Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 315: Ten Thousand Dragons Sink [First Update]

When the dust settled, the Chaos Bell slowly flew up.

Zhuo Bufan walked out of it and saw a group of people wailing and howling.

The great power of the two principles of life and death destroyed the entire Xuan Emperor Cave.

Many people did not have time to defend themselves in this disaster, and their bodies were destroyed instantly.

There were three or four souls floating in the air.

Among them, Zhuo Bufan saw several souls preparing to escape.

"Where to escape!"

Zhuo Bufan would not leave any trouble behind. The previous Taoist Crow was a lesson for him.


The Chaos Bell exploded, causing all the souls that were about to escape to freeze in place for a moment.

It was at that moment that Zhuo Bufan waved his right hand, and nine palm-sized swords appeared around Zhuo Bufan.

On the tassel of each sword, there was a red bead, and on the red bead, nine different ancient characters were written.

"When facing the enemy, all the soldiers and fighters, all line up and march forward!"

As soon as Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, the nine secret swords turned into nine spiritual lights and flew out.

The several souls that were about to escape were pierced back and forth, forming a sword net woven by sword light.

This is the secret treasure "Nine Secret Swords of God Slayer", which is a magic weapon given to Zhuo Bufan by Zu Jiuling.

This magic weapon is specifically used to kill souls.

After all, the higher the level of soul cultivation, the more difficult it is to wipe out. Ordinary soul bottles are no longer effective.

And this set of Nine Secret Swords of God Slayer can kill all souls below the Yang God Realm, and is a real magic weapon.

Zhuo Bufan hid in the bell before, not because he wanted to be a turtle, but to establish a soul contract with the Nine Secret Swords.

The Nine Secret Swords of God Slayer is not as powerful as the Chaos Bell. With Zhuo Bufan's current soul, it can just be recognized as the master successfully.

After the master is recognized successfully, it will be a shocking annihilation!

"Ahhh, you dare to kill me, you actually dare to kill me, the ancestor will not let you go, absolutely not."

The young demon Yu Tianlu screamed at Zhuo Bufan.

However, his soul had been pierced into pieces by the Nine Secret Swords, and finally disappeared in the air, turning into nothingness.

Zhuo Bufan breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Yu Tianlu disappear.

Then he looked back around and found that some people with high cultivation had returned to their spirits from the explosion just now.

Not everyone had no countermeasures in his life and death, after all, they were all old monsters who had cultivated to the golden elixir, and had endless means to save their lives.

The explosion created by Zhuo Bufan basically killed only four people including Yu Tianlu.

The rest of the people used their own means to save their lives.

After saving their lives, looking at Zhuo Bufan again, everyone's eyes were red with anger and murderous intent.

"Stinky boy, you dare to attack us?"

The Taoist Huo Lei of the Shenxiao Sect said.

"You are unforgivable for killing your fellow Taoists."

Mu Xishan of the Qixia Sect said.

"Fuck you, you bastards, you really think I don't know about killing your fellow Taoists?"

"When I was hiding in the bell before, you teamed up with the magic sect to attack me. You were the ones who killed my fellow Taoists, right?"

"Today you have more people and more power. I admit that I am unlucky and cannot beat you. When I return to the Temple of Amulets, I will teach you a lesson."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he ran straight to the nearest cave entrance without saying a word.


Seeing Zhuo Bufan running away, everyone hurriedly chased him.


As soon as Zhuo Bufan flew out of the cave entrance, he backhanded a dead palm and blasted the cave down.

Zhuo Bufan returned to the frozen cave and found that the strange ice sculptures outside had been almost looted by these people.

Zhuo Bufan didn't care so much and immediately summoned the Dapeng Golden Eagle that had already recovered.

"Silly brother, let's go!"

Then, Zhuo Bufan rode the Golden Eagle, flew out of the ice and snow, and returned to the Baidi City where Xiaomei had survived the tribulation.

Then the Golden Eagle flapped its wings and flew towards the passage opened up by the "Green Roar" above his head.


The Golden Eagle flew into the sky, passed through the abyss, and penetrated the red clouds in the sky.

Finally, Zhuo Bufan escaped from the underground world and returned to the sky above the Blood Desert again.

And when Zhuo Bufan flew out of the underground world, he was shocked to find that the thunderstorm in the ground world was ravaging the earth again.

A series of blood sand tornadoes that penetrated the sky and the earth were forming in the sky above the Blood Desert, and then destroyed everything around.

Wherever they passed, they were devastating and extremely crazy.

"It's time for the ten thousand dragons to raise their heads. These glorious relics will be buried under the blood sand again."

Seeing this scene, Zhuo Bufan felt regretful.

There are thousands of dragons looking up, and there are thousands of dragons bowing their heads, and thousands of dragons sinking.

There is also a time limit for the reappearance of the ruins. Now the sandstorm comes again, pulling open a curtain covering the sky, and will bury it again.

However, now is not the time to regret.

At this time, the strong men who were chasing him also flew out of the cave on their swords.

"Chase, don't let that kid go. Don't let him return to the Talisman Temple."

These people just heard Zhuo Bufan's threat.

Once Zhuo Bufan returns to the Talisman Temple, he will definitely use the power of the Talisman Temple to retaliate against them.

Rather than being retaliated by him in the future, it is better to kill him now and put an end to it.

"Silly brother, it's time for you to perform, let's go!"

In front of Zhuo Bufan, there are dozens of thunderstorm tornadoes and sandstorms all over the sky.

And behind him, there are more than a dozen Jindan strong men, chasing him desperately.

The Golden Eagle is stupid, but its speed is absolutely beyond the reach of ordinary monks.

The Golden Eagle flew towards the tornado in front of it without fear.

It went up and down, left and right, high and low, avoiding various crises, just like the extreme escape in the blockbuster movies, thrilling and exciting.

"Ah, ah, ah!"

A hundred-meter-long dragon blood sandworm, unwilling to be buried under the sandstorm again, screamed hard towards the sky.

Countless skeleton armies, ghost soldiers and ghosts were instantly submerged under the red sand.

There were also many monks who did not have time to escape and were buried alive in the cave.

Their fate will be to become slaves of this red sand, their souls will be imprisoned, and they will not be able to walk out of this desert.

"Run! The time for the ten thousand dragons to raise their heads has come, and the opportunity of a thousand years will be submerged under the red sand again."

"Run for your life! Otherwise, you will be buried here forever."

Everyone started to run for their lives.

The Jindan masters who were originally chasing Zhuo Bufan had to take care of their own lives first in the face of the sandstorm and thunder tornado that covered the sky.

Hiss, hiss, hiss, hiss!

Thunders were everywhere around Zhuo Bufan.

There were several times when it was almost hit by the Golden Eagle.

Fortunately, Zhuo Bufan had the Donghuang Bell, which was above his head and took a lot of thunder for the Golden Eagle.

"It's the Red Blood Monument!"

A clear landmark stood in front of Zhuo Bufan.

The Red Blood Monument was the holy monument used by the Red Emperor to suppress the prehistoric beasts under the Blood Desert.

It was so magnificent and solemn that it stood firm in the wind and thunderstorm.

When Zhuo Bufan saw it, he knew that the direction he was running in was correct.

Not only Zhuo Bufan, at this moment in the sky, groups of immortal cultivators, riding flying swords, flying boats, riding flying horses...

Everyone is competing to escape.

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