Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 327 Return to Yunmeng [Third update, please subscribe]

Faced with Feng Ya's anger, Zhuo Bufan chose to accept it completely.

Fortunately, Feng Ya did not react excessively and just trapped him.

Zhuo Bufan was also very honest and never thought of trying to break the Black Lotus.

He listened to Feng Ya's words and honestly reflected inside.

He really needs to reflect on the fact that some promises cannot be made casually.

"Hey, forget it! I happen to have nowhere to stay, so just stay here for a few days!"

"I haven't been to Yunmeng Realm for a long time. I don't know the guys in Yunmeng Realm. Do you still remember the legends I left behind?"

Zhuo Bufan sat quietly in the black lotus, then his soul left his body and went to Yunmeng Realm.

Since being chased by Bai Su, Zhuo Bufan has no intention of going to Yunmeng Realm.

The last time he went to Yunmeng Realm, he followed his teacher Zu Jiuling.

So the soul altar where Zhuo Bufan came to Yunmeng Realm happened to be the camp occupied by Zu Jiuling, "Longevity without Borders".

Arriving at Yunmeng Realm, Zhuo Bufan immediately opened the Soul Book and checked his basic situation.

Soul Code: Code of Life and Death

Cultivation: Yuanshen realm

Level: Level 50

Soul power: 1,291,283,750 points

Soul power required to advance: 4,987,788 points

Zhuo Bufan took a look at his soul cultivation level, which was at level 50 of the Yuan Shen Realm.

If I look at my soul power again, I will choke you!

Zhuo Bufan himself was stunned.

He has actually accumulated nearly 1.3 billion soul power.

While he was away from Yunmeng Realm, more and more monks joined the soul altar under his name.

These monks belong to Zhuo Bufan and contribute part of their soul power to him every day.

In other words, Zhuo Bufan's soul power was entirely contributed by his subordinates.

He doesn't need to go around plundering soul altars or robbing resources.

Nowadays, there are more than 2,600 soul altars under Zhuo Bufan's name, and his disciples have exceeded 5 million. He can earn nearly 30 million soul power every day.

During his absence for more than a month, he could still gain more than 30 million soul power every day.

His soul power has exploded.

"First raise your cultivation level to the peak of the Yuanshen realm."

Zhuo Bufan began to consume the soul power he gained and continuously upgraded his level.

Fifty-one, fifty-two, fifty-three, fifty-four... Fifty-eight, fifty-nine!

Zhuo Bufan's soul cultivation level began to grow slowly.

Every time he climbed a level, a ray of light reaching into the sky was released from him.

That light penetrates the sky and the earth and can be seen by everyone within a hundred miles.

Many people were stunned when they saw this scene.

"Wow! What's going on? Someone has been promoted to nine levels in a row?"

"Who is so powerful? Go and see!"

"It's so crazy. Upgrading to nine levels in a row is a wonder!"

Many people flew towards the direction of the light.

After Zhuo Bufan improved his soul's cultivation, he still had nearly 800 million soul power left.

After all, level 59 is the highest limit that Zhuo Bufan can reach now.

Only when he reaches the next level of possession can he continue to upgrade.

But the remaining 800 million soul power is not useless. Zhuo Bufan looked at his natal soul weapon, the Sword of Life and Death.

The natal Horcrux: Sword of Life and Death

Horcrux Level: Level 70

Soul power consumption: two million points

Required for Horcrux advancement: 22,225,700 points

Zhuo Bufan didn't think much and used all the remaining soul power to upgrade the level of the Life and Death Sword.

In the end, he reached level eighty in one breath.

Almost all of the 800 million soul power was used up, and his sword of life and death was upgraded to ten levels.

The eighty-level life and death sword, according to the ability of the life and death sword, can instantly kill all soul cultivators who are equal to or less than eighty level.

In other words, Zhuo Bufan is now in the Yunmeng Realm and can instantly kill all beings below the Sixth Level.

This is no longer awesome, but awesome to the point of explosion!

However, as the level increases, Zhuo Bufan's Life and Death Sword now consumes 10 million soul power each time it is used.

According to what he said, he could get 30 million soul power in one day.

In other words, he can only use the instant kill skill at most three times a day.

Although it can only be used three times a day, it is awesome enough.

After all, there are very few people in Yunmeng Realm whose cultivation level is higher than level 80.

Perhaps only the leaders of some sects have such a high level of cultivation.

After improving his self-cultivation and the level of the Life and Death Sword, Zhuo Bufan still had 40 million soul power left.

Then he tidied up his outfit and changed into white clothes and a white cloak.

For some reason, he suddenly preferred white now.

The equipment has been upgraded and the luggage has been packed.

Zhuo Bufan left the soul altar.

By the time the curious people arrived, Zhuo Bufan had already disappeared.

"I wonder if the teacher is here."

The person Zhuo Bufan should be grateful the most is definitely Zu Jiuling.

If Zu Jiuling hadn't taught him the Soul Awareness Talisman, Zhuo Bufan wouldn't have prospered in the Blood Desert, let alone the recognition of Donghuang Zhong.

Zhuo Bufan came to the beach house and found that Zu Jiuling was not there.

So a note was left.

Then, Zhuo Bufan returned to the "Longevity and Boundless" soul altar and found that many people gathered around the soul altar.

"Hey, did you see the rainbow light released by this soul altar just now?"

"Of course I saw it, that's why I came here. That's the light released by improving the soul power level."

"Just now someone improved his soul cultivation nine times in a row, and then improved the level of his life soul weapon ten times in a row."

"He must be a great person, but he seems to have left."

These people talked around the "Longevity" soul altar.

"If I guess correctly, it must be a great man."

"It is very likely that the great men who went to the Blood Desert to adventure have returned. Yunmeng Realm has become lively again in the past few days."

"That's right. Before the appearance of the Blood Desert, most people went there to seek opportunities. Yunmeng Realm has become much quieter."

"Now that the Blood Desert has thousands of dragons buried their heads, Yunmeng Realm will return to being lively."

Because of the opportunity of thousands of dragons raising their heads in the Blood Desert, almost everyone in the world went to the Blood Desert to seek opportunities.

In this way, Yunmeng Realm will naturally be much quieter.

After all, on the way to treasure hunting, every second counts, who would come to Yunmeng Realm to be free and easy?

Now the remains of the Blood Desert are buried under the red sand again, and the monks who went there for adventures have begun to return.

These people began to return to Yunmeng Realm, and they kept improving their spiritual cultivation.

"This time, the blood desert has been full of dragons, and it is really lively."

"The great geniuses are competing with each other. Even the real people went there in person to seek opportunities."

"Speaking of which, this time the blood desert has caused a lot of disputes! And there are several major events that will shake the world."

"What major events?" someone asked.

"You don't know this? The first major event is that the little venerable of the talisman temple took away the Qing Emperor's relic, the Donghuang Bell!"

As soon as these words came out, the whole audience was in an uproar. Zhuo Bufan stood behind the crowd and smiled awkwardly.

It seems that the news that he took away the Donghuang Bell has spread all over the world.

This is the headache of Yunmeng Realm.

Any secret is no longer a secret here.

All it takes is a small "world loudspeaker" - let the world hear it.

Then Zhuo Bufan had a headache!

I also had a headache! I will continue to update later

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