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Chapter 313: Slaying the Demon (Part 1) [Additional chapter for

The Human Demon Young Lord, Yu Tian Lu!

The first four words alone were enough to cause a sensation in the audience.

The Human Demon Young Lord, the next successor of the Human Demon Island.

Among the 72 Demon Islands in the West Sea, the Human Demon Island ranks third. It is conceivable what kind of cultivation the Human Demon Young Lord has.

"I didn't expect it to be the little demon from the West Sea. He really dares to come!"

The appearance of Yu Tian Lu caused an uproar.

Since ancient times, good and evil cannot coexist.

Logically speaking, these people should join hands to subdue demons and defend the way.

However, the current situation is that Yu Tian Lu bluntly stated his identity, but no one came forward to help Zhuo Bufan.

Compared with Yu Tian Lu, these people hope that Zhuo Bufan will die.

If they can kill Zhuo Bufan with the help of the demon, it will be a two-pronged approach.

"Everyone, the demon is here, don't you take action to eliminate the demon?"

Zhuo Bufan looked back at the people behind him.

As a result, all these people watched from the sidelines.

Seeing this scene, Zhuo Bufan sneered.

Yu Tianlu also said sarcastically.

"They wish you dead, how can they help you?"

"My appearance is exactly what they want in their hearts."


Yu Tianlu raised the black magic sword in his hand, pointing it at Zhuo Bufan's nose, and there was a ghost on the sword.

"I'll give you one last chance. Put down the ring in your hand, otherwise, you will die!"

The other party was the devil of the West Sea, and he was not afraid of the Talisman Temple behind Zhuo Bufan.

They were originally rats crossing the street and everyone wanted to beat them. It didn't matter whether they angered the Talisman Temple or not.

Once they entered the devil's way, they didn't recognize their relatives, life and death, and they could do anything just to become stronger.

Looking at Yu Tianlu's murderous magic sword, Zhuo Bufan frowned slightly.

He couldn't avoid this battle, so he could only deal with it.

"In that case, let's fight!"

As soon as Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he instantly performed the Star Shifting Shadow and retreated dozens of meters away.

Then, Ji Yun's life and death energy in his body, the Burning Blood Divine Art began to make his blood boil.

From him, a rolling blood-colored flame rose.

"What kind of skill is that?" Everyone was surprised.

"It seems to be a skill that uses blood and energy. I don't think he has a strong physique."

Zhuo Bufan's blood and energy were burning all over his body, and his speed and strength were incomparable.

In addition, his current cultivation has reached the silver pill level. Just one punch can probably flatten a building.

Look at his opponent Yu Tianlu, the young master of the Human Demon Island, the next master of the Human Demon Island.

His own cultivation has reached the Golden Pill level.

There is only one realm difference between the Golden Pill and the Silver Pill.

But the strong men in the Golden Pill level, whether in strength or speed, are definitely not invincible by the Silver Pill strong men.

Zhuo Bufan can only shorten the gap between the two with the Burning Blood Divine Art.

But his speed and strength are far inferior to his opponent.


Yu Tianlu made a move.

As soon as he made a move, he attacked with a shaking sword. With a crazy devilish spirit, he attacked Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan could feel that he was locked by the opponent's soul.

This sword was unavoidable and could only be resisted.

Seeing Yu Tianlu holding the sword with both hands, the devilish spirit was entangled all over his body, surging and slashing in the air.

At that moment, Zhuo Bufan was reminded of the devil he had seen before, Duan Yuefeng.

When Duan Yuefeng was possessed by the devil, he was like this, which was terrifying.

"Come on!"

Zhuo Bufan no longer had the Qianxie Sword, and the only weapon he could use was his own Chaos Bell.

The light of chaos fell and surrounded Zhuo Bufan.

Yu Tianlu slashed with a sword!


A deafening sound of chaos exploded in the air, and everyone's soul was trembling.


Yu Tianlu's sword was powerful.

It directly slashed into the shield formed by the Chaos Bell.

"The Donghuang Bell is nothing more than that."

The Yutianlu saw that his magic sword had cut into the shield three-tenths, and the corners of his mouth cracked into a smile.

"No more than that? You have to break my defense first!"

Zhuo Bufan showed no weakness. He was protected by the Chaos Bell, and was not afraid of Yutianlu's attack at all.

"Are you very proud? I only used three-tenths of my strength in that sword just now."

"I will kill you with the next sword."

In a general battle, both sides will test each other and will not show all their cards at the beginning.

Yutianlu only used three-tenths of his strength in that sword just now, just to test how strong the defense of Zhuo Bufan's Chaos Bell is.

After one sword, Yutianlu had already known the measure in his heart.

The shield formed by the Chaos Bell could only withstand 60% of his strength at most.

So in the next sword, he was ready to use 80% of his strength.

Not only Yutianlu saw it, but the people around him also found it.

Zhuo Bufan could not exert the full power of the Chaos Bell.

The bell-shaped shield formed by the Chaos Bell above his head could only withstand 60% to 70% of the power of the Golden Core Master.

If the Golden Core Master attacked with all his strength, Zhuo Bufan's shield would not be able to withstand it at all.

"That kid can't withstand Yu Tianlu's next sword."

Huo Lei Dao Ren, who had a conversation with Zhuo Bufan before and hated Zhuo Bufan, folded his hands and sneered.

"Wait for Yu Tianlu to kill that kid, and then we will kill the demon together."

"If this happens..."


Everyone present was not only watching from the sidelines, but also preparing to reap the benefits.

They were waiting for Yu Tianlu to kill Zhuo Bufan, and then they would kill Yu Tianlu.

In this way, not only did they kill the demon, but they also got rid of Zhuo Bufan, who was hated by them. The anger of the Talisman Temple would not fall on them.

It was simply killing two birds with one stone.

Just when everyone was thinking about their own plans, in the battlefield, Yu Tianlu really showed the next devastating attack after testing.

"With my blood, I summon the demon god. The sword of the demon god, destroy!"

But I saw that Yu Tianlu flew into the air.

The black magic sword in his hand was directly inserted into his chest.

The next second, boundless demonic energy surged from him.

The demonic energy rolled like waves in the sea, rising into the sky.

On top of Yu Tianlu's head, a huge demon god wearing black armor formed.

The demon god had two huge goat horns, a black face, three mouths, and three eyes.

The black face and fangs looked ferocious and extremely scary.

The most terrifying thing is that the black magic sword he held tightly in his hand was 20 to 30 meters long, and the sword energy was crisscrossed.

It chopped down towards Zhuo Bufan in the air.

"Is this the strength of a Jindan strongman?"


When Zhuo Bufan saw the magic sword slashing down, the Chaos Bell suspended above his head fell in the air.


The body of the Chaos Bell protected Zhuo Bufan.

Before, it was only the shield released by the Chaos Bell that protected Zhuo Bufan.

And now, Zhuo Bufan hid directly in the Chaos Bell.

Yu Tianlu's attack chopped on the Chaos Bell.

The Chaos Bell was not afraid, but the earth was split open by a gully tens of meters deep.


For a moment, everyone frowned.

They thought that the arrogant Zhuo Bufan would fight back a hundred times.

Unexpectedly, he actually hid in the Chaos Bell!

Happy birthday to the book friend "Little Stone Who Can't Learn to Walk". Today is this book friend's birthday. He has been following this book since the beginning, and I am really grateful. The author is so grateful, please add another chapter! His birthday is so cool, it's on the same day as Christmas. 666666...

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