Lord comes to me, I will not be afraid. The Chaos Bell will choose its master. If the Demon Lord wants to use his power to bully others, then I will die for him!"

"Okay, what a man to die for. I am the head of the 'Muyun Valley'. I have seen the courage of the young master."

"I'll leave now and won't bother you."

After hearing Zhuo Bufan's heroic words of commending himself to death, a white-haired old man clasped his fists to say goodbye, turned around and left.

For a moment, everyone was shaken.

"Head of Muyungu? Why haven't you heard of Muyungu?"

"It should be some unknown sect! After all, there are thousands of immortal sects in the world."

Everyone watched the head of Muyun Valley leave and looked sideways.

As soon as the old man left, it was obvious that the news about these people surrounding Xiao Zunren would be spread immediately.

This is embarrassing!

"Everyone, the Chaos Bell is a matter between me and the Donghuang family, so I won't bother you."

"Now I want to leave this cave, please get out of my way."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he walked swaggering towards the only entrance of the cave.

For a time, no one dared to stop his steps.

A group of people began to disperse to both sides, making way for Zhuo Bufan.

There is nothing I can do about it, the Talisman Temple is just so stupid.

These people want to take action, but they are still afraid.

But seeing Zhuo Bufan walking out in such a swagger, they felt unwilling to do so.

Everyone gritted their teeth and looked at Zhuo Bufan. Not to mention that this guy got the Donghuang Bell, he also took away all the treasures in Emperor Xuan's cave.

"Damn it, now I finally understand why the people of the Tianwu Alliance hate him so much."

"No wonder Bai Wang Bai Su would spare no effort to hunt him down. This kid is really hateful."

Some people looked at Zhuo Bufan swaggering away with the Chaos Bell, and they were very dissatisfied.

But what can they do? Zhuo Bufan's backer is the Talisman Temple.

The Talisman Temple is the world's number one force.

If he was an ordinary talisman master, it would be fine, but he is the venerable of the Talisman Temple. This damn venerable identity makes people all over the world extremely afraid of him.

However, just when Zhuo Bufan thought that he could swagger out of the Xuan Emperor Cave.

An arm suddenly blocked him.

Zhuo Bufan looked up and saw a man with a cunning look on his face, looking at Zhuo Bufan and smiling evilly.

On his body, there was a rolling black demonic energy.

When Zhuo Bufan saw him, he immediately thought of the human demon he had seen before.

But this person obviously did not have the powerful shock power of the human demon, but it was certain that his cultivation was higher than his own.

He leaned against the cliff, lowered his head, and stretched out his hand to block Zhuo Bufan.

And behind his arm was the cave entrance.

The man smiled evilly.

"You can take the Donghuang Bell, but leave the ring on your hand!"

The man raised his head, and under his pale face, the corners of his mouth were completely pulled apart.

That smile was like that of a clown who laughed at his life, which was creepy.

However, Zhuo Bufan looked at him coldly.

Obviously, the other party was not afraid of his identity as a venerable person in the Talisman Temple.

He came just for Zhuo Bufan and took a fancy to the ring in Zhuo Bufan's hand.

"What if I don't stay?"

Zhuo Bufan also sneered.

The two of them stared at each other, and two strong murderous auras filled the air.

The people around began to move away wisely.

Obviously, a war was about to break out.

"Leave it, you live. Take it away, you die!"

The other party made a harsh remark, and the atmosphere suddenly dropped to the freezing point and began to become tense.

This is clearly a threat to Zhuo Bufan.

"Tell me your name."

Zhuo Bufan really wants to know how arrogant the other party is to dare to threaten him.

However, the other party does not seem to be afraid of Zhuo Bufan at all. Instead, he raised his right hand. In his hand, a black magic sword slowly took shape.

"I am the young master of the human demon, Yu Tianlu!"


After dinner, continue to update!

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