Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 325: Meeting Fengya again [First update, please subscribe]

Regardless of whether he was moved or not, the appearance of Su Yao, the deputy building owner, refreshed Zhuo Bufan's understanding of Nong Yue Tower.

There is no love between men and women here, no romance.

Every woman exudes a noble temperament that emerges from the mud but remains unsullied.

Especially Su Yao, the deputy landlord of Nongyue Tower.

Everyone respects her extremely. Even Ni Min, who is at the level of city lord, does not dare to show any slack or blasphemy.

"City Lord Ni is elegant, Su Yao is polite."

This deputy landlord is not only elegant, but also very virtuous. Even every man admires her.

"Miss Su is so polite. I wonder if there will be any entertaining program at Nongyue Tower tonight?"

The people who arrived here, inexplicably, even the way they spoke became gentle and polite.

When the girl Su Yao heard this, she replied.

"Tonight is the last competition for the oiran selection. City Master Ni is lucky enough to catch up, please!"

"Oiran selection? What a lucky coincidence! Xiao, Xiao Zhuo, come in quickly."

City Lord Ni was going to call him Xiaozun, but when he saw Su Yao here, he quickly changed his name and called Zhuo Bufan Xiaozhuo.

Zhuo Bufan didn't feel disgusted. This was a very smart move. After all, exposing his identity here would definitely cause a sensation.

The oiran selection, as the name suggests, is where Nong Yue Lou selects the top of a hundred flowers.

There are seventy-two extremely talented women in this Nong Yue Tower, so who is the most talented among them?

Obviously, City Master Ni was more excited than Zhuo Bufan.

He led Zhuo Bufan quickly through the three bead curtain screens and arrived at the lobby of Nongyue Tower.

As soon as I entered, I saw a sea of ​​people in the lobby.

There are three floors inside, three floors outside, and three floors upstairs, all filled with people.

Some of these people are noble, some are elegant, some are humble, and some are extremely prestigious. These are no ordinary people.

In the center of the lobby, there is a huge stage.

Everyone stared at the central stage, looking through the autumn water, looking forward to it for a long time.

"Xiao Zhuo, you are really in luck tonight. You are lucky enough to witness the oiran selection in Nong Yue Lou."

"What do you have to say about the oiran selection?"

"Of course, every strange woman in this Nongyue Tower has a kind of flower that she represents. Every delicate flower is extraordinary. So who is the leader of a hundred flowers?"

"Nong Yue Lou conducts this activity to select oirans just to attract more men to vie for him."

"These elusive and delicate flowers are the most charming."

Ni Min has lived for more than 400 years, and he is still full of desire and emotion at this moment.

"Why haven't you started yet?"

"That's right, it's been so long. Where are you, my Miss Murong?"

"Where is my Qiushui girl?"

Before anyone showed up, everyone present was already scrambling to cast their votes.

"This Oiran vote is not cast casually. You have to compose a poem for the girl you like based on the flower she represents, in order for it to be considered a complete vote."

"Really? It's really troublesome."

Zhuo Bufan smiled.

It can only be said that Cheng is good at playing, but he no longer has much interest in these things.

At this moment, bursts of white smoke suddenly rose from the center of the stage.

White smoke filled the air and enveloped the entire Nongyue Tower. For a moment, the clouds were steaming and the clouds were glowing, like a fairyland.

Immediately afterwards, a cute and cute girl wearing a cyan skirt appeared in the center of the stage.

Her appearance aroused cheers from the audience.

"It's Qingluo, little Qingluo has appeared."

"It's a pity that Xiao Qingluo was still young and was eliminated in the second round. In a hundred years, she will definitely be able to win the position of oiran."

The little girl on the stage was obviously one of the seventy-two strange women.

It's just that she was eliminated early, but became the host of the Oiran final.

"Dear gentlemen from my neighborhood and gentlemen from the audience, at this time of beautiful weather and youthful youth, I am fortunate enough to choose the leader of our building in public today."

"Everyone has traveled thousands of miles to rush to the scene just to witness the birth of my 100-year-old Oiran at Nong Yue Lou."

