Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 329: Instant Kill of King Jin [Fifth update, additional update 8 for the leader

After learning that his boss Zhuo Bufan was coming soon, Lu Fei finally gained confidence.

He turned around and looked at the pursuers behind him and the Golden King riding a two-headed wolf.

King Jin is one of the eight kings of Tianwu.

He was ordered to eradicate all the forces secretly supporting Zhuo Bufan, mainly the crazy disciples headed by Lu Fei.

This so-called crazy sect was established by Lu Fei in the name of Zhuo Bufan, specifically to recruit knowledgeable people to pursue Zhuo Bufan and attack the Tianwu Alliance.

The Tianwu Alliance had aroused public anger before. Not only the Kuang Sect, but also everyone in the world was attacking the Tianwu Alliance.

For a time, no one from the Tianwu Alliance dared to appear in the Yunmeng Realm.

Later, after the turmoil calmed down, the only ones left to attack the Tianwu Alliance were their Kuang Clan.

The Kuang Clan is alone and weak, so the Tianwu Alliance is naturally no longer afraid.

Ever since, the people from the Tianwu Alliance began to wipe out the Kuangmen. And Lu Fei is the key target of elimination.

After being hunted to this point, Lu Fei was at the end of his rope.

Although Yunmengjie will not really die after his death, his soul cannot recover within three or two months.

Seeing that he could no longer outrun these guys on mounts, Lu Fei simply stopped.

He knew that the other party deliberately made him run and wanted to see his dying struggle.

"Hey, boy, why did you stop?"

The golden king wearing golden armor rode a two-headed tiger and wolf and walked up to Lu Fei.

After Lu Fei heard this, he laughed and said.

"I won't run away anymore. If you have the guts, don't run away either. My boss is on his way here. When he gets here, he will kill you all without leaving any trace behind."

Lu Fei originally thought that if he released Zhuo Bufan's name, the other party would definitely give up.

After all, everyone in the world now knows that his boss, Lu Fei, is the Little Master, the Little Master of the Talisman Temple. Who dares to touch him?

However, after hearing this, the golden king felt happy and smiled excitedly.

"Your boss, that brat, is he coming?"

"That's right. It's still too late to get out of here. He is the young master of the Talisman Temple. Do you dare to touch him?"

Lu Fei knew that Zhuo Bufan's backstage was very tough, so he dared to be so unscrupulous.

But the Golden King had no intention of retreating even a little bit.

"Hahahaha, great, really great. You can't find anything after trying to break through the iron shoes! Good luck. When he comes, I will take care of you two guys together."

Looking at King Jin's proud and ferocious smile, Lu Fei frowned.

"You, what do you mean? Do you dare to attack the Lord of the Talisman Temple? Aren't you afraid of the Talisman Temple's revenge?"

"Revenge? Hahaha, you kid still think your boss is the young master of the Talisman Temple?"

"That kid took away the Donghuang Bell, and now the Talisman Temple is already discussing whether to cancel his status as a respected person."

"Do you still think that the Talisman Temple will come to protect him?"

"That kid brought it upon himself and provoked our Tianwu Alliance and the Southern Demon Realm at the same time. He can't protect himself now, do you think he can protect you?"

"Well done, let me, the Tianwu Alliance, take care of that reckless thing first. Let him know that anyone who offends our Tianwu Alliance will not end well."

The Golden King of the Tianwu Alliance laughed wildly and was looking forward to Zhuo Bufan's arrival.

When Lu Fei heard this, he screamed in his heart that something was wrong.

"No, the boss can't come."

He did not expect that the other party was not afraid of Xiao Zunren's identity at all. This was something he did not expect.

"No, we can't let the boss come."

Lu Fei naturally couldn't put his boss in danger, so he quickly picked up the sound-transmitting snail and prepared to stop Zhuo Bufan's arrival.

However, as soon as he picked up the sound-transmitting snail, a golden arrow flew past him and exploded the sound-transmitting snail in his hand.

"Want to send a message? It's too late. Hang him up for me."

As soon as the Golden King finished speaking, a group of Tianwu League disciples rushed forward and threw Lu Fei to the ground.

Then they tied him up into a rice dumpling and hung him upside down on a tree.

"Old Jinwu, put me down. If you dare to attack my elder brother, I will never let you go."

Lu Fei, who was hung upside down, did not forget to speak nonsense about the golden king.

