Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 318 Petrification Spell [Fourth update, please subscribe]


Once again, Zhuo Bufan returned to the archive space.

This time, Zhuo Bufan was silent.

He didn't expect that he would be targeted by such a difficult guy.

The opponent was not only a great cultivator, but also an extremely powerful spell master.

At least this was a rare character who used spells to fight among the enemies Zhuo Bufan had met so far.

"Who is that guy?"

"Petrifying spell, a spell that has never appeared in the Talisman Temple? Did he discover it?"

"If he discovered it, why didn't he apply to the Talisman Temple to become a Venerable?"

"Damn, too many questions, like a tangled mess, I can't figure it out."

The more Zhuo Bufan thought about it, the more confused he became.

He had just escaped Bai Su's pursuit, and he didn't want to be hunted by another inexplicable person again.

"Let's run for our lives first! But that guy left two spells on me."

"One is a tracking spell. Obviously, he will find me no matter where I run."

"There is also a petrification spell. This mysterious spell must be solved."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he pushed open the second archive door again and returned to the God-Devouring River.

"Escape in another direction. If I can't beat him, can't I hide?"

After returning to the God-Devouring River, Zhuo Bufan thought for a moment and then summoned the Black City.

Then Zhuo Bufan entered the Black City, made the Black City invisible, and began to escape in another direction.

After returning to the Black City, Zhuo Bufan glanced at Xiaomei.

Xiaomei's condition was okay. When she saw Zhuo Bufan, she looked at him blankly.

"Stinky Bufan, my aunt will not thank you."

Xiaomei will naturally not forget Zhuo Bufan's kindness in blocking the thousand-year calamity for her.

She was just saying one thing and thinking another.

When Zhuo Bufan heard this, he touched Xiaomei's head and said dotingly.

"No need to thank me, I'm glad you're okay."

"I'm being watched now, I need to hide, let's go back to the Talisman Temple first."

Then Zhuo Bufan asked the little skeleton man Xuanxuan to control the Black City and fly towards the direction of the Talisman Temple.

And he hid in the Chaos Universe of the Chaos Bell.

The only way Zhuo Bufan could think of was to hide in the Chaos Bell.

Use the Chaos Bell's ability to cut off time and space, so that the talismans on his body will not have any effect.

Then Zhuo Bufan will find a way to get rid of the two talismans on his body while he is on his way from Black City to the Talisman Temple.


Just when Zhuo Bufan hid in the Chaos Bell.

In the distant Blood Wasteland Desert Gobi area, the mysterious old Taoist with a white beard suddenly jumped.

"Let him escape?"

At that moment, he found that the two talismans he left on Zhuo Bufan had lost contact.

"Interesting, this little venerable is really interesting."

"Does he know that I'm waiting for him here?"

"Forget it, my Tianyi Sect will soon reappear in the world. It's time for you to withdraw from the stage of history, the Talisman Temple."

The old Taoist with white beard said, and disappeared in the air.

On the other side, Zhuo Bufan hid in the Chaos Bell and began to study the two talismans on his body.

If he hadn't experienced it himself, Zhuo Bufan would never have thought that he had been buried with two talismans by that mysterious guy.

The tracking talisman was easy to solve, it was just a positioning, used to locate Zhuo Bufan's direction.

However, the petrification talisman made Zhuo Bufan very angry.

Petrification, this is a kind of talisman power that Zhuo Bufan has never heard of.

And I heard from that mysterious guy that the petrification talisman is a kind of talisman that the Talisman Temple has not found so far.

The Talisman Temple now has eight halls.

They are light, fire, force, thunder, sound, soul, universe, and universe!

The eight halls basically represent eight types of talismans.

However, the petrification spell does not seem to belong to one of these eight types.

"The eight types of spells in the Talisman Temple are basically related to the truth of physics."

"However, the petrification effect of the petrification spell is obviously a chemical reaction."

"Could it be that the types of spells in the Talisman Temple are not complete?"

Zhuo Bufan recalled the words of the mysterious man.

He laughed at Zhuo Bufan, a little venerable, who did not understand the history of spells, the source of the power of spells, and what real spells were.

"This person seems to be extremely disgusted with the Talisman Temple. I'm afraid that the secret will only be known when he returns to the Talisman Temple."

"The most urgent task is to get rid of this petrification spell on your body."

Zhuo Bufan let go of his soul and sensed every inch of his skin and every bit of energy.

Finally, he really sensed the existence of two wonderful soul powers at the back of his head and waist.

The soul power at the back of his head gave Zhuo Bufan a sense of peeping, as if something was staring at the back of his head.

There should be the tracking spell there.

"The tracking spell is a common soul spell that can locate others and sense the other party's position through the soul."

The tracking spell is not difficult to solve. It is just a triple soul spell. Zhuo Bufan can strangle and erase it with his soul.

The important thing is the petrification spell.

The spell is on his waist.

Zhuo Bufan lifted his clothes and looked at his waist.

In addition to having a bodybuilding body, there is also a faint cold energy surging on the right waist.

It is not difficult to erase the spell.

Because this talisman was engraved on Zhuo Bufan with a divine soul.

In this way, the other party can activate the power of the spell through remote control.

As long as Zhuo Bufan erases the remaining soul power of the person on the spell, he can erase the spell.

However, Zhuo Bufan did not immediately obliterate the spell.

After all, it is a spell power that I have never seen before.

He really wanted to study what this extraordinary spell was all about.

"Petrification! It's actually the formation of fossils."

"Generally speaking, petrification methods are usually calcification, silicification, mineralization, carbonization, etc. This is a chemical reaction."

"Could it be that that guy has mastered the power of the talisman that is higher than that of the Talisman Temple?"

"I wonder if I can understand the petrification spell, give it a try!"

In the next period of time, Zhuo Bufan tried his best to understand the petrification spell.

He began to search for the true meaning of petrification.

Because in his opinion, the power of a spell is the power to interpret a certain truth.

Once you find the true meaning of petrification, you can naturally understand the petrification spell.

The true meaning of petrification is actually a chemical reaction that replaces minerals.

Of course, this is only what Zhuo Bufan believes is the true meaning of petrification. The true meaning of petrification is not decided by Zhuo Bufan, he must understand it himself.

"The true meaning of petrification?"

"I am a tree millions of years ago. Due to geological changes, I was buried underground in an earthquake."

"I was instantly cut off from oxygen and my body was buried in mud and sand."

"The woody components in my body began to rot and dissolve. At the same time, they replaced and merged with the surrounding mineral components."

"In the end, all my wood components were replaced by stones containing silicon and calcium. Then over time, I began to slowly turn into a fossil..."

In the process of understanding the petrification spell, Zhuo Bufan entered a very mysterious feeling.

His soul seemed to have turned into a tree, and then gone through the entire stage of a tree turning into a fossil.

Gradually, a golden door opened deep in Zhuo Bufan's soul.

"The Gate of Truth!"

Zhuo Bufan said with great joy.

Immediately afterwards, a golden light flew out from behind the door and was imprinted on Zhuo Bufan's soul.

A new volume of "Spell Supreme" has opened. Although it is a new volume, it will not be out of touch with the previous plot, so don't worry. The pit left by the "Temple of Spells" in the second volume will be slowly filled in this chapter. There is also the Yunmengjie, and everyone will know its significance in this volume.

There won’t be too many fighting scenes in this volume, but on the contrary there will be many interesting plots. You will see the powerful people arguing with each other over a truth issue. You will also see a group of palace masters using their imaginations to explore the truth. Guaranteed to let you see a different fantasy.

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