Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 326 This is God's will [Second update, please subscribe]

Zhuo Bufan had no idea how to face Fengya.

His relationship with Fengya was also very strange.

They had been together once, but Bai Su wiped it out. He still didn't know whether he and Fengya had been together.

Zhuo Bufan had originally promised Fengya that he would return to the Talisman Temple after the trip to the Blood Wasteland, practice with her, and become a Taoist couple.

However, an accident happened in the Blood Wasteland Desert, and he and Bai Su became Taoist couples.

Moreover, they practiced the Yin-Yang Hedao Sutra together, which was an unbreakable bond.

As a result, Zhuo Bufan was a little embarrassed when he saw Fengya again.

"How could she be from Nong Yue Tower?"

Zhuo Bufan was puzzled.

He didn't dare to look at Fengya any more, and turned around to escape.

As a result, at this moment, Fengya suddenly jumped up from the stage, flew up, and pounced directly on Zhuo Bufan.

At that moment, everyone's eyes were focused on Fengya, who soared into the air and fell with black lotus flowers.

Zhuo Bufan didn't see Feng Ya rushing over, because he just turned around.

As a result, just when he took the first step.

Suddenly, he felt that he was hugged, like a ball of cotton, hugging him from behind.

"Where are you going, heartless man?"

The familiar teasing voice came to his ears, and Zhuo Bufan's body froze in place.

"My husband is here, Sister Su, I give up the contest for the courtesan."

Before Zhuo Bufan and everyone present could come to their senses, Feng Ya twisted Zhuo Bufan and flew directly out of Nong Yue Tower.

Everyone looked at Hei Lian Feng Ya, twisting a big man and flying away in the air, and they were all shocked.

"Who was that just now?"

"Husband, did Feng Ya say that man was her husband?"

"Who is that man? When did Feng Ya have a husband?"

"No! My Mo Lian, my Mo Lian."

Feng Ya left with Zhuo Bufan, leaving only a group of crazy men, howling like ghosts and wolves.

The goddess in their minds flew away.

Even Liming was confused.

He didn't expect that the little person he brought with him was actually familiar with the famous Mo Lian Fengya in Nong Yue Tower.

And judging from the relationship, it was not simple.


However, the most confused one was obviously Zhuo Bufan.

He didn't expect Fengya to be more and more direct, saying that Zhuo Bufan was her husband in front of so many people.

Finally, Fengya twisted Zhuo Bufan and fell to the top floor of a high tower.

The top floor was less than ten square meters. Although it was very narrow, no one disturbed him.

Then she put Zhuo Bufan down.

From beginning to end, Zhuo Bufan did not resist, just like a little chicken, without any resistance.

"Unfaithful man, you are finally back."

Fengya looked at Zhuo Bufan with a shy face and said.

"Oh, what a sin!"

Zhuo Bufan supported his forehead.

"How did you know I was in Nong Yue Tower?"

Feng Ya ignored Zhuo Bufan's worries. Although they had only met once, they had made a lifelong commitment.

Unlike Bai Su, Feng Ya was very direct and straightforward.

Zhuo Bufan shook his head.

"I really didn't know you were in Nong Yue Tower. It was just a coincidence."

If Zhuo Bufan knew Feng Ya was in Nong Yue Tower, he would never come to this ghost place.

He couldn't avoid Feng Ya now.

When he saw her, he would think of that beautiful scene in his mind.

The strange thing is that because Zhuo Bufan and Bai Su practiced the Yin-Yang He Dao Sutra, he had a soul and could only be moved by Bai Su.

After seeing a beauty like Su Yao, he felt bored.

However, after seeing Feng Ya again, Zhuo Bufan was moved.

"Do you believe in God's will?"

Feng Ya suddenly asked Zhuo Bufan this question, which made Zhuo Bufan stunned.

"God's will?"

"Yes, God's will made me meet you in the Blood Desert. God's will made you come to Nong Yue Tower to meet me again."

"There is God's will in the dark!"

