Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 340 Final Verdict [First update, please subscribe]

Zhuo Bufan classified the petrified spell he found as the Universe Spell!

In fact, after carefully studying the petrified spell, the venerables did find that this spell was not inferior to any other classification.

The only possible one was the Universe Spell.

Has the second Universe Spell appeared in history?

The sensation caused by this incident in the Great Hall was no less than the topic of the venerables announced by Lou Gai before.

Next, it was Zhuo Bufan's performance time.

He told the venerables present the contents of his report in detail.

All the venerables present basically understood how the petrified spell was discovered and how it was understood after Zhuo Bufan explained it once.

"Genius, this boy is really a genius."

"Such a genius is simply the luck of my talisman world!"

"First he discovered the light wave, and then he discovered the Universe Spell. I have a feeling that maybe this venerable meeting can really break the sighing wall."

The venerables all looked fascinated, looking at Zhuo Bufan who was speaking on the stage.

When Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, everyone in the audience stood up and applauded enthusiastically.

For a moment, the applause was thunderous, and Zhuo Bufan seemed to have successfully completed a large-scale speech and was praised by everyone.

Finally, even Lou Gai walked to the front of the stage, bowed slightly to Zhuo Bufan, and then said.

"You are the pride of my Talisman Temple!"

Pride, these two simple words have expressed Lou Gai's affirmation of Zhuo Bufan's value.

Zhuo Bufan handed the report in his hand to Lou Gai, and then said.

"Mr. Lou, this is troublesome."

After Lou Gai took the report, he nodded repeatedly.

"Don't worry, with your report, I believe the temple will make the most correct decision immediately. Just wait for good news here!"

Lou Gai heard a very wonderful speech today.

Petrified Talisman, Zhuo Bufan once again discovered a petrified talisman that was enough to shock the world.

Watching Lou Gai leave excitedly, Zhuo Bufan smiled faintly.

"Good boy, you did a good job."

Once again, the whole audience applauded.

After today, the venerables in the Venerable House began to look at Zhuo Bufan with new eyes.

Wherever Zhuo Bufan went, he seemed to become the focus of heated discussion.


After Lou Gai returned to the temple, he handed over the petrified talisman found by Zhuo Bufan to the Grand Hall Master and the other hall masters of the six major temples present.

The Grand Hall Master of the Talisman Temple is also the Hall Master of the Yu Temple.

After hearing that Zhuo Bufan had discovered the petrified talisman, these hall masters were all amazed.

"No way? This kid really discovered a new talisman?"

A group of powerful hall masters began to study the report written by Zhuo Bufan.

"Zhou Fu Mantra, this kid claims that this kind of talisman should be classified as Zhou Fu Mantra?"

"Incredible, this kid is really a treasure!"

"Hahahaha, I told you guys, you guys have no idea how powerful this kid is. I believe that he is definitely someone who can break the sigh wall."

The Lord of the Light Temple, Lan Shi, absolutely supports Zhuo Bufan.

Only he understands how much significance the light wave theory discovered by Zhuo Bufan has for the development of talismans.

He believes that Zhuo Bufan can break the sigh wall. So Zhuo Bufan must be saved no matter what.

In addition to the Lord of Light, there is also the Lord of Soul Temple and the Lord of Yu Temple, who is also the Lord of the Hall. These three people all agree to save Zhuo Bufan.

The other four Lords, the Lord of Power, the Lord of Fire, the Lord of Thunder, and the Lord of Sound. They all oppose it.

Originally, it was four to three, and there was no need to consider it.

It's just that the Lord of the Hall is in support, and he alone has two votes.

That's why the two sides have been deadlocked for so long and have been unable to make a decision.

However, now that Zhuo Bufan has discovered the petrification spell, he has fully demonstrated his unlimited value potential.

These hall masters did not deliberately target Zhuo Bufan. After seeing the petrification spell that Zhuo Bufan discovered.

For a time, the opposing hall masters changed their positions one after another.

Everything they did was for the development of the Talisman Temple.

If Zhuo Bufan is really someone who can promote the development of the talisman, then he must be protected no matter what.

"Did he really discover this petrification spell?"

But at this moment, the hall master who originally supported Zhuo Bufan suddenly frowned and asked.

The hall master, Yu Zun, the man who mastered the space spell.

He has long hair like mercury, pouring down like a waterfall. He is wearing a dark gray robe, and his body is densely covered with a mysterious aura.

His face does not look old, but he has two deeper nasolabial lines than Lou Gai.

His eyes are dark gray, full of majesty and domineering.

Facing the sudden questioning of the hall master, Lou Gai was stunned for a moment.

Then he nodded repeatedly and said, "Yes, he did discover this spell. I saw it with my own eyes."

After getting Lou Gai's affirmation, the Grand Hall Master frowned even more.

Light Lord Lan Shi noticed the Grand Hall Master's unusual expression and reaction, so he quickly said.

"Everyone, do you still need to consider it now? Express your opinions quickly!"

"I still say the same thing, I firmly believe that this young man can change the future of the spell world."

"The Demon Lord hasn't come yet. If our temple takes the initiative to give up on him at this time, what will it mean? Aren't you afraid of being ridiculed by the world?"

"He is the chosen one of our temples, and now he has discovered a brand new spell. If this kind of spell genius is abandoned, aren't you afraid that other masters will be disappointed?"

"What is the first rule of our Talisman Temple? Anyone who offends our master will be punished no matter how far away he is."

"That's all I have to say. Everyone, make your decision! Please raise your hands if you support keeping the little master."

The Light Palace Master raised his right hand without saying anything.

The Hunzun on the side followed closely and expressed his support.

The other four Palace Masters were indeed moved by the Light Palace Master's words.

Then, Lizun raised his hand. Then, Huozun also expressed his agreement. Yinzun was silent for a moment, then raised his hand.

Finally, everyone looked at Leizun.

Leizun is worthy of being Leizun. He has a face like a thunder god and looks very cold and domineering.

His short white hair makes him look extremely capable and serious.

He folded his hands and closed his eyes to rest, as if he didn't hear what Guangzun said.

After a moment of silence, he just replied indifferently.

"I reserve my opinion. This little venerable is too good at making trouble. He is a disaster and cannot be kept."

This Thunder Venerable did not affirm Zhuo Bufan because of the value he showed, and still expressed his opposition.

"What an old stubborn man." Lan Shi, the master of the Light Hall, snorted coldly.

Then, everyone looked at the master of the Great Hall, Yu Zun.

However, this time, the master of the Great Hall did not directly support Zhuo Bufan.

He just said indifferently: "The votes in support have reached five votes. The minority obeys the majority!"

After that, he stood up and left the meeting hall.

Finally, this arbitration meeting, which had been held for more than half a month, ended here.

Looking at the back of the master of the Great Hall leaving, Lan Shi, the master of the Light, frowned slightly.


A new day begins!

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