Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 330 Extraordinary Mission【, please subscribe】

He instantly killed the Golden King of the Tianwu Alliance and killed all the disciples of the Tianwu Alliance in one fell swoop.

Zhuo Bufan made a brilliant appearance again, and took on new hatred with the Tianwu Alliance.

Speaking of which, after being instantly killed by Zhuo Bufan, the golden king's soul disappeared into the Yunmeng Realm.

A roar came from his training room.

"Who? Who attacked me secretly? Who is it?"

The disciples on the side were then killed, dragging their weak souls back to reality, and tremblingly replied to the Golden King.

"Jin, King Jin, is that little venerable man. He plotted against you."

"What? Damn it, ahhh!"

When the Golden King heard this, he became furious and smacked out his palm, turning the disciple next to him into a pool of blood.

When the other disciples saw this, their hairs stood on end and they were extremely frightened.

"Damn it, this bastard, I must kill him, I must kill him."

This golden king originally planned to torture Zhuo Bufan to death, but he didn't expect that he would be killed instantly without even seeing Zhuo Bufan's face.

How could he swallow such a shame and humiliation?

Back in the Yunmeng Realm, after Zhuo Bufan killed a group of disciples of the Tianwu League, he rescued Lu Fei who was hanging upside down.

When Lu Fei saw the man in white in front of him, he almost knelt down in excitement.

"Don't be so excited. Get out of here first!"

Zhuo Bufan knew that this Lu Fei admired him inexplicably.

He, Zhuo Bufan, also has a little fanboy.

"Boss, is it really you? You were so handsome just now that you could even kill the Golden King of the Tianwu Alliance in an instant."

The strength displayed by Zhuo Bufan far exceeded Lu Fei's imagination.

After all, there are rumors from the outside that Xiao Zunren’s cultivation level is not high.

But Zhuo Bufan did kill the Golden King with a soul level of seventy-two in an instant.

Of course, it is mainly due to Zhuo Bufan's natal artifact, the Sword of Life and Death.

The Sword of Life and Death can instantly kill all soul cultivators whose level is lower than it, even though Zhuo Bufan's own cultivation level is only level 59.

"Let's not talk about it anymore. I'm here specifically to find you this time."

Zhuo Bufan told his purpose.

Lu Fei asked in surprise after hearing this.

"Boss is looking for me? Do you have any orders? Just order me. We crazy disciples will follow the boss to the death."

"Crazy family?" Zhuo Bufan was stunned for a moment.

"Oh, it's the sect I established in your name, boss. Those who join the sect are like-minded comrades who are willing to follow the boss."

"Now our Kuang Sect has more than 10,000 people, spread all over the world. We also have special soul altars."

When Zhuo Bufan heard this, he couldn't help but marvel.

He didn't expect that this little fanboy was not just obsessed with him.

"Hahaha, good job, this will make it easier. I need you to do something with your crazy family."

As soon as these words came out, Lu Fei shouted quickly.

"Boss, it's not my Kuang Sect, it's your Kuang Sect. You are the leader of the Kuang Sect."

"My little brother is just helping you organize and build your power."

Zhuo Bufan didn't expect Lu Fei to be so serious. He was stunned for a moment and then said.

"Okay, my Kuang Sect. Now the sect leader has appointed you, Lu Fei, to be the deputy sect leader, grand elder and chief deacon of my Kuang Sect."

"From now on, you will be the commander-in-chief of all the affairs of our Kuang Sect, no matter how big or small. And you only need to obey the orders of my sect leader!"

"As the deputy leader of my Kuang Sect, you will face pursuits from various sects. Do you dare to respond?"

Since Lu Fei is so serious, Zhuo Bufan can't just take it for granted.

As soon as Lu Fei heard Zhuo Bufan's order.

He was so moved that tears filled his eyes, and he immediately knelt down before Zhuo Bufan. He cupped his hands into fists and kowtowed.

"Thank you, Master."

The naming ceremony ended simply, and Zhuo Bufan once again pulled Lu Fei up from the ground.

"Okay, work hard from now on! Now let me ask you, where is your body?"

When Lu Fei heard this, he wiped his tears and said.

"Back to boss, I am now in Luohai City in the Western Continent. Where are you, boss? I will look for you."

"Me? I'm in Temple City."

Zhuo Bufan replied.

"Let's not talk about it for now. I have something I want you to do for me."

"Boss, please give me your instructions."

Seeing Lu Fei being so active, Zhuo Bufan was no longer polite.

"I need you to help me check. What are the forces that are chasing Bai Wang Bai Su? Where are these forces located in the Yunmeng Realm?"

"Can this task be accomplished?"

Zhuo Bufan thought about it and decided to help Bai Su.

If he couldn't help openly, he could only help secretly.

When Lu Fei heard this, he was stunned for a moment.

"Boss, why are you going after that woman? Isn't she chasing you?"

When asked by Lu Fei, Zhuo Bufan didn't know how to explain.

"There is some misunderstanding between me and her. You don't need to ask anything else. Can you accomplish this task?"

"Yes, no problem. Boss, give me a day, and I will summon the brothers from Kuangmen to help you find it right away."

Lu Fei replied.

"No, the fewer people who know about this matter, the better. You'd better choose a few trustworthy brothers to help me investigate this matter."

"Don't worry, boss. This is the first time you have asked me to do something. I will definitely do it beautifully for you."

"Well, I'll leave this matter to you."

"When this matter is over, I will thank you and the brothers properly, go ahead!"

Lu Fei didn't ask any more questions, he just wanted to follow Zhuo Bufan without any thought.

After Zhuo Bufan's order, he immediately began to investigate the forces that were chasing Bai Su and their main altar locations in Yunmeng.

At the same time, Zhuo Bufan was also collecting relevant intelligence.

He could not do much for Bai Su, but could relieve the pressure of the chase on her.


Unknowingly, a day passed.

Since the little venerable was taken away by Feng Ya of Nong Yue Tower, he has never been seen again.

This made Ni Min, who was responsible for watching Zhuo Bufan, very anxious.

His task was to keep an eye on Zhuo Bufan and not let him run into the temple.

However, no one knew where he was now.

This matter was of great importance, and Ni Min had to report to Su Yao, the deputy owner of Nong Yue Tower.

After Su Yao learned of Zhuo Bufan's identity, she quickly took Ni Min to find Feng Ya.

As a result, Feng Ya refused to say anything.

"That unfaithful man was killed by me, go to your little venerable, get out."

Feng Ya was still sulking.

However, after hearing what she meant, Su Yao assured Ni Min that Zhuo Bufan was fine and would be released when Feng Ya's anger subsided.

Ni Min thought it was good.

The little master was locked up, so at least he would not think about entering the temple.

Zhuo Bufan was locked up on the top of a tower in Nong Yue Tower, and no one found him.

He was investigating the information about Bai Su in Yunmeng Realm.

Two days later, the little fanboy Lu Fei finally responded.

"Boss, the task you assigned is completed!


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