"After several months of heavy selection, three contenders for the Oiran were finally born."

"First of all, I would like to invite the first one! Qiao from the Qingfeng Sect wrote a poem and praised it with his own hands."

"Sister Qiu Shui who said, 'Chrysanthemum is preferred among thousands of flowers. After this flower blooms, there will be no flowers at all'!"

The little girl excitedly shouted the word "Qiu Shui", and the whole audience burst into cheers.

But seeing the entire stage, countless autumn chrysanthemums suddenly bloomed, pink, white, yellow and purple, and bursts of fragrant flowers, which was endlessly memorable and intoxicating.

Then, from among the thousands of autumn chrysanthemums, a person walked out, wearing a yellow dress, with an elegant temperament, as hidden as a chrysanthemum and as proud as a chrysanthemum.

"Autumn water, it's autumn water, hurry up, hurry up, write down the autumn water poems."

Qiu Shui's loyal fans began to write furiously and rack their brains to praise the beauty in front of them.

"Autumn water is beautiful, but the most beautiful thing is Murong! Qingluo, please bring Murong out quickly."

"Yes, my sister Murong."

"Sister Murong!"

A group of idiots were shouting Murong's name.

When the little girl Qingluo saw this, she smiled and said.

"Don't be anxious, gentlemen. Next, we will invite the second person, who will be praised by the famous Wu Mingti."

"Sister Murong who said, 'There is nothing better than a flower that is in full bloom. The beauty and fragrance of the country are peonies'!"

After he finished speaking, everyone in the audience exclaimed again, but they saw peonies blooming from them.

A stunningly beautiful woman stepped out from among the flowers. The color of peony is truly a national beauty and heavenly fragrance.

Although her aura is not as good as that of the deputy building owner Su Yao, she still has the domineering feeling of being the king of flowers.

"Murong came out, ah, my heart was captured again."

"There is nothing better than a flower that is in full bloom. The national beauty and heavenly fragrance are peonies! My peony, my Murong."

The crazy men could no longer describe Murong in poetry, so they simply knelt down to worship him.

This was the first time Zhuo Bufan saw such a spectacular scene. A group of seven-foot-tall men knelt down to worship.

He now fully understood what it meant to bow down under the pomegranate skirt.

"Isn't that too exaggerated?"

Zhuo Bufan said speechlessly.

"Hey, hey, City Lord Ni, what are you going to do?"

Zhuo Bufan saw Ni Min almost kneeling down and quickly helped him up.

"I'm sorry, I lost my temper, I lost my temper."

Obviously, Ni Min is also a supporter of Murong.

Zhuo Bufan didn't expect that he would also fall.

"Gentlemen, next, we invite the third person to sing a poem personally from the Master of the Light Palace."

"The elegant sister who said, 'This flower has been stained by the world of mortals, and is clean and self-sufficient.'"

As soon as Qing Luo finished speaking, the whole audience cheered again.

"Elegance, elegance, elegance..."

"Feng, Ya?"

Zhuo Bufan's eyes widened, filled with fear.

"Fengya, a face, a charming scene, and a promise quickly flashed in my mind."

But among the flowers, black lotuses bloomed in the sky.

She is so unique.

It is said that the lotus flower emerges from the mud and remains unstained. However, although the black lotus flower is painted in ink, it is still noble and upright, without any trace of shame.

Black lotus blossoms bloom in the sky.

A woman as cold as ice came standing on tiptoes and barefoot.

With every step she took, a black lotus bloomed on the tip of her toe, gently holding it up, unstained by the red dust and mud.

Wearing a black lotus dress, it is extremely eye-catching.

Among the flowers, there are bright purples and reds. Only the black flowers make people look at them.

Zhuo Bufan raised his head with difficulty and slowly looked up from the pair of jade feet.

Finally I saw that familiar face.

What's even worse is that the other party was among the thousands of people and saw him at first sight.

Just because I looked at you one more time in the crowd!

"It's over!"

This chapter was a bit difficult to write, so I wrote several versions, and finally decided to meet Fengya in this way.

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