Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 319 My Meicheng [Fifth update, additional update 6 for the leader

It took Zhuo Bufan half a month to comprehend the petrification spell.

Finally, he successfully obtained the truth and power of petrification from behind the door of truth.

The spell is a very magical power.

The spell masters believe that everything in this time has a reason for existence.

There is a truth behind the existence of every thing and the occurrence of every behavior.

Water drips through stones, leaves return to their roots, the stars move, the sun rises in the east, the flowers in the mirror and the moon in the water, and the river flows east...

All the behaviors in this world, whether they are happening, have happened, or are about to happen, have the truth behind them.

So, in ancient times, the powerful began to study the truth behind these things.

Soon, they found that there was a door deep in everyone's soul.

Behind that door, there is the power of truth.

After careful research, the accumulation of days and months, and the meditation and perception of the soul.

They finally opened the door again and again, and gained unimaginable power from it.

From the dripping water, the gravity spell was realized.

From the mirror flowers and water moon, the mirror spell was realized.

From the sound transmission in the empty valley, the sonic boom spell was realized.

From the lightning, the instantaneous light spell was realized.

From the dream of the yellow millet, the dream spell was realized.

From the calm mind, the tranquilizing spell was realized.

From the sea embracing all rivers, the sea embracing spell was realized.

From the vicissitudes of life, the cessation of the universe spell was realized.

All things, all phenomena, have the power of truth behind them.

To study these phenomena, comprehend the mysteries in them, and let the soul open the door to the truth is the lifelong dream of all spell masters.

This is the spell master, a different kind of cultivator in the world of immortal cultivation.

The source of their power does not lie in their own body or their own soul, but in the universe and the truth.

The mystery of the universe is obviously not covered by just eight categories.

The Talisman Temple is an incomplete temple.

Zhuo Bufan understood this sentence after he comprehended the petrification talisman.

The eight categories of the Talisman Temple are not enough to explain all the mysteries between heaven and earth.

As the venerable of the Talisman Temple, Zhuo Bufan felt that he had the need and mission to promote the development of talismans in this era.

Half a month later, the Black City driven by Zhuo Bufan had arrived at the center of the world, the territory of the Talisman Temple.

Black City flew stealthily and walked silently between the blue sky and white clouds.

Zhuo Bufan wiped off the petrification talisman mark on his body and then walked out of the Chaos Bell.

It turned out that Xiaomei was resting against the Chaos Bell.

She was too tired. The thousand-year calamity had caused her severe trauma, and she had not fully recovered until now.

Zhuo Bufan did not disturb Xiaomei, but took off his coat and covered Xiaomei with it.

Xiaomei was petite, and Zhuo Bufan's clothes just covered her.

Afterwards, Zhuo Bufan placed the Xuantan that he had previously stored in the Black Tower in the center of the first floor of the Tianxuan Tower.

Xuanxuan, who was standing by, saw this and shouted excitedly.

"Master, congratulations on getting the first Xuantan."

"Master, do you need to find the second Xuantan right away?"

Zhuo Bufan waved his hand and smiled when he heard it.

"No, let's take a break first, and then we'll go to the second floor to have a look."

This time, we entered the Blood Desert and went through so much hardship just for this Xuantan.

To be honest, Xuantan is more difficult to collect than Zhuo Bufan imagined.

Just one made Zhuo Bufan exhausted.

"Let's go and see what the second floor of the Tianxuan Tower is like."

Then, Zhuo Bufan took Xuanxuan and stood on the Xuantan.

At this moment, Xiaomei woke up, rubbed her sleepy eyes, and saw Zhuo Bufan.

"Chou Bufan, where are you going?"

"Are you awake? I'll go to the second floor of Tianxuan Tower."

"I want to go too."

Xiaomei said, lifted up the clothes that Zhuo Bufan had covered her with, and then stood on the Xuantan.

She picked up her toy Xuanxuan.

Zhuo Bufan sighed and smiled when he saw this.

"Okay then! Are you ready? Let's go."

Zhuo Bufan said, and merged his soul power into the Xuantan under his feet.

The next second, he and Xiaomei disappeared on the Xuantan.

When they opened their eyes again, they found that the scene in front of them had not changed.

The sky above their heads was still tens of meters high, and the surroundings were still like a palace.

