Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 328 Meeting Lu Fei Again [Fourth update, please subscribe]

The dragons of the Blood Desert raised their heads, and several world-shaking events occurred.

The first event: The Venerable Man seized the bell!

Zhuo Bufan, the Little Venerable Man of the Talisman Temple, seized the Donghuang Bell, the relic of the Green Emperor!

This Donghuang Bell belongs to the Donghuang Family, and everyone in the world knows it.

It is precisely because it has a great origin that many people only dare to look at it and dare not seize this artifact at all.

However, Zhuo Bufan did something that everyone in the world wanted to do, and took away the Donghuang Bell.

This matter has been a hot topic in the Yunmeng Realm.

There are many voices of praise.

They are all praising Zhuo Bufan for being able to take the Donghuang Bell despite the world's disapproval.

What's more amazing is that he was able to seize this artifact even when he was being hunted by the White King Bai Su, which is simply amazing.

Many people think that the Little Venerable Man Zhuo Bufan is a truly extraordinary person as his name suggests.

However, more people are criticizing Zhuo Bufan for not knowing how to live or die and overestimating his own abilities.

They were criticizing Zhuo Bufan, saying that he did whatever he wanted with the support of the Talisman Temple.

First he offended the Northern Emperor, and then he offended the Demon Lord. He was simply courting death.

This time, I believe that even the Talisman Temple can't protect him!

Many people even bluntly asked the Talisman Temple to give up Zhuo Bufan, so as not to invite trouble.

Others said that the Demon Lord Donghuang Taiyi was already on his way to the Talisman Temple, and soon the Talisman Temple would cause a shocking change.

Many people began to go to the Talisman Temple to see the excitement.

Zhuo Bufan is worthy of being the protagonist, and he once again stirred up the world.

Last time, the Talisman Temple issued a hunting order for him, which attracted people from all over the world to go out for the reward.

This time, he courted death himself, and attracted people from all over the world to watch the excitement.

In addition to the matter of the little venerable taking the bell.

The second thing: the birth of Qinghou.

Qinghou is a bronze dragon fed by Qingdi with his blood and soul. This creature was originally suppressed in Qingxian Palace.

However, the rise of ten thousand dragons this time may have alarmed him.

This creature suddenly appeared and began to ravage the earth.

Qinghou's combat power is equivalent to that of a prehistoric beast, and even real people can't do anything to it.

Wherever it goes, lives are destroyed and blood flows like a river.

Many people began to seek help in Yunmeng Realm, hoping that a master would take action to subdue this creature.

Now some people have begun to organize combat forces and prepare to subdue Qinghou.

This Qinghou is a great relic of Qingdi, which makes many people jealous.

And the third thing: Bai Su got the sword.

Bai Su, the former Bai Wang of Tianwu League!

He became famous for hunting Zhuo Bufan. He became a world enemy for a while.

But no one expected that such a world enemy, while hunting Zhuo Bufan, actually took away Baidi's relic, Baidi Sword!

Baidi Sword is extraordinary, second only to Donghuang Bell.

But it is different from the Donghuang Bell.

Because of the existence of the demon lord Donghuang Taiyi, the people of the world are jealous of the Donghuang Bell, but they dare not take it.

However, the Baidi Sword is already an ownerless thing. Everyone in the world wants it.

Now that the Baidi Sword has fallen into Bai Su's hands, she is naturally hunted down by the whole world again.

For a time, the team chasing Bai Su is getting bigger and bigger.

However, for some reason, after the trip to the Blood Desert, Bai Su's cultivation level was directly upgraded from the Great Unleaked Golden Pill to the Realm of Seeing the Truth.

She became a Little Immortal at the same level as the pride of heaven Xuanyuan Hao.

With the cultivation level of the Little Immortal, plus the artifact Baidi Sword in hand, Bai Su can now be said to be able to kill gods and Buddhas. Even the real people are not taken seriously.

However, compared to Zhuo Bufan, whose enemy is only the demon lord, Bai Su's enemy is the whole world.

No matter how powerful she is, she is just one person.

Facing thousands of troops and endless pursuit, Bai Su will have a harder time in the future.

When Zhuo Bufan learned of this news, his soul trembled inexplicably.

Poor woman, she has never stopped since she got entangled with him.

It is these three things that have caused a sensation in the world.

Each thing has attracted the attention of the whole world.

Of course, the most attention is still Zhuo Bufan and Donghuang Bell.

Zhuo Bufan's extraordinary bell is not as easy to obtain as he imagined.

Of course, in addition to these three things, some information is also spread in Yunmeng Realm.

