Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 314: Slaying the Demon (Part 2) [Additional chapter 5 for the leader

One side is the West Sea Demon Cultivator, the Young Lord of the Human Demon Island.

The other side is the youngest Venerable in the history of the Talisman Temple.

Both of them can be regarded as the world's genius.

Originally, everyone thought that this would be a hearty battle.

But unexpectedly, the arrogant Zhuo Bufan was scared at the critical moment.

He used the indestructible defense of the artifact Chaos Bell to hide himself in the Chaos Bell.

For a time, it caused everyone to ridicule.

"This guy is too despicable!"

"With this ability, he can actually get the recognition of the East Emperor Bell?"

"It's really embarrassing, and the face of the Talisman Temple has been lost by him."

A group of people watched Zhuo Bufan hide in the Chaos Bell and were shocked.

"Coward, do you think I can't do anything to you if you hide in it?"

Watching Zhuo Bufan hide in the Chaos Bell, Yu Tianlu drove the demon god on his body and chopped at Zhuo Bufan's Chaos Bell with sword after sword.

Boom, boom, boom!

Every time the sword went down, it would cause a deafening explosion.

Everyone's soul began to be in a mess.

However, even if the Human Demon Young Master split the earth into dozens of gullies, it would be useless. The Chaos Bell is an innate treasure and is indestructible.

If Zhuo Bufan hides in the bell, I'm afraid even the Demon Lord will be helpless.

Although in this case, Zhuo Bufan can only shrink inside and can't move.

"This guy, is he going to hide in it for the rest of his life?"

"Hehe, don't tell me, I finally know why he is not afraid of the Demon Lord."

"Once he hides in the Donghuang Bell, the Demon Lord Donghuang Taiyi will not be able to hurt him."

"Then he is also a coward. Hiding in it is just waiting to die. The Demon Lord has ten thousand ways to make him live a life worse than death in it."

"The Demon Lord has, but this little demon doesn't!"

Everyone looked at the demon Yu Tianlu, who was helpless in the face of the defense of the Chaos Bell, and was obviously very annoyed.

"Damn it, little bastard, I'll burn you."

The Yu Tianlu flexed his fingers, then opened his mouth towards Zhuo Bufan.


Yu Tianlu shouted, and spit out black flames from his mouth, which began to wrap up the Chaos Bell and burn Zhuo Bufan.

"There's nothing I can do, really nothing I can do."

"Even the magic fire can't burn him. Who knows if that kid is inside, drinking and sleeping."

"Why don't we help the little devil? Anyway, that kid has hidden in the bell and can't see what we are doing."

Some guys who claim to be famous and upright began to secretly offer magic weapons and bombard the Chaos Bell in the center.

At first, there were only one or two, and they attacked secretly.

Later, these people were also beaten up.

They began to focus their fire on the Chaos Bell recklessly.

"Damn it, why is this broken bell unmoved?"

"It's an innate treasure, it's impossible to break it"

"No matter what, bang, bang it hard. I still don't believe that he can hide in it for a lifetime."

These people began to focus their fire on the Chaos Bell frantically, and even began to disintegrate the land under the Chaos Bell.

In the end, the Chaos Bell sank hundreds of meters deep, but it was unmoved.

Zhuo Bufan, who was hiding inside, was completely motionless.

And the others were already exhausted and panting.

"Damn it, it's worthy of being an innate artifact. With such a thing, who can kill this grandson?"

"If you can't kill him, then seal him here forever."

"That's right, let him accompany the broken bell and be buried forever in this abyss!"

"Everyone, join forces to seal this stinky boy and the broken bell."

These people were unable to break the defense of the Donghuang Bell and were furious.

Finally, they came up with a method of sealing, wanting to seal Zhuo Bufan in the Xuan Emperor Cave.

This was no longer just a battle between Zhuo Bufan and Yu Tianlu.

It became a battle between Zhuo Bufan and everyone.

But just when they were about to start.


Suddenly, the Chaos Bell that had sunk hundreds of meters flew up from the pit with a bang.


The Donghuang Bell spontaneously exploded, and the sound of chaos, like a heavy hammer, hammered on everyone's soul.

Everyone was lost for a moment.

And at that moment, Zhuo Bufan fell from the flying Donghuang Bell and floated in the air.

"Look, what is he holding in his hands?"

A group of people stared at Zhuo Bufan's hands.

But they saw a white ball gathered in the palm of Zhuo Bufan's left hand, and a black ring was wrapped around his right arm.

"You grandsons, you want to bury me, right?"

"Then let's see who buried whom."

As soon as Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, his left and right hands merged together.

For a moment, the white ball was embedded in the black ring, and the crazy energy of life and death began to surge in Zhuo Bufan's chest.

"Little demon, go to hell!"

Zhuo Bufan threw the two yin and yang of life and death in his hand towards the young man demon opposite him.

"No, that thing is powerful!"

A group of people shouted, and they all felt that the mysterious black ring and white ball condensed by Zhuo Bufan was extremely powerful.

They began to use various defensive means.

And Zhuo Bufan hid in the Donghuang Bell as soon as possible.

As for the young man demon, he didn't come back to his senses at all, and the two yin and yang of life and death thrown by Zhuo Bufan had already appeared in front of him.


Life and Death, the most powerful move that Zhuo Bufan can use now.

Its power can destroy all matter within a hundred meters, and everything within a thousand meters will be severely destroyed.

The power of reincarnation generated by the collision of life and death is enough to turn the body of a Jindan strongman into ashes.

The young man of the human demon widened his eyes and his pupils shrank.

He watched the white ball in the black ring begin to expand in front of his eyeballs.

In an instant, a white light appeared in front of his eyes.


Life and Death, Zhuo Bufan's ultimate move with powerful explosive power.

As Zhuo Bufan's cultivation level increases, its power is constantly increasing.

Now Zhuo Bufan, who is in the Silver Dan realm, can completely kill the body of a Jindan realm by using this move.

Unless some special physiques, ordinary physiques will be turned into ashes on the spot after enduring this blow.

The "blood sacrifice demon body" of the Human Demon Young Master is obviously not a special one.

His "blood sacrifice demon body" is a body specially used to parasitize the soul of the demon god. When fighting, he can summon the demon god to help him fight by blood sacrifice.

The demon god before was summoned by him with his own body.

This physique is also a superior physique of the earth level in the world of immortal cultivation, but the defense is not as strong as imagined.

At the moment when the two principles of life and death exploded, his blood sacrifice demon body was instantly vaporized.

The arrogant Human Demon Young Master was killed by Zhuo Bufan here.

It was too late for others to be shocked, because the huge power of the two principles of life and death made them unable to protect themselves, like a candle in the wind.

As for Zhuo Bufan, he was absolutely safe hiding in the Chaos Bell.

For a moment, white light appeared, and the world was gone!


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