"I had given up hope on you, but God's will made you appear in front of me again. God's will, this is God's will."

"God's will made us reunite!"

Feng Ya said eight God's wills in a row, which made Zhuo Bufan really feel that there was a kind of God's will driving it.

This is no longer a simple coincidence, after all, the Temple City is so big.

Zhuo Bufan came to Nong Yue Tower without any purpose.

But just by coincidence, he met Feng Ya again.

"Haha, maybe, if God's will really exists, maybe this is God's will."

Zhuo Bufan smiled faintly.

If this is really God's will, why did God's will make him meet Feng Ya again?

Is Feng Ya the most suitable Taoist partner for him?

"But why did God let him and Feng Ya miss the chance to become Taoist couples?"

"They were already practicing together, but God let Bai Su come in halfway and cut off the fate that had already happened."

"And then let Zhuo Bufan and his little enemy Bai Su become friends?"

If this is God's will, then this will is too fucking nonsense.

"I believe that everything in this world is arranged by God."

Feng Ya lay on the fence, propped up her head and smiled.

This black lotus exudes a different style, which is fascinating.

Afterwards, Feng Ya turned around and looked at Zhuo Bufan with her charming eyes.

"You can keep your promise, return to the Talisman Temple, and renew our relationship."

"Then, I am willing to believe in this fate. Little man, become my Taoist partner!"

Feng Ya suddenly stretched out her finger, hooked Zhuo Bufan's chin, teasing Zhuo Bufan's nerves.

Zhuo Bufan closed his eyes silently, and finally couldn't avoid this fate.

"Do you still remember what you said to me in the Blood Desert? Wait until you return to the temple and practice dual cultivation with me."

Evil fate!

Zhuo Bufan shouted in his heart.

"Now, it's time for you to fulfill your promise."

Feng Ya hooked Zhuo Bufan's chin, staring at Zhuo Bufan's lips. Pearly teeth couldn't help biting her sexy lower lip.

"I'm sorry!"

Zhuo Bufan finally said those three words.

"Miss Feng Ya, I can't renew our relationship with you. I already have a Taoist partner."

There is nothing to be afraid of, at most, you can die to apologize.

If you don't make a decision, you will suffer the consequences.

Zhuo Bufan is a man who keeps his promises, but this time, he couldn't keep this promise.

Fengya froze in place when she heard it.

For a moment, the evening wind was strong, blowing the ink-like hair of the black beauty in front of her.

Under the bright moonlight, Fengya's hair flickered with cool light.

Then, Fengya dropped the jade finger that was hooked on Zhuo Bufan's chin.

"Who is she?"

To Zhuo Bufan's surprise, Fengya seemed very calm, as if she had not suffered much of a blow.

Of course, this is no wonder, Zhuo Bufan and her don't actually have a deep relationship.

They don't even know each other very well.

Facing Fengya's question, Zhuo Bufan shook his head and didn't answer.

Bai Su told him that it was a secret, and Bai Su didn't want others to know about it, and Zhuo Bufan wouldn't let others know about it either.

Who could have imagined that two enemies who were fighting to the death would actually become Taoist partners, which is not the biggest joke in the world.

They didn't want to become the laughing stock of the world, so both sides kept this secret.

Seeing Zhuo Bufan hesitate to speak, and finally answer resolutely.

Feng Ya bit her lip hard, and finally turned her head away and snorted.

"Forget it! Anyway, I have reached the Great Unleaked, and I don't need any bullshit dual cultivation."

"You unfaithful man, I will punish you a little, just stay in this tower!"

After Feng Ya finished speaking, she suddenly waved her long sleeves, and a black lotus grew from Zhuo Bufan's feet.

Then the huge petals quickly closed, forming a huge flower bud, directly trapping Zhuo Bufan in the black lotus.

"Just reflect on yourself in here, it really pissed me off."

After Feng Ya finished speaking, she kicked the water lily hard, and then left the tower.

Only a huge black lotus was left on the top floor of the tower.

And Zhuo Bufan trapped in the lotus.


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