Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 341 Huang Tianbang [Second update, please subscribe]

Talisman Temple has made the final decision to protect Zhuo Bufan at all costs.

Zhuo Bufan’s hard work has finally paid off!

Afterwards, the temple sent someone to Zunrenfang to make an announcement.

Three days later, all the venerables will formally enter the temple for a ten-year venerable meeting.

The topic of this Zunren meeting is light waves and spiritual waves, and the main purpose is to break through the wall of sighs.

After entering the temple, contact with the outside world will be severed.

So the temple gave them three days to deal with some complicated matters.

On this day, Zhuo Bufan was going to leave Zunrenfang to get some fresh air.

As soon as he arrived at the door, he found that there were people standing outside.

Among them were dozens of women wearing uniform blue dresses.

They stood neatly, as if waiting for the door of Zunrenfang to open.

When Zhuo Bufan opened the Zunren Square, he was shocked by the scene in front of him.

"Are they all here to welcome me?"

Zhuo Bufan thought so.

He knew he was popular, but he didn't expect it to be this popular.

As a result, just when Zhuo Bufan was feeling self-righteous, the girls opened their voices, swayed their bodies, and started singing in unison.

There are high mountains waiting for flowing water

There is a sea waiting for the wind and waves

There is a sky waiting for the stars

There is a wonderful person who is unforgettable

This is a love song, full of affection, expressing the love of a couple after they meet.

Although Zhuo Bufan didn't think it was very pleasant to hear, everyone around him was fascinated by it.

A group of people sang affectionately, like a spring breeze.

At the end of the song, they all even took out the bouquets hidden behind them and started swaying from side to side.

Zhuo Bufan was completely confused when he saw this scene.

What's happening here?

Not to mention that Zhuo Bufan didn't understand, the guards at Zunrenfang also looked confused.

Just when everyone was looking around blankly.

Suddenly a passage opened in the center of the crowd.

Immediately afterwards, a man wearing a yellow gown with flying hair walked out holding a bouquet of golden chrysanthemums.

There is a beauty here, I will never forget you when I see her!

Not seeing you for a day makes me miss you like crazy!

The song speaks to me and expresses my love!

The beauty I love the most is me, Huang Lang!

The man sang the unfamiliar love song tone-deafly.

Finally, he knelt on one knee in front of the gate of Zunrenfang.

He picked up the bouquet of chrysanthemums and raised it high towards the gate of Zunrenfang.

At this moment, there was only one person standing at the gate of Zunrenfang, and that was Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan stared blankly at the man kneeling in front of him.

"Huang Haotian?"

Zhuo Bufan shouted.

This person is none other than Zhuo Bufan's classmate in Huoyun City, Huang Haotian.

If he hadn't seen his dazzling golden eyes, Zhuo Bufan would have almost forgotten about this famous figure.

Huang Haotian is a strange man. He boasts that he can control thousands of girls every day, but he falls in love with Lan Miaoren at first sight.

When he was at the Fuyun City Talisman Castle, he began to pursue Lan Miaoren.

Zhuo Bufan even once said that if he could conquer Lan Miaoren, he would call him brother.

I didn't expect that this guy would chase him from Huoyun City to the Talisman Temple and cause such a big battle.

"Hey, Lao Zhuo, isn't this Lao Zhuo? Why are you here?"

At this time, Huang Haotian also saw Zhuo Bufan.

"Am I weird here?" Zhuo Bufan said speechlessly.

After all, he is also a famous young master in Talisman Temple. Is there such a fuss?

"Lao Zhuo, just be here. Do me a favor and call Xiao Lanlan out."

"Me? It's useless if I call, she won't come with me."

Zhuo Bufan said.

He knew very well who Lan Miaoren was.

Zhuo Bufan would never take the initiative to provoke that woman.

He still remembers the pain of the torture chamber that day.

"Looks like I'll just have to break in."

After Huang Haotian finished speaking, he stood up and prepared to break into Zunrenfang.

When the guards saw this, they immediately faced each other with swords.

"You little minions dare to block my way. Get out of my way."

Huang Haotian was about to take action when Zhuo Bufan rushed down and grabbed his wrist.

"Hey, are you tired of making trouble here?"

"That's not how you chase girls."

Zhuo Bufan grabbed Huang Haotian's hand, and then signaled the guards on his left and right to put down their swords.

"There is no one who chases a girl and gives her anus. If it were me, you would be cold."

"Don't hang around here. The issue of respecting people was announced two days ago. She should be preparing a report on the issue in her room now."

"Even if you howl at the top of your lungs, she won't come out and look at you."

When Zhuo Bufan came out, he passed by the door of Lan Miaoren's room and found that the door was closed. He must have been studying the topic.

"I see, then it's up to you. That's it for today."

"You and I haven't seen each other for a long time. Let's go and buy you a drink."

Huang Haotian then threw the chrysanthemum in his hand behind him, causing a group of girls to rush for it.

"Butterfly, take their rewards. Young Master, I will accompany Brother Zhuo to get drunk before resting."

Huang Haotian finished speaking to the butterfly girl behind him, then put his arms around Zhuo Bufan and walked away.

It turned out that these people were all extras he paid to hire.

Even the love song he sang was composed by a famous music master who paid a lot of money for it.

Zhuo Bufan couldn't appreciate the love song, of course, it could also be the result of Huang Haotian's tone-deafness.

The two came to the restaurant, found a private room, and sat cross-legged facing each other.

On the tatami in front of them, there was shochu, and the aroma of the wine filled the room.

"You are really determined. You chased from Huoyun City to the Talisman Temple."

Zhuo Bufan spoke first.

Huoyun City is thousands of miles away from the Talisman Temple.

I didn't expect Huang Haotian to run so far to pursue Lan Miaoren.

"Because I believe that those who have the will can achieve their goals. My little beauty will be moved by me sooner or later."

"Hahahaha, just for your shameless spirit, I think you will succeed."

What is the golden rule of chasing girls? That is shameless and persistent.

Huang Haotian has this quality, so he is naturally successful.

It's just that he met Lan Miaoren, who is arrogant by nature.

Unlike other girls, Lan Miaoren is a woman who is aloof and very persistent.

Now she is devoted to the study of spells and doesn't care about love at all.

"I remember you had an agreement with Lan Miaoren, right? As long as you defeat her, she will marry you."

"Yes, that's our one-year agreement. There are still a few months left, and I will conquer her."

Huang Haotian said.

"But in two days, all the venerables will enter the temple to start a ten-year research on the topic."

"I'm afraid your agreement will be invalidated."

Zhuo Bufan is also looking forward to this duel, after all, he also wants to see Lan Miaoren's soft side.

"Void? No one can void the agreement with this young master."

Huang Haotian picked up the wine glass and drank it all.

Just when he lowered his head, he saw the small bell hanging on Zhuo Bufan's chest.

A bright light flashed in his golden eyes.


I wish you all a happy New Year's Day in advance! Happy New Year! ! ! !

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