Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 339: The Cosmic Spell [Fifth update, additional update 9 for the leader

Petrification Talisman, this is the new talisman that Zhuo Bufan is going to announce this time.

It is a talisman related to the power of time.

It can be said that the discovery of this talisman is of epoch-making significance for the development of the Talisman Temple.

That is why the Soul Awareness Venerable Zu Jiuling was amazed that Zhuo Bufan's discovery was no less than the light wave.

"Petrification Talisman? He really discovered a new talisman?"

"No way, this kid, is he really a talisman genius?"

"Petrification Talisman, what kind of talisman is that? How come I have never heard of it? I really want to see it."

The venerables commented one after another.

Including Lan Miaoren, it was unbelievable at this moment.

She didn't expect that Zhuo Bufan had a new discovery so soon.

Maybe he is really a genius?

"Next, let me show you what the petrification talisman is."

It's time to start demonstrating the new talisman.

For a moment, everyone held their breath, widened their eyes, and watched Zhuo Bufan's movements very carefully.

Zhuo Bufan flipped his right hand, and a blood-thirsty butterfly flew out from the black bone ring.

The blood-thirsty butterfly landed on Zhuo Bufan's finger, slightly flapping its blood-red wings.


Suddenly, Zhuo Bufan shouted softly, and the blood-thirsty butterfly stiffened instantly.

The wings stopped vibrating, and the whole body began to lose its blood-red color.

Instead, a gray stone skin began to wrap him up.

Finally, it completely turned into a petrified butterfly.

Everyone widened their eyes and was stunned.

Petrification, this phenomenon they had never seen before, this is a brand new talisman.

"Oh! Petrification talisman, what category does it belong to?"

"I don't know, but it's definitely not a light talisman. Isn't this little venerable a light and shadow venerable? Does he involve other types of talismans besides light talismans?"

"Not simple, really not simple! In less than a year, he actually discovered two talismans in succession?"

The shock of the venerables is self-evident.

Zhuo Bufan showed a talent that was beyond reach.

Even the deputy hall master Lou beside him was surprised and delighted.

"This is the petrification spell I found."

"If you don't mind me wasting time, I can tell you about the discovery and research of the petrification spell."

After Zhuo Bufan finished his demonstration, he unpetrified the bloodthirsty butterfly and put it back into the black bone ring.

Then he picked up the stack of research reports and said in front of nearly a hundred people in front of him.

Zhuo Bufan wanted to explain the research report on the new spell in person. This is a rare opportunity. Who would refuse it?

Even Lou Gai walked under the podium, found a seat and sat down, listening to Zhuo Bufan's explanation and performance.

Seeing that everyone was looking forward to it, Zhuo Bufan's mouth curled up slightly.

This was exactly the scene he wanted to see.

He stood on the podium like a teacher, speaking freely and expressing his own opinions and insights.

"Everyone, we talisman masters are explorers of the truth of the world."

"Our mission is to explore the truth of things, find the truth behind the phenomenon, open the door to truth, and obtain the truth talisman."

"I don't know what the sighing wall is, because I have never encountered it since I studied talismans."

When Zhuo Bufan said that he had never encountered the sighing wall, the esteemed people in the audience were all amazed.

"You haven't encountered the sighing wall? Impossible, talisman masters will encounter the sighing wall. Every time they are about to get close to the truth, a wall will appear. Just a little bit, every time they are just a little bit away from finding the talisman."

"That's right, it took me a full 120 years to break my Shenyin talisman. It was because of the sighing wall. If it weren't for the sighing wall, I wouldn't have stayed there for 120 years."

"This little guy said he had never encountered the sighing wall. How is that possible?"

The sighing wall is called the wall of sighs.

When talisman masters get close to the truth, it will appear to prevent them from opening the door to the truth.

However, Zhuo Bufan has never encountered the sighing wall, which is a fact.

He was able to successfully open the door of truth and get the talisman every time.

"Let's not consider the matter of the sigh wall for now. Now I want to share with you the discovery of the new talisman 'petrification'."

"Speaking of petrification, I believe everyone knows something called amber."

"Amber is a smelting material that our talisman masters are very familiar with. Do you know how amber is formed at that time?"

Zhuo Bufan was like a university professor, asking his students.

At this time, the deputy hall master of Lou Gai Lou under the stage took out a palm-sized amber stone from the ring.

The people around observed the amber and began to study the sentence Zhuo Bufan just said.

How is amber formed?

"Isn't this an ordinary stone?" said a respectable person.

The people next to him nodded quickly and expressed their agreement.

Zhuo Bufan smiled, then stretched out his hand to Lou Gai below and said.

"Lou Lao, do you mind if I show you the amber in your hand?"

Lou Gai did not refuse and handed the amber to Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan took the amber and began to explain.

"Everyone, this piece of amber in my hand is extremely hard, harder than ordinary stone."

"But I can tell you responsibly that it is not a stone."

"It was actually just a ball of pine resin millions or even tens of millions of years ago."

"Pine resin?"

A group of people frowned.

They all showed an expression of disbelief. They always thought that amber was stone.

They never associated it with soft pine resin.

"What I want to tell you is that the process from soft pine resin to indestructible amber is petrification!"

"Not only amber, but also the skeletons of fierce beasts tens of millions of years ago, fossil trees, etc!"

"These fossils accumulated over the years are the power of petrification."

"I can tell you responsibly that this spell is absolutely beyond your current field."

"Because the principle of this spell is closely related to the cosmic spell."

Petrification is a process of accumulation over the years. Fossils are substances that can only be formed after at least millions of years of accumulation.

So this spell is related to time.

"If we follow the eight categories of the talisman temple, the petrified spell may be included in the cosmic spell."

The cosmic spell made everyone look extremely shocked.

The Universe Talisman is only a legendary talisman.

The Universe Temple of the Talisman Temple is the only temple without a temple master.

Because no one in the world today has mastered the power of the Universe Talisman.

However, the Universe Talisman exists.

Because the founder of the Talisman Temple was the first man to master the Universe Talisman.

He discovered the greatest talisman of the Talisman Temple - "Universe Light".

The "Universe Light" talisman can make people rejuvenate and can also make a sapling grow into a towering tree in an instant.

This is the first and only Universe Talisman discovered so far.

Its existence proves the existence of the Universe Talisman.

However, since that man, no one has mastered this talisman.

But the existence of the Universe Talisman is the most glorious history of the Talisman Temple and cannot be erased.

So although the Universe Temple has no temple master, it has always existed, waiting for its master to come.

And now, when Zhuo Bufan said that his petrification talisman could be regarded as the Universe Talisman, the whole audience was silent.

The Cosmic Spell, that is a kind of spell power that no one dares to imagine.

I don't know how many people doubt its existence.

Does the legendary Cosmic Spell really exist?

Zhuo Bufan's petrification spell may prove that the legendary Cosmic Spell really exists!


That's all for today, and I'll continue tomorrow. The plot of this volume is actually more difficult to write than the previous one. I need to look up some information for some knowledge. There will definitely be a lot of jokes. Try not to make common sense mistakes, please feel free to complain!

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