Anyway, the Yunmeng Realm will not really die, the green mountains will not dare to be green and the water will flow forever. Thirty years will be to the east of the river and thirty years will be to the west.

Today he admitted defeat, but he must not harm Zhuo Bufan.

"Damn it, you crazy dogs of the Tianwu Alliance, one day I will definitely crush your Tianwu Alliance."

"Kill me now if you dare, kill me!"

Lu Fei yelled at the golden king.

However, the golden king was indifferent and instead chuckled.

"You brat, do you want to die so much? Are you afraid that you won't be able to face your boss?"

"You led him here so that I can kill him with my own hands, Lord Jin. Grandpa is so grateful to you!"

"Don't worry, I'll kill grandpa and then I'll take care of you slowly."

"Before that, just watch carefully, grandpa, how I deal with your so-called boss!"

"Grandpa wants him to kneel and bark in front of me like a dog."

"Ha ha ha ha!"

The golden king smiled very proudly.

Everyone in the Tianwu Alliance hated that little venerable person to the core.

Now that Zhuo Bufan was about to fall into his hands, he was naturally extremely excited.

This is a moment worth remembering.

"Old Jinwu, you are a thief, you will pay for what you have done. If you dare to touch a hair of my boss, I will definitely kill you."

At this moment, Lu Fei was angry, angry and regretful.

He was the one who harmed Zhuo Bufan. He thought that Zhuo Bufan's identity could suppress these people.

But he never thought that his self-righteousness might lead to a disaster for Zhuo Bufan.

"Boss, you must not come!"

Lu Fei was screaming in his heart, trying to convey this feeling to Zhuo Bufan.

At this time, the scouts from the Tianwu Alliance came back to report.

"King Jin, someone is coming from the north."

"Hahaha, you're here? Well done, you're here to die."

The golden king laughed heartily.

When Lu Fei heard this, he quickly shouted: "Boss, there is a trap, run quickly..."

He shouted at the top of his lungs, but of course Zhuo Bufan couldn't hear him.

"I'm coming!"

A group of people raised their heads and saw a Pegasus flying towards their direction in the sky above the dense forest.

"Get ready, catch something alive for me."

The Golden King became serious. After all, Zhuo Bufan's cunning was obvious to all.

A man who can play tricks on the Tianwu Alliance must take it lightly.

"Sunhunting Bow, come out!"

The Golden King summoned the Soul Code!

Hua Hua Hua Hua!

The soul code was opened, and a golden bow and arrow appeared in his hand. It was his natal soul weapon, the sun-hunting bow.

Then, the golden king pulled the bow string, and a golden burning arrow condensed on the bow string.

Hoo ho ho ho!

The burning arrow was blazing with fire and frighteningly powerful.

The golden king drew his bowstring and pointed it at the moving Pegasus in the sky.

"Come on, come on, grandpa, I'll kill two birds with one stone for you. I'll kill both the man and the horse at the same time!"

"Boss, run!" Lu Fei was still shouting.

At this moment, the golden king suddenly frowned.

"Hey, where is the person?"

The Pegasus flew over the dense forest, but there was no human figure on the horse's back.

call out!

At this moment, a black sword light suddenly shot out from behind the Golden King.


The next second, the black death sword pierced through the back of the golden king. A huge hole exploded on the ground in front of the Golden King.

The golden king suddenly opened his mouth, widened his eyes, and his pupils shrank.

He didn't even have a chance to look back at the murderer.


It instantly turned into a ball of ashes!

King Jin was killed instantly!

"Golden King!"

"Golden King!"

His men looked at the Golden King disappearing into the sky in disbelief.

As a result, at this time, three soul beasts of over sixty levels fell from the sky.

A level 63 thorn tiger, a level 65 ice soul frost wolf, and a level 69 eight-headed serpent.

Three spirit beasts above level 60 jumped into the battle circle, and it was an extremely miserable massacre!

"Silly man, I'm worried that I can't find anyone! You're dressed in gold, aren't you going to be a target for me?"

At this moment, a man in white clothes fell from the sky.

"Boss, boss!"

Lu Fei, who was hanging on the tree, shouted excitedly after seeing the falling figure.

Zhuo Bufan is here!

That’s it for tonight! Will continue tomorrow, please subscribe and reward! Goodnight everybody!

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