The only change was that they found that their metabolism had obviously doubled.

"It's faster and faster. The speed of time here has doubled again."

Xiaomei exclaimed in surprise.

She is a demon cultivator and can keenly perceive the speed of time.

Zhuo Bufan danced with joy and smiled.

"Then you can practice in here from now on! Move the remaining plum wine to this floor."

"Okay, okay, but my aunt's Plum City is not yet completed! Wait for me to build Plum City first, then practice."

Although she was severely damaged by the Millennium Tribulation and even returned to her original form.

But Xiaomei seems to have recovered well.

The demon cultivators are so strong that as long as the demon pill is not destroyed, they can quickly recover as before.

"Speaking of which, I haven't taken a good look at the Black City you rebuilt. Let's go, take me to see it."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he took Xiaomei back to the first floor.

Then he turned the Chaos Clock into a bell and hung it around his neck.

"Is this the Donghuang Bell they've been clamoring about?"

Xiaomei pointed at the small bell around Zhuo Bufan's neck and said.

"Haha, yes, an ominous thing."

Zhuo Bufan still doesn't know how much trouble this Chaos Clock will cause in the future.

"I've seen it before in Yunmengzhu. This bell is so powerful that it stirs up the entire sea."

"Now that it's in your hands, doesn't that mean that my aunt won't be able to beat you in the future?"

What Xiaomei is worried about is that she cannot suppress Zhuo Bufan.

Upon hearing this, Zhuo Bufan sighed and said.

"Khan, you are overthinking. You are my aunt, and now you have a great demon with sixteen hundred years of demonic power. I can only beat you in front of you."

"Hmph, it's good to know. You still need my aunt's protection."

"Let's go, my aunt will show you my Plum City."

After the little girl finished speaking, she led Zhuo Bufan out of Tianxuan Tower.

The last time he returned to Black City, the situation was urgent and Zhuo Bufan did not have time to observe the changes in Black City.

Now that I walked out of Tianxuan Tower, I was first hit by a tangy fragrance.

Then Zhuo Bufan opened his eyes and saw the originally desolate, dilapidated and lifeless black city.

Nowadays, plum trees are planted everywhere.

Whether it's a street, a square, or a wall.

Gorgeous and fragrant plum trees grow vibrantly on the land of Black City.

Countless bloodthirsty butterflies lie on the branches of plum trees, sucking in the morning dew and evening water of plum blossoms.

It flapped its wings and flew around in the air like fireworks, and finally landed next to Xiaomei.

He surrounded Xiaomei and Zhuo Bufan and took them flying.

There are special restrictions in the Black City, and it was originally impossible to fly. Even the roc and the golden eagle cannot fly.

But these bloodthirsty butterflies are magically able to fly.

They took Zhuo Bufan and Xiaomei to fly at an altitude of forty or fifty meters above the ground, and then began to fly around the entire Black City.

Zhuo Bufan was surprised to find that the entire Heicheng building had a completely new look.

The streets are clean and filled with flowers.

There is also a running water fountain in the central square, with birds singing and flowers fragrant.

The front city gate is the gate of Emperor Xuan.

The rear city gate is the White Emperor's Gate.

The central buildings are the Bronze Temple and Tianxuan Tower.

Looking to the west of the city, hundreds of skeletal warriors are building the city day and night.

"You did all this?"

Zhuo Bufan was shocked and looked at Xiaomei beside him.

"Hehe, my aunt is awesome! Although it is only less than half completed now. But when it is completed, you will know how beautiful my aunt's Plum City is."

Upon hearing this, Zhuo Bufan reached out and touched Xiaomei's head, and then smiled.

"I can't tell you that there are so many ideas in your little head. Yes, yes, this city has been renovated very well."

"Don't say I'm young, my aunt is eight hundred years old."

Xiaomei snorted angrily.

"Master, master, we are almost at your designated target."

At this moment, Xuanxuan in Xiaomei's arms suddenly shouted.

Upon hearing this, Zhuo Bufan raised his head and looked at the sky not far away.

At the end of the sky, it was already sunset.

Incomparably magnificent palaces towered above the earth.

Seeing this, Zhuo Bufan couldn't help but smile.

"Spell Temple, I'm finally here!"

That’s it for today! Continue tomorrow! ! ! For the new volume, I also need to organize my thoughts.

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