Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 342 The Door to Wonders [3rd update, please subscribe]

After briefly reminiscing with Huang Haotian, Zhuo Bufan returned to Zunrenfang!

Three days later, the door of the Talisman Temple opened on time.

The nobles stepped into the city gate one after another, and Zhuo Bufan stood out.

When the city gate was opened, many people exclaimed. The scenery inside the wall was simply breathtaking.

"Is this the Talisman Temple?"

Zhuo Bufan once saw the Talisman Temple in the air more than two hundred miles away.

Two hundred miles away, he could only vaguely see that the temple was a huge complex of buildings.

The main temple in the center is more than a thousand meters high, towering into the clouds.

Around him, there are eight halls of different shapes and colors, surrounding the central temple, which looks particularly sacred.

And when he walked in and took a closer look, he suddenly discovered that the Talisman Temple was taller than he had imagined.

The entire temple is like a small city. There is also a moat more than 100 meters wide around it.

On the moat, there are eight stone bridges laid flat on the water, like eight-clawed spiders crawling on the water.

Zhuo Bufan finally knew why all the Talisman Castles were shaped like this eight-clawed spider, because the Talisman Temple had this exaggerated shape.

The water covered bridges connect the eight temples.

The temple that Zhuo Bufan and the others faced was the most famous Temple of Light among the eight temples.

The overall shape of the Light Temple is in the form of a group of ivory and white towers.

The palace gives people a very dazzling feeling.

The person who opened the door to greet Zhuo Bufan and the others was Lou Gai, the deputy hall master of the Light Temple.

He took more than 500 apprentices from the Temple of Light and stood on both sides of the water corridor bridge to welcome the arrival of distinguished people like Zhuo Bufan.

In the huge Talisman Temple, it was obvious that there were more than just a few of them, the temple master and the deputy temple masters.

In addition to them, there are five hundred apprentices in each temple.

Although these people are apprentices, their skills in spells are not inferior to those of the lecturers in the spell castle outside.

Their talents are unique and are specially cultivated by the temple.

Many respected people were actually born from these apprentices.

"Wonderful man, wonderful man!"

Zhuo Bufan and the others walked across the water covered bridge, and suddenly Zhuo Bufan noticed an apprentice gently calling Lan Miaoren's name.

Zhuo Bufan looked back and found that Lan Miaoren had also noticed the man wearing a white gold robe.

"Brother Yu, long time no see."

Lan Miaoren even called the other party's name affectionately.

"Brother Yu?"

Zhuo Bufan took a careful look at the "Brother Yu". He was very handsome, plump and handsome, with a silver-white hair crown on his head.

After seeing Lan Miaoren coming over, Brother Yu was even more delighted with his smile.

"Sister Miaoren, congratulations, you have become a respected person. It is really amazing."

"That's right, Miss, you are simply the pride of our Temple of Light."

Other apprentices on the side also began to speak.

Lan Miaoren is Guangzun's granddaughter and grew up in this Guangzun Temple.

There are many people here who have watched her grow from a little girl into a graceful and beautiful girl.

When Lan Miaoren came back this time, he came back with the title of Reverend, so he aroused the blessings of some friends.

However, blessings are blessings, the way some people look at Lan Miaoren is completely unusual.

"Everyone, please stop standing here, brother Yu, let's go!"

Lan Miaoren actually took the initiative to hold the hand of "Brother Yu" and ran towards the Temple of Light.

Seeing this, Zhuo Bufan sighed.

"Hey, old Huang Alexander! When you look at other people, you look like your childhood sweetheart."

Zhuo Bufan felt sympathy for Huang Haotian.

Huang Haotian tried so hard to pursue Lan Miaoren, but he didn't know that Lan Miaoren had a little lover.

"Would you like to help Lao Huang?"

Zhuo Bufan suddenly had such an idea.

But then he quickly shook his head and said.

"Hey, my feelings are a mess, and they remain messy if I don't keep sorting them out. I'd better worry more about myself!"

Zhuo Bufan is very self-aware.

His current relationship is completely in a mess, his relationship with Bai Su is unclear, and his relationship with Feng Ya is unclear.

Looking at Lan Miaoren and "Brother Yu" leaving, Zhuo Bufan shrugged.

"Let them be!"

Zhuo Bufan came to the Talisman Temple this time for the purpose of respecting people and promoting the development of the Talisman world, not for the sake of love between his children.

Afterwards, all of them, led by Lou Gai, passed through the Light Temple and arrived at an Amber Hall in the Central Temple.

Before entering the Amber Palace, Zhuo Bufan was already deeply shocked by this magnificent palace.

Oval-shaped ambers are inlaid on two pillars with four people hugging each other outside the Amber Hall.

These ambers are crystal clear, dazzling and eye-catching.

And there was a huge red carpet spread on the white jade steps at the feet.

This was Zhuo Bufan's first time walking on the red carpet in his life, and his feet felt soft.

Walking on it, Zhuo Bufan felt that he was shining brightly, very charming and starry.

Walking up the stairs, there is a golden door more than ten meters high in front of you.

On the gate, there are carvings of the sun, moon and stars, mountains, rivers, lakes and seas, flowers, birds, fish and insects, vegetation and animals!

"This door? Could it be..."

The moment Zhuo Bufan saw this door, he was startled.

"This is a replica of the Wonderful Door. You should have seen it before."

Zu Jiuling on the side explained to Zhuo Bufan.

"The Door of Wonders?" Zhuo Bufan was stunned, "Is it the door you saw when you comprehended the spell?"

"Yes, we call that door the Door of Wonders."

Zhuo Bufan was amazed by Zu Jiuling's words.

He had never known what that door was, but he didn't expect it to be called the Door of Wonders.

It was this door, the golden door deep in their souls.

Behind this door was a golden ocean, with countless spells, countless mysteries and truths.

This is the door that every spell master dreams of opening. .

The Temple of the Spell imitated this door and built this Amber Temple.

The venerables standing in front of this door seemed extremely small for a moment.

But Lou Gai walked to the door, then reached out and touched a piece of amber on the door, and shouted.

"Mysterious, the Door of Wonders, open!"

As soon as the voice fell!


Boom boom boom boom!

The huge door in front of them made a thunderous sound.

Then, the door opened with a bang. From the gap between the doors, a dazzling golden light was projected.

All the venerables must have avoided the shining of the golden light.

This scene was very similar to the scene they saw when they comprehended the spell.

When the door of all wonders in the depths of the soul opened, golden light radiated from behind the door, making people dare not look directly at the holy light.

"Mysterious, the door of all wonders! The world of spells is really wonderful!"

Zhuo Bufan looked at the door of all wonders slowly opening, and a faint smile appeared on his face.


I went out for a trip in the afternoon, and the update continues!

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