For example, the mysterious boy Gao Yangxu won the Seven Killings Monument of the Red Emperor.

There is also the Tianjiao Xuanyuan Hao, who communicated with the soul of the Green Emperor and obtained the lower volume of the Green Immortal Book.

And the prehistoric beasts under the Blood Desert seem to be ready to move.


In short, almost 80% of the people have gained from the trip to the Blood Desert.

It is worthy of being an opportunity for the people of the world, and those who did not go have regretted it.

Zhuo Bufan, who returned to Yunmeng Realm, began to collect various information about Bai Su.

In the end, it was discovered that Bai Su is now in the Eastern Xiuxian Realm, being hunted everywhere.

However, it seems that the people of the Ancient Temple have begun to intervene and help Bai Su escape the heavy pursuit.

The Ancient Temple even invited Bai Su to seek asylum in the Ancient Temple, but Bai Su refused.

She was aimless, hiding here and there, and no one knew what she was going to do.

After getting this information, Zhuo Bufan felt inexplicably sad.

He wanted to help Bai Su, but he didn't know what he should do to help her.

After all, everyone in the world now thinks that the two of them are mortal enemies.

Moreover, Bai Su certainly doesn't want to accept Zhuo Bufan's help.

She has clearly said that they don't owe each other anything and will never see each other again.

"No, you can't do nothing. Zhuo Bufan, are you still a man?"

After thinking about it, Zhuo Bufan felt that he needed to do something.

The enemy he faced was only one demon lord, but Bai Su faced people from all over the world who were chasing him.

She felt even more uncomfortable than herself.

After deciding to help Bai Su, Zhuo Bufan opened the Soul Code and took out a sound-transmitting snail from the Soul Code.

Then Zhuo Bufan contacted someone he had never contacted before - Lu Fei!

Lu Fei, a younger brother who once worshiped Zhuo Bufan as his eldest brother in front of everyone in the world.

Zhuo Bufan only had a relationship with him.

Later, when Zhuo Bufan was being persecuted by the Tianwu League, Lu Fei had been gathering knowledgeable people in Yunmeng Realm to fight against Zhuo Bufan and specifically seek trouble for the Tianwu League.

After learning that Zhuo Bufan had taken away the Donghuang Bell, he even gave his full support and promised that he would advance and retreat together with his eldest brother.

Face the Demon Lord Donghuang Taiyi together!

Zhuo Bufan will keep this feeling and meaning in mind.

"Damn it, this bastard from the Tianwu Alliance really spared no effort to kill me! He actually sent a heavenly king."

At this moment, in a virgin forest at the southern end of Yunmeng Realm, a young man wearing green clothes and a high ponytail was running around avoiding the pursuers.

Less than five hundred meters behind him, a group of pursuers riding forest wolves were chasing him.

Among them was a man wearing golden armor, riding a pair of tigers and wolves, chasing his prey with great interest.

"Let him run again. I like the feeling of the prey dying."

"Yes, King Jin!"

After the golden-armored man finished speaking, everyone stopped chasing and allowed the young man to continue running away.

"It's really over this time, damn, luckily it's in Yunmeng Realm."

The young man felt that he might not be able to escape.

At this moment, his sound-transmitting snail suddenly reacted.

"Who is coming to see me at this time?"

He opened the soul code, took out the sound transmission conch, and answered.

"Who is it? I'm busy now! I'll let you know if there's anything else I can do."

He yelled angrily. He was being hunted now and had no time to listen to the message.

As a result, a long-lost familiar voice came from the other end of the transmission.

"what are you doing?"

The moment he heard the voice, the young man was stunned for a moment.

Then he shouted wildly: "Boss, is that you, boss?"

This ecstatic young man is exactly the Lu Fei Zhuo Bufan is looking for.

Lu Fei was extremely surprised when he heard Zhuo Bufan's voice.

"Very busy?" Zhuo Bufan asked simply.

"Fortunately, boss, he is being chased by those bastards from the Tianwu Alliance, but it doesn't matter, we are all used to it."

"Chasing? Where are you? I'll be there right away?"

Zhuo Bufan asked quickly.

"Boss, you, you..."

Lu Fei was so moved that he cried repeatedly.

"Stop talking nonsense, where are you? I just happened to have something to do with you."

After being shouted at by Zhuo Bufan, Lu Fei stopped hesitating and immediately informed Zhuo Bufan of his location.

Upon hearing this, Zhuo Bufan teleported towards the nearest soul altar in Lu Fei's direction without saying a word.

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